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My own font?1!?! - GIF on Imgur. Gramatica | Libros Libres & Gratuitos. Descripción: Palabras de bits, palabras de tinta es la reencarnación en forma de libro de escritos que llevan circulando por la Red desde hace un par de años como parte de mi Blog de Lengua Española. Los materiales que aquí se presentan abarcan el primer año de publicación, desde agosto de 2007 hasta julio de 2008.

Si ahora me he decidido a recopilarlos en un nuevo formato es, sobre todo, porque Internet llega lejos, pero tampoco llega —ni tiene por qué hacerlo— a todas partes… No se trata de si es mejor el papel o el electrón, la tinta o el bit. Lo importante es que hoy como ayer hay personas que se preguntan cuál es el origen de las palabras, que se devanan los sesos tratando de descifrar las sutilezas de la gramática o que se pueden pasar una hora (o una mañana) estudiando con tal de formular una frase con precisión.

Cambian los soportes, se mudan los tiempos, pero permanecen la fascinación por la lengua y el afán de aprender. Online Charts Builder. Hohli Online Charts Builder New version: Try new version of Charts Builder, it based on new Google Charts API Load From Image URL: Chart Data can't equal to original, but very similar to it. Only for images on Chart Type: 3D Pie charts Lines Bar charts Pie charts For Pie Charts with labels choose 1000x300 or 800x375 size Venn diagrams Scatter plots Radar charts Chart Size: 320x240 Horizontal 1000x300 800x375 600x500 320x240 Vertical 300x1000 375x800 500x600 240x320 Square 546x546 400x400 300x300 200x200 Chart Ads: Data: Should be consists only positive numbers, use minus one (-1) for missing value, separated by coma, space or semi(,; ), e.g.: 23, 432, 456, 341 For Lines (pairs): Input data as x-axis and y-axis coordinates, e.g.: x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3 Title: Use a pipe character (|) to force a line break in title.

Background: Chart is ready you can save it as image Right click on the chart Select "Save image as" Save the image to your computer © 2011 Charts Builder. Developed by Anton Shevchuk. How to Make Information Graphics and Data Visualizations. Information graphics and data visualizations are two of the latest online trends. There are sites dedicated to it, volumes of books detailing the process of it, and visualization tools for just about everything, everywhere you look: Social media, Your resume, Your money. There are a ton of tools out there, but what does it take to pull off a successful visualization? And what exactly is the difference between information graphics and data visualizations? That’s right, they’re not the same thing! Information Graphics vs.

Data Visualizations An information graphic generally deals with answering and analyzing knowledge, whereas a data visualization is typically a more complex examination of a set of statistics. In either case, there is a question or set of questions that need to be answered. The Seven Steps of Visualizing Data Once you’ve got the differences straight, it is time to dig in. To summarize, his seven steps are: Tips, tricks and resources to make your own gorgeous infographics. Infographics (or Information Graphics) are graphic visual representations of data or information, presented in a way to make it easier to consume information. Infographics gained popularity in the mid-2000′s with the advent of sites like Digg and Reddit, and have quickly become one of the most popular methods to display researched data.

There are three main types of infographics – where data is presented in a timeline, where statistical data is presented in graphs or with icons, or where data is presented on a map. In order to create an infographic which will be widely shared, think about your typography, colours, and layout. Make it easy for people to understand the information that’s being provided. You can also get very creative with how you display your information, and do something completely unconventional. Infographics are among the most popular modern methods of sharing information with an audience.

There are a few automated ways you can create your own infographics.


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