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Catalog Management

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Catalog Organizer Deluxe - easily and quickly create catalogs. Flexible Catalog Publishing Software for Managing and Publishing your Catalogue. Import Data from Practically Any Source.

Flexible Catalog Publishing Software for Managing and Publishing your Catalogue

Catalog Software - Online Product Catalog, Print Catalog Software, Product Information Management. Catalog Genie FREE from Database Publishing Software and Shared Content Solutions. Catalog Genie® is a FREE download.

Catalog Genie FREE from Database Publishing Software and Shared Content Solutions

What this means is that you can download and use Catalog Genie free of charge in applications of up to 5,000 discrete items or SKU's. If your application fits within these parameters or you'd just like to evaluate Content Genie, please click here or on the "Downloads" button at left. If your application requires support for more than 5,000 items, click here for additional information.

Catalog Genie Catalog Genie is a complete software solution that gives users the ability to quickly and easily design and generate highly customized catalogs. Product Benefits Data Management You can maintain all your product information including graphics and text files in Catalog Genie. Features Built-in Database Management System Catalog Genie uses Microsoft® Access as its database and has its own data management capabilities. Supporting Larger Applications. Catalogue Management System and Software.

Adjust: Nicht-proportionale Formatadaption. Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht.Automatisierte Layoutanpassung von InDesign-Dokumenten mit priint:adjust Jeder, der sich mit Print Publishing beschäftigt, kennt diese richtig fiese Situation: Das Format der InDesign-Dokumente muss nachträglich geändert werden – doch das Seitenverhältnis ändert sich nicht proportional mit.

adjust: Nicht-proportionale Formatadaption

Solche Fälle treten etwa bei der Größenanpassung von Anzeigen auf, beim Etikettendruck oder bei der Erstellung von Instore-Materialien. Wo bislang mühsam Taschenrechner und Lineal zum Einsatz kamen, bieten wir eine einfachere Lösung: priint:adjust ist ein InDesign-PlugIn, mit dem grafisch auf einfache Art und Weise Regeln für die Größenadaption hinterlegt werden können. Die Anwendung dieser Regeln kann über den InDesign-Arbeitsplatz oder über den InDesign-Server erfolgen. Mit Tablet Publishing stellt sich die oben beschriebene Aufgabenstellung völlig neu. Logiciel SolidCatalogue. Web2print catalog publishing. EasyCatalog Overview. Ideal for time-critical publications, EasyCatalog can dramatically speed up page make-up time and ensure your documents remain error free.

EasyCatalog Overview

Trusted by thousands of users in over thirty countries across six continents, EasyCatalog has quickly established itself as one of the most powerful and flexible database publishing solutions for Adobe InDesign. The source of your data can be something as simple as a file or, via an optional module, an ODBC database or XML file. If you've invested time and money developing a database, why not utilize it to the fullest extent by producing your print catalogs directly from it? It's not just catalogs EasyCatalog can produce - brochures, price lists, or directories can all be effortlessly generated.

EasyCatalog also offers powerful ways to get your data onto the document - templates can be designed that specify how a record should appear when it is placed on the page. Don't fancy learning a programming language? Trial version available for download! Automated publishing and variable data printing in PDF, PostScript, XPS, RTF, XHTML, and more. Wolfram Publicon: Technical Publishing Made Easy. SolidPepper, pimentez vos idées. Catalogue interactif, e-brochure, flip book. Découvrez la solution technologique la plus performante sur le web ! Interactive catalogue, e-brochure. Gestion des données marketing en multicanal. MVS - Micro Vidéo Soft Web Site. Leaflet - The professional solution for cross-media database publishing on Demand.

Enterprise Marketing Suite. EmCatalog » Em Software. Connect your documents to your data and forget manual updating What if you could have a software robot to flawlessly synchronize your documents’ contents with your data in one click?

EmCatalog » Em Software

What if you could stop worrying about product prices and descriptions in your documents being up to date with your database or spreadsheet, and vice versa? What if you could synchronize everything (in either direction) in a matter of seconds or minutes? What if you could drag in pre-fab modules from a library, fill in one key, and have the rest of the module fleshed out for you? Plaquette Eltitec. Database publishing at it's best. Our DocScape software helps you to publish documents 100% automatically, while guaranteeing an accurate translation of your corporate design guidelines.

database publishing at it's best

DocScape performs the job of a media designer without requiring manual intervention in the publishing process. The contents to be published (texts, images, technical data etc.) are incorporated into the publication as data. DocScape’s rule-based approach supports an automated layout design. DocScape was awarded the Innovation Prize 2007 and 2008 ITK by the Initiative for Medium-Sized Businesses, which is presented to companies who have developed products, services and solutions with great benefit for medium-sized companies.

DocScape’s rule-based approach has clear advantages over the traditional template-based approach, which we will illustrate as part of a case study. Is there anything else you would like to know about DocScape? DocScape - print automation at it's best. DataLinker - Making connections with Adobe InDesign. Compilsoft : Logiciels de mise en page automatique et de gestion de contenu. Catalogue Exchange The only trade group for print and online catalogue marketers, Catalogue Exchange CatEx. Catalfa®, site marchand et catalogues produits, service web ecommerce en martinique. Systems - Products. Cacidi Extreme Suite is the most advanced and yet easy to use standard software available for automating graphic design.

Systems - Products

Whether you produce catalogs, brochures, pricelists, business cards or other single or multipage documents containing text, image and barcode content, with the obvious advantage of avoiding tedious and repetitive tasks like copy pasting and local formatting text, manually importing and scaling images and barcodes as well as updating content for future productions, Cacidi Extreme Suite is the tool of choice for businesses with a demand for optimizing time and budget in their graphic production flow. Cacidi Extreme Suite is developed exclusively for Adobe InDesign®, the professionals layout application, and extends it's manual feature-set to high efficiency automated production. Cacidi Extreme offers four different production methods of choice, allowing any type of job the most suitable production flow. The production methods included with Cacidi Extreme Suite are: BEEBUZZINESS. Logiciel de mise en page catalogue automatique - SAAS - Compilsoft.