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4. Intermission: Cheetahs Running Mindblowingly Fast in Mindblowingly Slow Motion | Science on GOOD. 72dpi. Make Running Fun. Make Wall-Mounted Vases From Empty Wine Bottles. What’s the one thing you’re sure to have in ample supply after the various Christmas festivities and New Year’s Eve parties? Empty liquor bottles. Sure, you could send them on their way to the recycling station, but I’m a much bigger fan of giving old things new life through some simple DIY. Back in August we showed you 4 DIY ideas for empty wine bottles (which went on to be one of our most wildly popular posts of 2009), but today we’re adding one more idea to that list.

The project: Beautiful wall-mounted wine bottle vases. Does this DIY project look kind of similar to the stunning wine bottle tiki torch one? Well it should, it is an adaptation of it…but this one is dressed up a bit to be suitable for interior decor. Lindsay Landis and Taylor Hackbarth, the hubby and wife behind Purr Design came up with this idea – and hit a DIY home decor home run. How much will these wine bottle vases set you back? Here are the instructions and helpful info from Lindsay: How easy is that?! Jeffrey Yo. Dhammapada (9) - Evil. How Seinfeld's Productivity Secret Fixed My Procrastination Problem. The Birth of Altermodern. I received a crash course in postmodern thought during my first semester at Swarthmore College. In a lesson that was to be repeated throughout my undergraduate education, the professor opened the class by admonishing us to reject binary thinking. As the class was staring at her dumbfounded, she divided the chalkboard in two with a thick vertical line and asked us to name the dualisms that structure our world.

After she provided a few examples to get us started – male/female, white/black – we jumped into the game, calling out binaries one after another: rich/poor, smart/stupid, human/animal, cool/lame, skinny/fat … The game went on until the board was full and the air saturated with chalk dust. Pausing a moment, our comparative literature professor asked us if we noticed anything odd about the list we had constructed. The postmodern project of overcoming binary thought, however, is more difficult than it may appear.

Micah White, or micah (at) Dirt Poster. Dirt Poster is a Design and Graphic-Design work made by Roland Reiner Tiangco, a new graduate of a Design School, living in New York. While handling the poster, your hands starts to get dirty, and this dirt allows you to see what’s the poster is all about. Check out also the artist’s Website. Dirt Poster. My Collection of Funny Emails. Send funny emails to your friends! Reynolds Wrap has lock in taps to hold the roll in place The color on the bread tab indicates how fresh the bread is And those colors are in alphabetical order: b, g, r, w, y.

You can divide and store ground meat in a zip loc bag. Just break off how much you need and keep the rest in the freezer for later. If you place a wooden spoon over a pot of boiling water, it won't boil over. Marshmallows can cure a soar throat. Stuffing a dryer sheet in your back pocket will repel mosquitoes. You can freeze cupcake batter for later use. You can paint upholstery You can make your own laundry soap. . You can dye plastic buttons. You can run a paper bag through your printer. You can print directly onto fabric. A dry erase marker can be used on most desk tops. You can mail anything that will take a stamp and weighs less than 13ounces without a box? If you break your blender jar you can replace it with a mason jar. Cereal canisters make the perfect trashcan for your car. Intermission: The "Flashed Face Effect" Makes Normal People Look Monstrous | Science on GOOD. It's recommended that you watch this video twice.

The first time, do as you're instructed and don't take your eyes off the cross in the center. The second time, however, look directly at the faces flashing in quick succession on either side of the screen. If you're like most people, you'll notice that the women you thought had hideous deformities while looking at the center of the screen are actually completely normal looking. Researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia are calling this the "flashed face effect. " How it works is that your brain focuses in on the main differences in each juxtaposition, thereby augmenting that difference to grotesque proportions. "If someone has a large jaw, it looks almost ogre-like," write the scientists.

"If they have an especially large forehead, then it looks particularly bulbous. " The researchers say they don't yet know why the effect occurs, but they're attempting to find out now. What is Consciousness? James Hackett of Steelcase, on Authentic Leadership.