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Ressources. Stratégie Internet | Tous les articles | Stéphane Bouchez. Web Strategy. E-Marketing planning framework | Stéphane Bouchez. Le SOSTAC ® est un système de planification marketing qui a été développé par Paul R Smith dans les années 90, bien avant Internet. C’est un système simple mais efficace, qui permet, en quelques instants de comprendre toute la complexité un projet marketing. Il est maintenant utilisé à travers le monde: de Dell à IBM en passant par les plus petites structures & PME {*style:<b> L’idée, c’est d’utiliser l’outil SOSTAC au niveau Web.

</b>*}SOSTAC est l’acronyme de « Situation analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Action, Control » {*style:<b> </b>*} Chacune des étapes du Framework a été créée pour le marketing traditionnel, mais peut / pourrait totalement correspondre au e-marketing. En effectuant quelques recherches, je suis tombé sur plusieurs ressources intéressantes: voici ce qu’il en ressort. Diagnostic Interne Diagnostic Externe Analyse Swot Perception de la marque Situation de l’entreprise sur son marché sur Internet Composition et caractéristiques des visiteurs Réduction les coûts Engagement.

Six Digital Trends To Watch by Steve Rubel and David Armano. Mesurer l'efficacité de votre site web en 7 points. Etudier le comportement de vos visiteurs. Ca clique, ca clique pas. Mais pourquoi ? Quoi de plus important de comprendre la perception qu'ont vos visiteurs de votre site Web ? Pas grand chose en fait. L'analyse comportementale est une science indispensable. Eye-tracking Le Eye-tracking consiste à surveiller le regard physique des internautes. Du coup, les résultats restent perfectibles.

Pour autant, le eye-tracking reste utile pour l'étude des produits privés ou destinés à une faible audience. Mouse-tracking Plus simple, le mouse-tracking consiste à traquer l'activité de la souris. Le mouse-tracking est simple et peu onéreux. Sources : Clixpy, SEO by the Sea. Web Marketing Strategy Europe | Strategy. Web marketing strategy process / Plan : Scale first, monetize second - With every (venture backed) consumer web startup there is always the question of when to start thinking about monetization. If the monthly burn is modest, I usually suggest that startups focus on reaching scale first. It’s not because I don’t care about revenue or because I embrace “hope as a strategy” (which never works).

Rather it’s because: 1 - when your user base is small it really doesn’t matter if you can get advertising, digital goods, subscription revenue going. The base is so small the conversion will be even smaller. 2 - startups need to focus, especially in the the early stage. With limited resources, the company needs to focus on the product and the users. 3. the ultimate revenue model may surprise you. as the product develops and evolves and your community grows, the revenue model is likely to reveal itself in an entirely new way.

P.s.: Congrats to our portfolio company Tumblr for focusing on growth. Web Marketing Strategies: 7 Mistakes IP Lawyers Must Avoid Making Before Doing Anything To Attract More Clients. 3 Key Social Media and Web Marketing Strategies for 2011. Dec Filed Under Blogging, Business Networking, Facebook, LinkedIn, Networking and Marketing Strategy, News, Ning Sites, Privacy Issues, SPAM, Search Engines, Social Media and Social Networking Sites, Web Marketing, WordPress The social media and web marketing space is evolving, and we must therefore continually revise our social media and web marketing strategies and techniques. Here are several cases in point that affect social media and web marketing practice, especially for small business.

Good-Bye Facebook Open Networking For years, Facebook was an open social networking site that permitted members to befriend people whom they didn’t know despite mounting privacy concerns. However, in 2010, Facebook tightened its friending policies in order to combat phishing and spamming practices. It appears that Facebook now evaluates friend requests based on degrees of separation and profiles users who repeatedly go out-of-bounds, restricting their friending capabilities.

Hello Ning Open Networking. 3 More Key Social Media and Web Marketing Strategies for 2011. Jan Filed Under Blogging, Business Networking, Facebook, List Building, Networking and Marketing Strategy, Ning Sites, Search Engines, Social Media and Social Networking Sites, Twitter, Web Marketing 3 Key Social Media and Web Marketing Strategies for 2011 discussed the decline of open networking on Facebook, the revival of Ning networks and the continued relevance of websites and SEO in building your web presence. Here are several more social media marketing ideas for the new year that can be especially helpful for small business marketers and entrepreneurs. Bigger Long-Term SEO Objectives One of the most serious social media and web marketing mistakes I’ve ever made was choosing Online Social Networking as the name of this blog. I considered naming my blog Social Networking Sites but decided not to, because social networking sites seemed too competitive a keyword phrase for the newbie that I was.

Online social networking was a “reasonable” keyword term. Ning Network Groups. Web Marketing Blog UK | Web Marketing Blog Wiltshire | Web Marketing Blog Bristol | Brand New Way. "95% of business websites fail to deliver" I passionately believe that every business could benefit from having a website. However, I am concerned that 95% of business websites fail to deliver value to the business?

Is yours one of them? Just putting up a website, or opening a shop, or inventing a product, or launching a new service is no guarantee of success. How do you choose which web marketing strategies to invest in? There have never been so many ways to invest money on marketing and you don't have enough time, resources or money to try everything. Marketing ROI (Return On Investment) should be a key component of your overall web marketing strategy.

At this point if your eyes are beginning to glaze over, just think about it as getting more for less. Everyone can evaluate Marketing ROI now I have been evaluating Marketing ROI for over 15 years for some of Britain's biggest brands. However, for some people the data is scary and they often can't see the wood for the trees. Stratégie web pour les PME | Objectif Web. Sans aucun doute, la vie de couple “Web PME » n’est pas toujours comparable à un beau ciel bleu. En effet, beaucoup de PME sont bien présentes sur le web mais ont encore un peu de mal à rentabiliser leurs investissements ou à exploiter au maximum ce que le Web pourrait leur apporter. Comment devraient-elles s’y prendre ? Pourquoi beaucoup de sociétés ne sont-elles pas encore convaincues de ce que le web peut leur apporter ? Essayons d’analyser la situation et de proposer une démarche adaptée aux PME.

Etat des lieux en ce début 2011 Quelques chiffres clés D’après l’AWT, 61 % des PME ont un site web. L’AWT nous révèle d’autres chiffres intéressants : Il n’y a pas de gestion quotidienne sur le site. Pourquoi sommes-nous dans une telle situation ? De manière générale, les trois piliers du web (site, référencement, médias sociaux) sont mal abordés. Il y a peu de vulgarisation des concepts fondamentaux et il y a un sérieux manque de formations adaptées au PME. Quelle serait la bonne solution ?