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Fotografie aeree delle simmetriche spiagge italiane. Il fotografo tedesco Bernhard Lang, specializzato in fotografia aerea, ha realizzato una serie che ha come soggetto le spiagge e i litorali durante l’estate, mettendo in risalto la simmetria e la linearità delle installazioni e delle strutture balneari italiane. Scattate sulla costa adriatica, queste immagini ci offrono un punto di vista sulle nostre spiagge diverso dal solito. Tutti quegli ombrelloni raggruppati per colore danno un senso di precisione millimetrica e di scelte cromatiche ben studiate.

Le fotografie sono state in mostra fino allo scorso 26 agosto alla Galerie Liusa Wang, a Parigi. L’epoca Vittoriana a Londra in 35 fotografie e il suo primo video-footage. Londra all’epoca Vittoriana era assai lontana dall’immagine che abbiamo della capitale della Gran Bretagna al giorno d’oggi, ma i suoi monumenti più riconoscibili erano già presenti e visibili oltre 150 anni orsono.

Le fotografie della galleria sono state scattate nel 1877 da John Thompson, il primo fotografo di strada, che ci consentono di vedere la quotidianità attraverso le vie di Londra. Un set fotografico a Clapham Common Un asino a Clapham Common Due lavoratori su una barca sul Tamigi Un commerciante di bigiotteria per le strade Commerciante di Insegne Foto di gruppo a Whitechapel Un banco di commercio del pesce Un taxi di metà Ottocento Mush-Fakers e ginger-beers Le carrozze Nomadi di Londra Venditrici di fiori a Covent Garden Disinfestatori pubblici Il lustrascarpe bambino “Carey” the clown Una nonna e un bambino senzatetto I netturbini Black Jack Un autista di carrozze Il carrello con l’acqua Il cartello umano dell’800 Un vecchio negozio di abbigliamento, Seven Dials Musicisti di strada italiani. 25 creativi per 25 anni di Photoshop: Adobe celebra il 25°anniversario con un concorso per artisti emergenti. Time Travel Series. Time Travel est une série de la photographe Flora Borsi.

Elle s’est intégrée avec un appareil photo numérique et un smartphone dans une collection de vieilles photos en noir et blanc d’icônes telles que Marilyn Monroe, les Beatles et Andy Warhol. A travers des anachronismes, elle s’interroge sur comment aurait été cette époque si les fans avaient eu nos ressources technologiques. PHOTOGRAPHY. More We share a vision; to create, innovate and explore the world. That bridges the gap between Fine Art and Technology. Our Mission is to promote the Meamorphism art movement into educational communities. More Info. San Francisco, CA 94104 © 2001 by ArtPeople. All rights Reserved. Next Page Share. Barbican Art Gallery - Constructing Worlds: Photography and Architecture in the Modern Age. Stephen Shore, in describing his work, once spoke of ‘showing people what they were not seeing.’ In these deceptively simple words, we can find a rationale for photography’s status as an art form. Shore is just one of the 18 photographers whose work is on show at London’s Barbican as part of the "Constructing Worlds: Photography and Architecture in the Modern Age" exhibition.

The exhibition covers a wide range of styles and eras but it starts with two very big names: Berenice Abbott’s project "Changing New York" and Walker Evans’ iconic work for the Farm Security Administration. Abbott and Evans influenced a generation of photographers in the US and Europe who imitated their documentary style while also striving to emulate their talent for gesturing towards meanings that are never explicit but which reside quietly in depictions of the built world.

—Sean Sheehan Sean Sheehan is a freelance writer and the author of Jack's World, with photographs by Danny Gralton and Ciaran Watson. Le 24 meraviglie fotografiche del 2014. Rainy Cityscape Photography. Eduard Gordeev est un photographe talentueux basé à Saint-Pétersbourg. L’artiste capture des photos artistiques de paysages urbains sous la pluie. Les images obtenues sont atmosphériques et donne une un effet de peintures acryliques. Ces rues urbaines et leurs architectures totalement trempées paraissent mystérieuses.

Juxtaposing Video Game Screen Shots With Reality. Damien Hypolite fait des captures d’écran d’Assassin’s Creed, jeu vidéo prenant place durant la révolution de 1789 puis après les avoir imprimées, il les superpose sur des lieux et paysages qui correspondent. On découvre la comparaison réaliste d’une époque antérieure à la notre, entre fiction, Histoire et réalité. À découvrir en images. Lianzhou Foto - Lianzhou Foto Festival 2014. Staging Encounters: 10 Years of Chinese Photography Digital technologies and the internet have brought about earth shattering changes. Due to these technical revolutions, photography has already entered a post-media era. Because photography is highly reliant on technical developments, its post-media characteristics have made it an important narrative medium.

Even though most of us still follow in the footsteps of modernism—constantly pursuing the new and unique in contemporary photography, perhaps we should be more broad-minded. Perhaps we should slow down. Perhaps if we relax, we can look at art as a means and not an end. Over the last decade, the Lianzhou Foto Festival has brought attention to serious contemporary photography within the country, as well as providing a platform to showcase the range and vigor of what Chinese photographers are producing today. —LensCulture Editor's Note: The Lianzhou Foto Festival will run until December 22, 2014. Icon of New Topography movement Lewis Baltz dies at 69. “Construction Detail, East Wall, Xerox, 1821 Dyer Road, Santa Ana,” 1974 from “The new Industrial Parks near Irvine, California.”

Gelatin silver print. (Lewis Baltz/Courtesy Galerie Thomas Zander, Cologne) Photographer Lewis Baltz, whose seminal 1984 works “The New Industrial Parks,” “Nevada,” “San Quentin Point” and “Candlestick Point” would redefine American landscape photography, passed away at his home in Paris, France, on Saturday, November 22, 2014. He was 69 years old. Baltz was one of the most significant figures of the New Topographics movement that developed in the late 1960s, early 1970s. Baltz grew up in Southern California’s Newport Beach in 1945, and the area’s suburban terrain often took center stage in his photography. A longtime proponent of presenting the realities of life and our relation to and impact on the spaces we inhabit, Baltz’s imagery often sought to comment on the impact of man-altered landscapes.

“Morgan Hill,” 1968 from “The Prototype Works.” Il portale di RAI Cultura dedicato all'arte e al design. Una fantastica collezione di negativi. Sono iniziati gli Europei di atletica. 6 fotografi divenuti celebri grazie a internet. Con la diffusione degli smartphone fotografici e la popolarità di applicazioni come Instagram o siti web come Flickr, la fotografia è diventata un hobby e un modo per farsi conoscere praticato da tantissimi creativi. Ci sono 6 di questi fotografi che hanno conosciuto, grazie alla rete, una popolarità impensabile altrimenti, e questo post esplora i motivi del loro successo. 1. Joel Robison Joel Robison è meglio conosciuto come Boy_Wonder, e condivide le sue immagini su Flickr. Il ventinovenne originario della British Columbia è noto per la fantastica creatività con cui fotografa il mondo e lo mischia con il fotoritocco digitale. 2. Alex Stoddard è un fotografo surrealista che crea mondi lontani dal nostro. 3.

Jordan Matter è uno di quei fotografi in grado di trasmettere la propria gioia agli altri. 4. 5. L’artista giapponese Natsumi Hayashi scatta degli autoritratti mentre levita a mezz’aria. 6. Foto del giorno. The 60 Most Powerful Photos Ever Taken That Perfectly Capture The Human Experience. 50 Awesome Photography Websites Feature Shoot Recommends for Daily Inspiration. With the demise of our blogroll in our new site design, we thought we’d shine the light on 50 unique photography-based websites that inspire us on a daily basis. While we follow many great sites not listed here, we decided to compile a diverse selection of those that you may not already know about.

The blogs you see here met our criteria of being regularly updated and showcasing work we find to be consistently awesome. Think we are missing someone noteworthy? Feel free to leave a link to your favorite photography site in the comments section. The Ardorous (above) Curated by the exceptionally talented Petra Collins, The Ardorous is an explosion of feminist collaborations and creativity. Showcasing everything from photography to mixed media illustration, the site provides ultimate access to edgy, boundary pushing work by up-and-coming female artists. Art Photo Index (API) Disphotic dvafoto Professional photojournalists Matt Lutton and M. Dodge & Burn (Diversity in Photography History) MPDrolet.