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Self portraits and double exposures. When I discovered the art of photography, I felt as if an empty space within me had finally been taken care of.

Self portraits and double exposures

Loneliness and boredom were no longer an issue, as I was free to create whenever I could. That freedom provided empowerment, which in turn provided a desire to learn at all times. As a young person, there were times when I had no sense of self worth. Taking self-portraits changed that as I was able to express myself emotionally without feeling judged. By doing that, I had a chance to discover parts of myself through art which I was too afraid to explore before.

About The Author tayaiv Photographer & lover of books, nature, and tea. MITSUBISHI L200 on Behance. Double Exposure on Behance. 10 amazing examples of double exposure photography. Magical Double Exposure in The Forest. Polina Washington nous dévoile son univers à travers cette série de photographies prises au sein d’une mystérieuse forêt.

Magical Double Exposure in The Forest

Entre ésotérisme noir et nature enchanteresse, ses inspirations et sa sensibilité sont illustrées par ces sublimes photos dont elle renforce le caractère fantastique avec des effets de double exposition très bien maîtrisés. À découvrir. Photo Inspiration: 20+ of the best double exposure portraits i've ever seen. Your source of inspiration PopularPhotosPeople Photo Inspiration: 20+ of the best double exposure portraits i’ve ever seen By Francesco Mugnai • 1 year ago Nov 2013 Share Comment Love Share.

Photo Inspiration: 20+ of the best double exposure portraits i've ever seen

The Surreal Pieces of Art by Antonio Mora. Antonio Mora is a Spain-based artist who spent several years working as an art director in the industry.

The Surreal Pieces of Art by Antonio Mora

Mora — now a full-time artist — describes himself as someone who creates portraits from images found on the Web, blogs, and magazines. He then merges the images, creating pieces of art with great force and expression that surely won’t leave you indifferent. Mora’s Private Life and Education Mora works in his studio in an old industrial building, where he spends many hours designing and producing his artworks. Realistic Double Exposure Paintings. Depuis 2011, l’artiste peintre arménien Tigran Tsitoghdzyan s’est lancé dans une série de peintures hyperréalistes qu’il a intitulée « Millenium ».

Realistic Double Exposure Paintings

On y voit des visages de femmes, en noir et blanc, avec un effet de double exposition laissant apparaitre leurs mains. A découvrir en images. Hauntingly Beautiful Double Exposures by Julia Fullerton-Batten. London-based Julia Fullerton-Batten is a world-wide acclaimed and exhibited fine art photographer.

Hauntingly Beautiful Double Exposures by Julia Fullerton-Batten

Her work is best known for creative settings and highly cinematic lighting. This small collection of personal work, however, veers a bit from her signature style. Double Exposure Portraits by Julia Fullerton-Batten. La photographe anglaise Julia Fullerton-Batten use de la technique de double exposition à travers sa série de portraits « Renaissance ».

Double Exposure Portraits by Julia Fullerton-Batten

Sur des paysages de ville ou de nature, ses sujets sont juxtaposés et se fondent parfaitement à l’environnement. Un travail délicat à découvrir en intégralité dans la galerie. Double Exposure Portraits. Alberto Seveso's abstract nudes fill silhouettes with ribbons of light. Best-of Multiple Exposure on Fubiz. Au programme du deuxième best-of du mois de Février, une sélection d’artistes maitrisant avec talent la technique de la multiple exposition.

Best-of Multiple Exposure on Fubiz

Nous avons choisi pour vous un panorama qui témoigne de cette tendance créative associant le sujet à son environnement. Des créations sont à découvrir ci-dessous. Come fare una doppia esposizione: tecnica fotografica. Doppia esposizione in Photoshop - Un volto fatto di mille parole con le texture ed i pennelli di Photoshop. Le tecniche di Photoshop offrono molte possibilità di sperimentazione e il seguente tutorial è un perfetto esempio di una di queste tecniche.

Un volto fatto di mille parole con le texture ed i pennelli di Photoshop

In questo numero, stiamo prendendo un ritratto per sostituirci il volto della persona con del testo, in modo da disegnare i suoi contorni con le parole 1 SCEGLI LA TUA FOTOScegli un ritratto che offre un buon contrasto, una foto che è molto drammatico e buio probabilmente non funzionerà bene. Ho avuto un buon risultato con questo primo piano, ma ancora una volta, mi sento libero di raccomandarvi di sperimentare con tutti i tipi di foto. 2 creare pennelli TESTO VARI Creare un nuovo documento (File> Nuovo) in una dimensione che è più piccola della tua foto: delle specifiche non importa.

Tornare alla fotografia. Poi, premere Comando-J (PC: Ctrl-J) per copiare i pixel selezionati su un nuovo livello. Collection of Double Exposure Effect Photoshop Tutorial - Design Inspiration Blog. Double exposure effect is nothing than a method or technique which is used by camera to combine two separate photographs to produce surreal, abstract and intangible images.

Collection of Double Exposure Effect Photoshop Tutorial - Design Inspiration Blog

You can also copycat the effect in Photoshop as it facilitate you to control over the finishing output with the capability to amend and preview the effect. Double exposure effect isn’t common for photographers only as I told that it’s a technique which can be used by anyone. So, designers and artists can also use this to generate fine and cool abstract artwork and they are using it. This effect can be seen on album covers and introductory titles of widely held TV series. It quite easy and simple to work with but make up for photographs decide how’s that made after seeing final preview. How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop. Traditionally the double exposure effect is produced by photographers using nothing but their camera to combine two separate photographs to create an abstract and surreal image.

However, we can also mimic the effect in Photoshop, which actually gives us more control over the final output with the ability to adjust and preview the effect as we go. Follow this step by step tutorial to create a double exposure effect yourself, we’ll blend two existing photographs together with the help of some simple clipping and masking techniques. The double exposure effect isn’t just popular with photographers, it’s a technique that artists and designers can use to create cool abstract artwork. You can see this effect used in the real world on album covers and even during opening titles of popular TV series. True Detective double exposure in Photoshop — Ryan Quintal — Designer. Create double exposure photos in Photoshop. Come creare una GIF animata con Photoshop. Nella puntata di oggi de Il Progetto Wired ti insegniamo a realizzare una immagine animata divertente “da condividere con amici o parenti” Pubblicato A volte una .gif vale più di mille parole.

Oggi il professor Tayio Yamanouchi, che ha scoperto da poco questa magica funzionalità dell’internet, ti spiegherà tutti i trucchi per caricare sul web la migliore .gif di sempre. Step 0: AVERE PHOTOSHOP Ci sono tanti programmi, anche online, ma all’interno del progetto Wired usiamo solo il programma più professionale: Photoshop. Step 1: CREARE I FRAME DELLA .GIF Fai attenzione che abbiano tutti le stesse dimensioni, diciamo ad esempio 500×500 pixel. Create a Faux Double Exposure in Photoshop in 4 Simple Steps – Lumoid Blog. Article : Lauren ValentineAugust 2, 2016 Have you ever spotted those cool, hipster-y double exposure images on a blog or Instagram and longed for one of your own? While you might not have a film camera at the ready to get the real thing, here’s how to whip up an amazing faux double exposure with ease. 1.

Choose your photos and open in Photoshop For your portrait layer, silhouetted images those that are darker in the foreground with a completely solid, blank color in the background tend to work best and will give you the least grief in the editing process. 2. Place your texture layer over your portrait layer. 3. Select whichever layer you wish to start with, then go to image, adjustments, and then play with the levels and curves of your layers in order to find a contrast that you like. 4.

If you chose to keep your texture layer in color, now is the time to play around with your saturation and placement.


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