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Mikeshake. Film fotografati per intero. Viaggio nella Luna (1902) - Jason Shulman Di un film fatto particolarmente bene si dice che ogni sua inquadratura sembri una fotografia.

Film fotografati per intero

Fotografia concettuale. Le immagini dell'Arte La Fotografia concettuale La Fotografia concettuale è un tipo di arte fotografica che inizialmente viene concepita nella mente del fotografo e poi messa in scena per realizzare e comunicare tale visione.

Fotografia concettuale

Questo tipo di fotografia è l'opposto del fotogiornalismo, in cui il fotografo cattura immagini reali così come avvengono in quel momento, senza alcuna manipolazione. La Fotografia concettuale è molto più intenzionale e mira ad un risultato specifico nella mente di chi guarda, così come avviene con un dipinto. La tecnologia ha permesso alla fotografia concettuale di diventare più surreale, permettendo al fotografo di unire immagini ed oggetti che altrimenti non sarebbe possibile accostare. Proprio per queste sue caratteristiche di comunicazione la Fotografia concettuale viene spesso utilizzata dalla pubblicità. Flora borsi abstracts anatomy to form siamese self-portraits. Brazilian Structure Conceptual Photography – Fubiz Media.

Avant-garde photography. The Museum of Modern Art has organized the first major exhibition to examine the individual accomplishments and parallel developments of two of the foremost practitioners of avant-garde photography, film, advertising, and graphic design in the first half of the 20th century: Grete Stern (German, 1904–1999) and Horacio Coppola (Argentine, 1906–2012).

Avant-garde photography

Top: Grete Stern, Sueño No. 28: Amor sin ilusión (Dream No. 28: Love Without Illusion), 1951. Gelatin silver print, 50 x 40 cm. IVAM, Institut Valencià d’Art Modern © 2015 Estate of Horacio Coppola. Above: Horacio Coppola, Buenos Aires, 1931. Gelatin silver print. 8 x 11.6 cm. “From Bauhaus to Buenos Aires: Grete Stern and Horacio Coppola” features more than 300 works gathered from museums and private collection across Europe and the Americas—many of which have never before been exhibited in the United States.

Minimalist Candyland Series. « MinimalBeirut » est une série éditoriale pour Plastik Magazine en collaboration avec le photographe texan, Matt Crump et sous la direction créative de Ryan Houssari.

Minimalist Candyland Series

Le concept de cette série intensément colorée est de transformer la ville de Beyrouth en un monde imaginaire aux connotations gourmandes et sucrées. STEPHEN J SHANABROOK. Gallery ultima-cena-reloaded-polittico-a-13-mani « Ultima cena reloaded, polittico a 13 mani. Roma. “Teatro a muro” di Maria Pizzi con la fotografia dinamica. Long Exposures Capture Three Years of New York City Life in One Image. Macro Photos of Filmrolls Present a New Way of Seeing The Godfather, Scarface and Citizen Kane. Trois Couleurs; Bleu by Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1993 Austrian photographer Reiner Riedler‘s new project, the appropriately titled The Unseen Seen is a series of macro shots of original filmrolls.

Macro Photos of Filmrolls Present a New Way of Seeing The Godfather, Scarface and Citizen Kane

Having gained access to The Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin museum and film archive—home to 13,000 national and international film titles—Riedler selected a mix of well-known cult classics and lesser known films to photograph. He set up a makeshift studio in the archive, using film lights to backlight the filmrolls, lighting each one in the same way for continuity. Alone the images present an interesting graphic visual, but Riedler hopes that coupled with the film titles they will rouse the viewer’s unique associations with the film. Riedler is represented by AnzenbergerAgency and his fine art prints can be bought at AnzenbergerGallery.

Photographers Nude Self Portraits Blend Beautifully with Environment. Mysterious, Slightly Macabre Photographs of Taxidermy Creatures. I’m a fan of mysterious photographs, packed with symbolism, whose exact meaning eludes me.

Mysterious, Slightly Macabre Photographs of Taxidermy Creatures

I can really appreciate this way of working in the series, Histoires Naturelles, by French artist Juliette Bates. I love the juicy, velvety blacks and creamy whites; the simple, exact compositions; and the consistency and repetition of colors and textures in these images, as well as the perfect clarity of the glass domes photographed. This series, which makes me think of newer ParkeHarrisons work, could have me looking for days. All images © Juliette Bates 2014 This post was contributed by photographer Emma Kisiel via her photo blog, Muybridge’s Horse. Fotografie con esposizione sino a 3 anni di Michael Wesely. Editors - 13 Favorite Conceptual Photography Series from 2014. It's dangerous and often misguided to try to label or categorize many forms of art.

Editors - 13 Favorite Conceptual Photography Series from 2014

In the case of photography, the term "conceptual" seems like a somewhat loaded yet meaningless catch-all rather than a description of a movement, tendency or approach. So, with that acknowledgment, these 13 varied projects demonstrate some of the range that photography has to offer—from artful depictions of reality to the further bounds of dreams and fantasy.

These series were among the most popular with the readers of LensCulture in 2014. Conceptual Sixties Fashion Photography. Miles Aldridge possède incontestablement un univers retro qu’il exploite d’une manière très personnelle.

Conceptual Sixties Fashion Photography

En jouant avec les lumières, les couleurs vives, les flous et des décors très recherchés, l’artiste arrive à rendre compte d’une époque revisitée. À découvrir à travers une sélection colorée. Marie Bovo: Cour Intérieure. 7 Mar Click to enlarge Originally from Alicante, Spain, photographer Marie Bovo now lives and works in Marseille.

Marie Bovo: Cour Intérieure

I really like her ‘Cour Intérieure’ (interior courtyard) series of photographs. Flora Borsi Photography. La jeune photographe hongroise Flora Borsi fait des autoportraits, des portraits et beaucoup de manipulations de photos.

Flora Borsi Photography

Elle fait attention à l’équilibre de ses photos, aux règles géométriques des formes et figures, à la lumière et l’atmosphère qui se dégagent. Une sélection de son travail est disponible dans la suite. 70 Imaginative Examples Of Conceptual Photography. Conceptual photography - as a part of conceptual art - is a photography genre in which the artist makes a photograph of a concept or idea. In this type of photography, you try to convey a concept or message with a photograph. Few photographers are using Photoshop to edit and process - all the magic happens in-camera. In this collection we've sourced 70 imaginative and beautiful examples of this wonderful type of photography.

Le foto di August Sander senza soggetto: l'omaggio di Somoroff - Foto - Panorama. Conceptual Photography.