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FOAD et MOOC. Business Course Materials - Harvard Business for Educators. Google Traduction. | open source e-learning and collaboration software. Blogging for Kindy. Teaching resources. Blogs to follow. Technology. The Future Of Education Eliminates The Classroom, Because The World Is Your Class.

This probably sounds familiar: You are with a group of friends arguing about some piece of trivia or historical fact. Someone says, "Wait, let me look this up on Wikipedia," and proceeds to read the information out loud to the whole group, thus resolving the argument. Don’t dismiss this as a trivial occasion.

It represents a learning moment, or more precisely, a microlearning moment, and it foreshadows a much larger transformation—to what I call socialstructed learning. Socialstructed learning is an aggregation of microlearning experiences drawn from a rich ecology of content and driven not by grades but by social and intrinsic rewards. The microlearning moment may last a few minutes, hours, or days (if you are absorbed in reading something, tinkering with something, or listening to something from which you just can’t walk away).

Think of a simple augmented reality app on your iPhone such as Yelp Monocle. Online Education Experience. Marketing Tips and Techniques / 7-tips-to-beautiful-powerpoint-by-itseugenec by Eugene Cheng via Slideshare. Bett Pi Ptoolkit. Research Insights Day. The Future Of Education [Publication] School Systems. Creativity In The Classroom - Schools Of Curious Delight (3rd Edition) Teaching tips. iPad Apps for Education. Edu apps. Pédagogie heuristique. Pédagogie et éducation. Teaching tips. Psychologie cognitive - Théories de l'apprentissage. Khan Academy. 29 interesting ways to use google docs in the classroom. Tips Every Teacher should Know about Google Docs in Education ( Great Easy Guide ) Here is a list of some of the best features of Google Docs that teachers need to know about :It is free and very easy to useIt has a user-friendly interfaceIt lets you create Google documents, spreadsheets, and other file types and collectionsIt lets you upload, manage and store files and foldersIt allows you to share Google Docs, files and collectionsYou can preview your docs and files before you open or share themYou can also view images and videos that you have uploaded to your document listIt lets you search for items by name, type and visibility settingIt allows users to collaborate on documents in real timeIt also offers a chat functionality for collaborators to use while working on docs.Google Docs Templates for teachers Many Google Docs users are unaware of the fact that they can breathe life into their documents with templates.

Google's new templates for Google Docs make it fast and easy to create all kinds of documents. I- Documents : Click on any title to read the tutorial. MIND MAP. Mind Mapping. Carte mentale, arbre à idées. Mindmapping. 1.1.2 Mind mapping. Mind mapping. Mind mapping. A 60 Seconds Guide to The Use of Blogging in Education. Project Based Learning | BIE. Revision Quiz - Marketing Strategies. Thursday, November 29, 2012 PrintEmailTweet This! Save to Favorites In this revision quiz we provide ten questions on marketing strategies, including Porter's Generic Strategies and Ansoff's Matrix: Revision Quiz - Marketing Strategies Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href=" blog comments are powered by Disqus.

Business Studies Revision / Exam Coaching Workshops Coming Up: GCSE Business (AQA Unit 2 & Edexcel Unit 3) Thursday 24 April 2014 - Birmingham Friday 25 April 2014 - London (Stratford City) AQA AS & A2 Business (BUSS1 & BUSS3) Monday 20 January 2014 - London (Stratford City) Tuesday 21 January 2014 - London (Fulham Broadway) Wednesday 22 January 2014 - Bristol (Cribbs Causeway) Thursday 23 January 2014 - Birmingham (Star City) Friday 24 January 2014 - Manchester (Salford Quays) AQA AS & A2 Business (BUSS2 & BUSS4) Post-Easter (BUSS1/BUSS2 Combined & BUSS4) Try some of these superb starter activities for Business Studies:

Pedagogie. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Sr-ithaka-interactive-learning-online-at-public-universities. Interactive Learning Online at Public Universities: Evidence from Randomized Trials. Published May 22, 2012 William G. Bowen, Matthew M. Chingos, Kelly A. Lack, Thomas I. Copy the Below Code and paste in your site: <a href=" Online learning is quickly gaining in importance in U.S. higher education, but little rigorous evidence exists as to its effect on student learning outcomes. We find that learning outcomes are essentially the same—that students in the hybrid format "pay no price” for this mode of instruction in terms of pass rates, final exam scores, and performance on a standardized assessment of statistical literacy. Supporting Materials. I, Cringely . The Pulpit . War of the Worlds. There is a technology war coming.

Actually it is already here but most of us haven't yet notice. It is a war not about technology but because of technology, a war over how we as a culture embrace technology. It is a war that threatens venerable institutions and, to a certain extent, threatens what many people think of as their very way of life. It is a war that will ultimately and inevitably change us all, no going back. This is a war over how we as a culture and a society respond to Moore's Law. The real power of Moore's Law lies in what the lady at the bank called "the miracle of compound interest," which has allowed personal computers to increase in performance a millionfold over the past 30 years. The key word here is "empowerment. " Let's be clear about what we're measuring here.

I came to this conclusion recently while attending Brainstorm 2008, a delightful conference for computer people in K-12 schools throughout Wisconsin. I started writing educational software in 1978. About the College - About Berea College. Berea College is distinctive among institutions of higher learning. Founded in 1855 as the first interracial and coeducational college in the South, Berea charges no tuition and admits only academically promising students, primarily from Appalachia, who have limited economic resources. Berea’s cost of educating a student exceeds $23,000 per year. Berea offers rigorous undergraduate academic programs leading to Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in 28 fields. All students work at least 10 hours per week in campus and service jobs in more than 130 departments. The College has an inclusive Christian character, expressed in its motto ”God has made of one blood all peoples of the Earth.”

Berea’s primary service region is the Southern Appalachian region, but students come from all states in the U.S. and in a typical year, from more than 60 other countries representing a rich diversity of colors, cultures, and faiths. About one in three students represents an ethnic minority. Hacking education: Google U. I’m lucky to be at a great Union Square Ventures session on hacking education today. I believe education will be restructured radically and that will be accelerated out of the so-called financial crisis. You can follow tweets at #hackedu; Union Square will put up the entire transcript later.

In honor of hacking education, I’ll put up all of the Google U chapter in What Would Google Do? (the rest after the jump): Who needs a university when we have Google? All the world’s digital knowledge is available at a search. You may suspect that because I’m a professor, I’ll now come out of this litany of opportunities with a rhetorical flip and demonstrate why we must preserve universities as they are. Who’s to say that college is the only or even the best place to learn? If that is what education looks like, what does a university look like? Socialization is, of course, a key reason we go to college and send our children there. Perhaps we need to separate youth from education. A Virtual Revolution Is Brewing for Colleges.

Students starting school this year may be part of the last generation for which "going to college" means packing up, getting a dorm room and listening to tenured professors. Undergraduate education is on the verge of a radical reordering. Colleges, like newspapers, will be torn apart by new ways of sharing information enabled by the Internet. The business model that sustained private U.S. colleges cannot survive.

The real force for change is the market: Online classes are just cheaper to produce. Community colleges and for-profit education entrepreneurs are already experimenting with dorm-free, commute-free options. This doesn't just mean a different way of learning: The funding of academic research, the culture of the academy and the institution of tenure are all threatened. Both newspapers and universities have traditionally relied on selling hard-to-come-by information. But the demand for college isn't just about the yearning to learn -- it's also about the hope of getting a degree. Posts about Education.

Here are my notes for my talk to the TEDxNYed gathering this past weekend. I used the opportunity of a TED event to question the TED format, especially in relation to education, where — as in media — we must move past the one-way lecture to collaboration. I feared I’d get tomatoes — organic — thrown at me at the first line, but I got laugh and so everything we OK from there. The video won’t be up for a week or two so I’ll share my notes. It’s not word-for-word what I delivered, but it’s close…. This is bullshit. Why should you be sitting there listening to me? But right now, you’re the audience and I’m lecturing. That’s bullshit. What does this remind of us of? What else does this remind us of? But we must question this very form. I, too, like lots of TED talks. During the latest meeting of Mothership TED, I tweeted that I didn’t think I had ever seen any TEDster tweet anything negative about a talk given there, so enthralled are they all for being there, I suppose.

Validation. Ego. TEDxNYed: This is bullshit. Here are my notes for my talk to the TEDxNYed gathering this past weekend. I used the opportunity of a TED event to question the TED format, especially in relation to education, where — as in media — we must move past the one-way lecture to collaboration. I feared I’d get tomatoes — organic — thrown at me at the first line, but I got laugh and so everything we OK from there. The video won’t be up for a week or two so I’ll share my notes. It’s not word-for-word what I delivered, but it’s close…. This is bullshit. Why should you be sitting there listening to me? To paraphrase Dan Gillmor, you know more than I do. But right now, you’re the audience and I’m lecturing. That’s bullshit. What does this remind of us of? What else does this remind us of?

But we must question this very form. I, too, like lots of TED talks. But then, blessed irony, a disparaging tweet came from none other than TED’s curator, dean, editor, boss, Chris Anderson. Validation. They also repeat. Ego. * That was an ad-lib. 6 Ways Digital Is Changing The Face Of Education.