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Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation. Will Potter: The secret US prisons you've never heard of before. Meklit Hadero: The unexpected beauty of everyday sounds. Erin McKean: Go ahead, make up new words! Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are. Hans Rosling: The best stats you've ever seen. Haas&Hahn: How painting can transform communities. Oren Yakobovich: Hidden cameras that film injustice in the world’s most dangerous places. Thomas Hellum: The world's most boring television ... and why it's hilariously addictive. Jose Miguel Sokoloff: How Christmas lights helped guerrillas put down their guns. Rose George: Let's talk crap. Seriously. Jamie Oliver's TED Prize wish: Teach every child about food. Ric Elias: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed.

Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life. Joe Smith: How to use a paper towel. Richard Turere: My invention that made peace with lions. Andreas Schleicher: Use data to build better schools. Colin Stokes: How movies teach manhood.