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What Not to Wear After Age 50: The Final Say  Google 'what not to wear after age 50' and you will have your pick of thousands of articles telling you what looks terrible on your old ass body.

What Not to Wear After Age 50: The Final Say 

I want to point out to the writer who wrote the 'no-no' article, you need to remember you are writing for over 50 women, not preschoolers. I don't think I've said 'no-no' since my youngest was a toddler. We could spend hours studying the clothes we shouldn't wear and the slang we shouldn't use and the makeup techniques we need to retire.

Here's me, weighing in on this topic. 3 Female Ghosts that Haunt the Church. I will never forget the first time I met my pastor.

3 Female Ghosts that Haunt the Church

Our family had been at the church for two years before a meeting with another staff member threw me into his path. The first words out of his mouth were, “Jen Wilkin. Rebelle Society. SheLoves Magazine. Educating and empowering girls.