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TakenOutOfContext.pdf (Objet application/pdf) This month, the US chain Walmart bought the startup Social Calendar, one of the most popular calendar apps on Facebook, which lets users record special events, birthdays and anniversaries. More than 15 million registered users have posted over 110m personal notifications, and users receive email reminders totalling over 10m a month.

Of course, when a Social Calendar user listed a friend's birthday or details of a holiday to Malaga, she or he probably had no idea the information would end up in the hands of a US supermarket. But now it will be cross-referenced with Walmart's own data, plus any other databases that are available, to generate a compelling profile of individual Social Calendar users and their non-Social Calendar-using friends.

The second decade of the 21st century is epitomised by Big Data. The most important thing for data holders in the Big Data age is the kind of information they have access to. Aggregated, this data can prove powerful. Whether the digital era improves society is up to its users – that's us | Danah Boyd. Most technology designers engage in their trade to make the world a better place. Technologists love to celebrate the amazing things that people can do with technology – bridge geography, connect communities and transform societies. Meanwhile, plenty of naysayers bemoan the changes brought on by technology, highlighting issues of distraction and attention for example.

Unfortunately, this results in a battle between those with utopian and dystopian viewpoints, over who can have a more extreme perspective on technology. So where's the middle ground? One of my favourite maxims about the role of technology in society is called Kranzberg's first law. With this complexity in mind, I would like to introduce a question that I have been struggling with for the past few years: what role does social media play in generating or spreading societal fear? This question is grounded in three foundational claims: 1.

Fear and attention Fear is an important emotion. Fear can also be enticing. The Power of Fear in Networked Publics. #SXSW : comment la peur gouverne les médias sociaux. The Social Media Reader (9780814764060): Michael Mandiberg. FINAL REPORT | DIGITAL YOUTH RESEARCH. Social network sites, online games, video-sharing sites, and gadgets such as iPods and mobile phones are now fixtures of youth culture. They have so permeated young lives that it is hard to believe that less than a decade ago these technologies barely existed. Today’s youth may be coming of age and struggling for autonomy and identity as did their predecessors, but they are doing so amid new worlds for communication, friendship, play, and self-expression. We include here the findings of three years of research on kids' informal learning with digital media. The two page summary incorporates a short, accessible version of our findings.

The White Paper is a 30-page document prepared for the MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Media and Learning Series. The book is an online version of our forthcoming book with MIT Press and incorporates the insights from 800 youth and young adults and over 5000 hours of online observations. Summary - Summary of Findings Two page summary (pdf) Dedication Contents. Teenagers Sharing Passwords as Show of Affection.

“The response is the same: if we’re in a relationship, you have to give me anything,” Ms. Wiseman said. In a 2011 telephone survey, the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that 30 percent of teenagers who were regularly online had shared a password with a friend, boyfriend or girlfriend. The survey, of 770 teenagers aged 12 to 17, found that girls were almost twice as likely as boys to share. And in more than two dozen interviews, parents, students and counselors said that the practice had become widespread.

In a recent column on the tech-news Web site Gizmodo, Sam Biddle called password sharing a linchpin of intimacy in the 21st century, and offered advice to couples and friends on how to avoid missteps. “I’ve known plenty of couples who have shared passwords, and not a single one has not regretted it,” said Mr. Students say there are reasons, beyond a show of trust, to swap online keys. “Once finals were over, I gave it to her,” she said. How Parents Normalized Teen Password Sharing. In 2005, I started asking teenagers about their password habits. My original set of questions focused on teens’ attitudes about giving their password to their parents, but I quickly became enamored with teens’ stories of sharing passwords with friends and significant others.

So I was ecstatic when Pew Internet & American Life Project decided to survey teens about their password sharing habits. Pew found that one third of online 12-17 year olds share their password with a friend or significant other and that almost half of those 14-17 do. I love when data gets reinforced. Last week, Matt Richtel at the New York Times did a fantastic job of covering one aspect of why teens share passwords: as a show of affection. Indeed, I have lots of fun data that supports Richtel’s narrative — and complicates it. Consider Meixing’s explanation for why she shares her password with her boyfriend: Meixing, 17, TN: It made me feel safer just because someone was there to help me out and stuff.

Like this: La vie secrète des adolescents dans les réseaux sociaux. Yann Leroux revient sur un texte de danah boyd et Alice Marwick, où elles y expliquent que les jeunes sont soucieux de leur vie privée, contrairement à ce que les adultes pensent. Les adolescents se soucient peu de leur vie privée. Ils auraient la fâcheuse tendance à partager n’importe quel contenu avec n’importe qui. Ils ne prendraient pas suffisamment en compte que ce qui est écrit aujourd’hui peut être retrouvé demain, et ils auraient même la légèreté d’ignorer que 10 ans plus tard, des contenus en ligne pourraient leur coûter un emploi. Un texte de danah boyd et Alice Marwick – La vie privée dans les réseaux sociaux, les attitudes, pratiques et stratégies des adolescents [PDF] – fait le point sur les pratiques adolescentes en ligne.

Il montre que les pratiques adolescents en ligne sont conditionnées par le sens que les adolescents donnent à la situation et qu’ils sont toujours soucieux de leur vie privée. La vie privée est d’abord une histoire d’espace. Double discours Context is king. Google Plus, la dictature des vrais noms. En obligeant les membres de son réseau social à utiliser leurs vrais noms, Google a commis une grave erreur, analysée ici par danah boyd. Les liens de cet article sont en anglais. Tout le monde parle des“nymwars” [(contraction des termes anglais Anonym et Wars (guerres)], suite à la décision de Google Plus d’appliquer sa politique qui n’autorise que les comptes utilisant le “vrai nom” de leurs utilisateurs. Au départ, Google Plus a été pris d’une frénésie de suppression, éliminant les comptes qui enfreignaient la règle. Quand la communauté a fait part de son indignation, les dirigeants de Google Plus ont essayé d’apaiser leur colère en détaillant leur “nouveau” mécanisme “amélioré” pour appliquer la règle des “vrais noms” (en évitant de supprimer des comptes).

Des dizaines d’articles de blogs défendant le pseudonymat sont apparus, chacun détaillant ses arguments. “Je suis un professeur de lycée, ma vie privée est d’une importance cruciale”“J’utilise ce nom dans le cadre de mon travail. Pseudo ou vrai nom ? De l'impact des normes sociales sur les réseaux sociaux. Vie privée : le point de vue des “petits cons” Nombreux sont ceux qui pensent que les jeunes internautes ont perdu toute notion de vie privée. Impudiques, voire exhibitionnistes, ils ne feraient plus la différence entre vie publique et vie privée. Et si, a contrario, ils ne faisaient qu’appliquer à l’internet ce que leurs grands-parents ont conquis, en terme de libertés, dans la société ?

Dans « La vie privée, un problème de vieux cons ? « , je dressais un parallèle entre la façon désinhibée qu’ont les jeunes internautes de se dévoiler sur le Net et la révolution sexuelle, et me demandais si ceux qui sont gênés par cette façon décomplexée de s’exprimer ne seraient pas un peu coincés. Au-delà des problèmes d’inhibition des « vieux cons« , il est difficile d’aborder la question sans essayer de regarder de plus près comment, et pourquoi, les jeunes qui ont grandi avec le Net évoquent ainsi leurs vies privées dans des espaces publics.

La vie privée ? Dans l’arène publique, ou via une interface technique. Une génération « rock’n roll »… 1. Save Scholarly Ideas, Not the Publishing Industry (a rant) The scholarly publishing industry used to offer a service. It used to be about making sure that knowledge was shared as broadly as possible to those who would find it valuable using the available means of distribution: packaged paper objects shipped through mail to libraries and individuals. It made a profit off of serving an audience. These days, the scholarly publishing industry operates as a gatekeeper, driven more by profits than by the desire to share information as widely as possible. It stopped innovating and started resting on its laurels. And the worst part about it? Scholars have bent over and let that industry continuously violate them and the university libraries that support them. In the last few decades, a new tool for information distribution has emerged: the internet.

Don’t get me wrong: I think that the scholarly publishing industry is in the midst of complete turmoil. WTF? But what I want to know is this: Like this: Like Loading... Typologie des superflu(x). Et autres considerations ... This Is Generation Flux: Meet The Pioneers Of The New (And Chaotic) Frontier Of Business. The Evolution from Private to Public: Is There Privacy in the Digital Age? Duration: Approximately 60 minutes. Cost: Free Sponsored by: O'Reilly authors, Terence Craig & Mary Ludloff, "Privacy and Big Data" Moderator: Natalie Fonseca, Co-Founder and Executive Producer, Privacy Identity Innovation It is safe to say that the digital age has fundamentally changed all our lives. Certainly, it has given us the ability to share more information with more people (and more companies) than ever before.

The explosion of personal information is fueling new data-driven business models, calling into question how we think about what's private and what's public. In this webcast, a leading group of privacy panelists explore how the line between private and public is blurring: The evolution of the public (versus private) persona.The upsides and downsides of living a more transparent life.What our expectation of privacy should be in the digital age and what responsibilities companies have to protect personal information.

About Jim Adler Prior to Intelius, Mr. About danah boyd. Danah Boyd: Why Parents Help Tweens Violate Facebook's 13+ Rule. "At what age should I let my child join Facebook? " This is a question that countless parents have asked my collaborators and me. Often, it's followed by the following: "I know that 13 is the minimum age to join Facebook, but is it really so bad that my 12-year-old is on the site? " While parents are struggling to determine what social media sites are appropriate for their children, government tries to help parents by regulating what data internet companies can collect about children without parental permission.

Yet, as has been the case for the last decade, this often backfires. Many general-purpose communication platforms and social media sites restrict access to only those 13+ in response to a law meant to empower parents: the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). While Facebook has often sparked anger over its cavalier attitudes towards user privacy, Zuckerberg's challenge with regard to COPPA has merit. Image Credit: Tim Roe.

Danah boyd : Ce qu’implique de vivre dans un monde de flux. A la Web 2.0 Expo qui se tenait mi-novembre à New York, la sociologue danah boyd a, comme à son habitude, fait une brillante présentation sur les conséquences qu’il y a à vivre dans un monde de flux, notamment en commençant à en dresser la liste des limites. Explorons dans ses pas – partiellement, mais fidèlement -, son « Streams of Content, Limited Attention : The Flow of Information through Social Media » (Flux de contenus, attention limitée : le flot d’information dans les médias sociaux). Image : danah boyd sur scène à la Web 2.0 Expo à New York en novembre 2009, photographiée par James Duncan Davidson. Vivre dans des flux Nous vivons dans des flux, comme l’expliquait Nova Spivack, c’est-à-dire dans un monde où l’information est partout. « Cette métaphore est puissante », rappelle danah boyd. « L’idée suggère que vous viviez dans le courant : y ajoutant des choses, les consommant, les réorientant. » 4 fausses idées sur la révolution numérique 1.

La démocratisation ? 2. 3. 4. Danah boyd on Teen Privacy Strategies in Networked Publics. Privacy in an Era of Social Media. The Mediasite presentation cannot be played back. The requested presentation content can be played using the following plugins:WindowsMedia, Silverlight We have detected that your browser supports the following plugins:None.