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Femmephobia in the Queer Scene. Last night, I went to a queer/lesbian event that I had been looking forward to for ages.

Femmephobia in the Queer Scene

It consisted of a screening of a 1970s lesbian film, with a talk beforehand from one of the actors and some performances and a party afterwards. I was expecting it to be ace, and we had friends come down from Cardiff and London especially for the night. Fire in Freetown — Who is afraid of the Big Black Femme? Bell hooks,... Femme is Radical, and Femme-Shaming Isn't Feminist. I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I’m femme Okay, so that’s not really all that shocking–I’m sitting here in a coffee shop, wearing a low-cut red sweater dress and knee-high boots.

Femme is Radical, and Femme-Shaming Isn't Feminist

It should also, however, not come as a surprise that I am a feminist. An Interview With Jamal T. Lewis, Director Of “No Fats, No Femmes” What does it mean to desire, and what does It mean to be desired?

An Interview With Jamal T. Lewis, Director Of “No Fats, No Femmes”

That the politics of such transcend our very bedrooms is the notion filmmaker and activist Jamal T. Lewis, alum of Morehouse, intends to interrogate, probe, and examine without apology and with much confrontation. Racism, misogyny, femmephobia, fatphobia, ableism. How To Confront Femme Competition Within Polyamorous Relationships. I am a femme-identified queer woman, and I am overwhelmingly intimidated by other femmes.

How To Confront Femme Competition Within Polyamorous Relationships

Not in the fun, sexy, “they’re so kickass and make me blush and I trip over my words when I look at them” kind of intimidation. I’m constantly comparing myself to their minds, their bodies, the precision with which they apply their makeup, the tenor of their voices. The Cuteness Matrix // Jealousy, Polyamory, Femininity. I’ve done a lot of thinking and praying and struggling and writing and reflecting and work on jealousy.

The Cuteness Matrix // Jealousy, Polyamory, Femininity

I kind of just want to write jealousyjealousyjealousy all over everything, all over my face. I’m sick of pretending that I don’t feel this or even that I’m some wise spiritual person who knows how to surrender to it and be transformed. Tous les articles sur les fems d'Everyday Feminism. 6 Ways Femmephobia Is Harming LGBTQIA+ Communities. Someone once said that most people only have just enough empathy to accept themselves.

6 Ways Femmephobia Is Harming LGBTQIA+ Communities

I’ve found that to often be true, particularly within the LGBTQIA+ community. While working on transgender military issues, I cannot tell you the number of time that I’ve heard some lesbian and (mostly) gay people who suffered under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” turn right around and oppose open transgender service. I’ve heard them use the same talking points against transgender people that were used against LGBQ+ people just a few years ago. They’re gross.

They’re a distraction. Baby, i'm an anarchist. Femmegasm. THE FEMMES. Share © 2016 by Femme Space.


Built by arkansassy Femme Space is dedicated in loving fierce memory of Taueret Davis & Bryn Kelly the Sarah Jenny. Why Femme Matters to Me. There is a long history of people arguing against labels for personal identity that continues on today.

Why Femme Matters to Me

“We all bleed red,” “there’s only one race, the human race,” “labels are for soup cans,” etc.. Straight and cisgender people often struggle to understand why LGBTQA individuals like to label sexual/romantic orientations and gender identities. In fact, I often hear that string of letters bemoaned. Why do we need so many different labels they ask? Why can’t we just be people? On Being (Femme): Speaking Truth to Experience - Proud Queer (PQ Monthly - Daily Online) “I’ve been femme all my life, whether or not I have chosen to identify as such.

On Being (Femme): Speaking Truth to Experience - Proud Queer (PQ Monthly - Daily Online)

But we all know identity is never just about our relationship to ourselves. It’s about that and it’s about how we are read and how we are treated in relation to how we present. By Katey Pants, Special for PQ Monthly I have been putting off writing this and sending it in for over a year. I mean what’s so hard about it? Femmazine #1 by Femme Hive. Sweet Tea Femme #1 by BikiniRevival. My Life as a Lesbian: I’m Not A Real Lesbian Because I Have A Handbag. My name is Lana and I am a lesbian.

My Life as a Lesbian: I’m Not A Real Lesbian Because I Have A Handbag

Now the reason that I tell you this is because looking at me, you might not know. You may assume that I am a straight woman, hetrosexual. It often happens. People assume a lot, often and with many things. My identity as a lesbian is based on my physical attraction to women. Sexism In The Queer Community. As a young person, I ‘outed’ myself as a feminist before all other identities. I looked to feminists and learnt about sexism, the objectification of women, and learnt about the male gaze. With discovering black feminists, I learnt about race politics, and the colonialisation of black women’s bodies. I discovered the theories of socialism and have done my utmost to identify the issues of class, race, sex, sexuality, gender and health to consistently and conscientiously live my life as authentically as possible and disrupting the oppression and discrimination of all people, not just the femme, queer, women of colour, like myself.

Kate Moran would call me a ‘stringent feminist’. Butch Femme Photo Project @ Butch Femme. Femme lesbians shouldn’t be defined by their butches. Photo by Eric Hutchinson, courtesy of Madeleine Blum There are two commonly held beliefs about femmes, and both of them are wrong. The first is that real lesbians aren’t femmes (with the pernicious corollary that all bisexual women are).

Coming Out As Femme - R U Coming Out. Femme Odd Couples: Leopard and Plaid — Qwear. By Guest Blogger, Anita Dolce Vita Masculinity is often accepted as the gold standard example of radical transgressive style, particularly for bodies assigned female at birth (AFAB). AFAB individuals who dress feminine are often dismissed as normative and conforming to oppressive mainstream fashion rules. Furthermore, femmes, both cis and trans, are sometimes accused of lacking any real agency to consciously decide to wear lipstick, heels, fake eyelashes, and skirts as a means of communicating power and authority. The argument is that we have been indoctrinated to wear these oppressive artifacts and that, try as we might, the meaning behind said artifacts cannot be transcended. Why Femme Matters to Me. What is femme anyway? Roland Torpor, "Les Masochistes" I’ve been feeling like maybe I should talk about how femme feels (for me at least.) I’ve no doubt that the way I relate to being femme will be forever changing, & I’m positive that other femmes would describe this term differently, but that’s just fine, too.

People Who Identify As Femme Share Photos Of Themselves For #WhatFemmeLooksLike. Though queer people are gaining more and more visibility in mainstream media and society, that doesn't mean that the images we're presented with are always accurate or representative of who we really are and how we live our lives. And sometimes we're still disappointingly absent, especially when it comes to certain subsections of our community. Case in point: The dearth of images that authentically capture what it means to be a femme.

When we use the term "femme" we mean femme queer women but also femme queer men -- and everything and everyone in between. Too often the representations of femme queer women are designed to please heterosexual men and representations of femme queer men are two-dimensional and offensive and all other representations rarely surface. But fear not! Femme Invisibility: On Passing Right by Your People and Not Being Recognized. How Stereotypes About What Queer Women Look Like Erases Femmes. Images of Butches and Femmes: Celebrating Our Living Queer Legacy! 11 Problems Only Femmes Have To Deal With - AfterEllen. What is femme anyway? Femme FATale. 50 Fierce Femmes — Jack Tar 207. Femme Talks: It's Not Easy Being Femme. Main.php?g2_view=core. Why Your Disbelief in My Queer Identity Doesn't Negate Its Existence.

Love Letter to a Femme in Need. Great Expectations: Thoughts on Choosing Femme. Changing the world - in my best high heels. The Femme Show. Femme Galaxy. Main.php?g2_view=core. Femme Privilege Does Not Exist - Femme Dreamboat. Bi-Racial, Queer, Femme and Finding My Voice. - free file sharing and storage - Document Preview - text.

Los Angeles Femmes of Color Collective. Finding Language for Femme Partners of Trans Men  11 Problems Only Femmes Have To Deal With - AfterEllen. And so shall our Heels till the Earth. You Don’t Have a Dick. Butch Trans Women - Femmephobia and Resources. Girl Talk 2011 - Tobi Hill-Meyer. Femme Invisibility: On Passing Right by Your People and Not Being Recognized. Do i need to wear lipstick to be femme? GoodBadblog: This Girl is on Fire: Queer Misogyny and the Consumable Queer Femme Body. Femme. Color Images — The Identity Project. AINT I A HUMAN?: FERGUSON AND THE NEGLECT OF BLACK WOMEN, FEMMES, AND GIRLS; By Danielle Stevens.