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Global Collaboration

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20 easy ways to collaborate globally with your class now - Ditch That Textbook. 1.

20 easy ways to collaborate globally with your class now - Ditch That Textbook

Mystery Skype This activity is the gateway to so much more. Pair up with another class and ask yes/no questions to guess where in the world that class is. (About Mystery Skypes/Hangouts and why we need more) (Find partner classes for Mystery Skype at the Skype in the Classroom website.) 2. ​ People all over the world have unique experiences and perspectives to share with your students. 3.

Take students to places they likely won’t ever visit in their lives … domestically or abroad. 4. Some of the best and most relevant conversations between students and a virtual guest/partner class can come from honest questions from the students themselves. 5. Mystery Skype doesn’t have to be relegated to just locations! 6. This activity builds the skill of locating coordinates on a map. 7.

These fun contest games can be played at a distance. How to set up a distance learning Kahoot game: 8. Know a fellow educator that teaches the same subject or grade level? 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Teachers’ Guide to Global Collaboration. iEARN provides online international education platform - The Martha's Vineyard Times. While schools are closed and both teachers and students are sequestered in their homes, one online education platform is continuing to connect educators and pupils through fulfilling project-based learning and collaboration. iEARN, an online communication center that facilitates face-to-face teaching and learning for schools around the world, is providing unique opportunities for folks on-Island.

iEARN provides online international education platform - The Martha's Vineyard Times

On a Zoom conference call, around 30 teachers and a scattering of students were broken into subgroups of four or five and discussed various topics ranging from success and impasses related to remote learning, and fun collaborative projects that kids can do together. Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School (MVRHS) librarian Kevin McGrath told the group that the idea of the iEARN chats is to meet other educators and students and circulate project ideas or solutions to today’s inherent issues in education. “It’s really a lot of online learning.

Windows to the World Teacher Guide. Resources — Flipgrid. Immersive Storytelling for Global Understanding. In celebration of International Education Week (IEW), we are highlighting the work of educator Eckardt Kreye who uses MY World 360˚ to facilitate collaborative international exchanges between his students in Germany and students in Kenya.

Immersive Storytelling for Global Understanding

“Sustainable development is necessary to survive on this planet. In Germany, many young people demand more sustainability. In fact, many of them are much further than we are as adults. They can show us what to do and what to change.” – Eckardt Kreye, Educator, Bremen, Germany Gender equality, good health and well-being, reducing inequalities, and climate action: These are just a few of the Sustainable Development Goals that young people in Bremen, Germany have addressed in their MY World 360˚ films. MY World 360º Participant Profile: Eckardt Kreye, Educator, at Gesamtschule Bremen Mitte and Trainer at Makemedia Studios, Bremen, Germany, from Digital Promise Global on Vimeo. MY World 360˚ workshop at Makemedia Studios, Bremen, Germany Get Involved. How Making an Impact on the World Motivates Students. “Wherever I go, I see the desire for opportunities to build citizenship,” said Suzie Boss, a journalist and project-based learning advocate who has worked with educators around the world on globally connected projects.

How Making an Impact on the World Motivates Students

“That’s one of the universals. How can we change the world together?” She sees many opportunities for this type of important work because there are so many thorny problems affecting every person on the globe. So incredibly proud of my team @MYWorldMexico! +5000 actions in almost 2 years of hard work! “My bottom line when you think about designing PBL, with global competency as one of the goals you want to get to, there needs to be passion,” Boss said. “If we teach kids about the problems of the world without giving them a recipe for doing something, that’s just a recipe for depression,” Boss said. “These are [opportunities for] project-based learning for the world,” Boss said. “He challenged his students in an economics class to pick one of those [U.N.

Impressed! What a K-12 Global Art Exchange Looks Like. What does it look like when your class or classes participate in the K-12 Global Art Exchange?

What a K-12 Global Art Exchange Looks Like

It looks like global student art that matches your grade range on the walls of your classroom or school: Visit our blog to see more displays of global student art at participating schools around the world. It looks like students around the world learning from your students' art in their schools: It looks like your students learning from art created by their global peers: It looks like your students completing conversations with their global peers about the art they both have created and shared: It looks like your students touring the world online through global student art: It looks like your students' global peers greeting them in their first languages: Visit our blog to see more videos of students from around the world greeting their peers in their first languages.

And, it looks like original, unique and awesome global student art! Our Programs The OWC Team. PYP ConnectED.