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The 18 Best Free Web Tools Chosen By You. It’s the start of a new year and that means there’s infinite possibilities that lay before you. But you can’t move forward without arming yourself with the best free web tools and apps. I was perusing some of my favorite education blogs, social networks, and other time-sucking online spots when I came back to the Edublog Awards . I’m proud that Edudemic was nominated for a bunch of awards (didn’t win but what can ya do) but more importantly I’m impressed with the amount of effort put forward by the Edublogs team. They’ve rounded up some of the best education and technology resources on the planet. Then they even orchestrated a worldwide vote!

So, kudos to them for sure. Below is the list of finalists for the best free web tools. Claco Find, build and share resources with teachers across the hall or across the world — aligned with Common Core ClassDojo Improve specific student behaviors and engagement by awarding and recording real-time feedback. Web 2.0 Resources. Education: Free Teaching Resources, Tools.

iPhone apps and iPad apps | Appolicious ™ App Directory. 50 Apps Students Will Be Using In Your Classroom. 5 Useful iPhone Apps For Student Bloggers 9.43K Views 0 Likes Student blogging is a wonderful way to get into the world of online writing and learning. These iPhone apps for student bloggers will enhance their skills. 6 Interactive Storytelling Apps For Younger Students 11.39K Views 0 Likes Getting younger students to tell stories can promote a variety of different language arts skills in a way that is a lot more fun than doing grammar drills. From learning the parts of speech and sentence and paragraph structure to vocabulary, there is a lot of hidden teaching material in storytelling.