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Here's How To Have A Happy Relationship, According To Science (INFOGRAPHIC) Hard Things You Need To Do To Be Successful. How Positive Thoughts Build Skills, Boost Health, and Improve Work. 22 Things You Need To Do While You Have The Chance. 1.

22 Things You Need To Do While You Have The Chance

Go to a country whose language you do not speak, and where English is rarely spoken. Learn what it means to have to find out everything by yourself, and to live glued to your translating dictionary. 2. Sleep with your whole body stretched across the bed in your very own apartment, where no one can tell you what to do or make you be quiet so that they can sleep. If You're Serious About Ideas, Get Serious About Blogging - Dorie Clark. Nine Ways Successful People Defeat Stress - Heidi Grant Halvorson. Feeling stressed?

Nine Ways Successful People Defeat Stress - Heidi Grant Halvorson

Of course you are. You have too much on your plate, deadlines are looming, people are counting on you, and to top it all off, you still have holiday shopping to do. You are under a lot of pressure — so much that at times, you suspect the quality of your work suffers for it. This is life in the modern workplace. It is more or less impossible to be any kind of professional these days and not experience frequent bouts of intense stress. In the spirit of Nine Things Successful People Do Differently, here are nine scientifically-proven strategies for defeating stress whenever it strikes. 1.

Self-compassion is, in essence, cutting yourself some slack. 2. Anything you need or want to do can be thought of in more than one way. 3. If I ask you to name the major causes of stress in your work life, you would probably say things like deadlines, a heavy workload, bureaucracy, or your terrible boss. 25 Things I Want Myself to Know at 25. I turned 25 this year and I had a bit of a quarter life crisis.

25 Things I Want Myself to Know at 25

I felt like I didn't know what I was doing and I was looking for advice on how to navigate this crazy adventure that is my '20s. So for my birthday I asked my family to write a letter to themselves at 25, imparting some kind of wisdom or advice to their former self that they wish they had known at my age. My family is pretty cool and they are all people who I look up to, so I was excited to see what they would have to say. I have loved reading the responses I have received (I actually might have used one or two of them). Reading their letters inspired me to write down things I want myself to know now, at 25. Most of the time, you don't know anything about anything. This post originally appeared on Mary's blog, Schmidt Talk. Career Competencies: Know Your Worth & Limits. 20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don't Get. 15 Things overachievers do. 1.

15 Things overachievers do

They use lists. High achievers organize their thinking with lists, they organize their time with lists, and when they want to spur their creativity, the best tool they have is to force themselves out of the comfort of their list. 2. They use pharmaceuticals. Adderall is de rigueur for the high-powered jobs in high-powered cities to the point that there is a shortage of available Adderall, (and a site to monitor the shortage). Hunter S. Thompson on Finding Your Purpose and Living a Meaningful Life. In April of 1958, Hunter S.

Hunter S. Thompson on Finding Your Purpose and Living a Meaningful Life

Thompson was 22 years old when he wrote this letter to his friend Hume Logan in response to a request for life advice. Thompson’s letter, found in Letters of Note, offers some of the most thoughtful and profound advice I’ve ever come across. April 22, 1958 57 Perry Street New York CityDear Hume,You ask advice: ah, what a very human and very dangerous thing to do! For to give advice to a man who asks what to do with his life implies something very close to egomania. To presume to point a man to the right and ultimate goal— to point with a trembling finger in the RIGHT direction is something only a fool would take upon himself.I am not a fool, but I respect your sincerity in asking my advice.