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3 Powerful Apps for Creating Green Screen Videos with Students. Green screen is a cinematographic technique that allows video editors to add a variety of visual effects to their videos. These effects include : adding virtual backgrounds, superimposing subjects over animated backdrops, placing a subject on another shot and many more. Green screen technology has been widely used in weather and movie industry. But now with the emergence of apps such as the ones below, everyone can use this technology to create engaging clips and presentations. As Do Ink explained “ Green screen technology is used in the movies to make it look like the actors have landed on an alien planet, and it's used on TV to make it look like your local news announcer is standing in front of an animated weather map.

The green screen effect works by combining images from multiple sources into a single video. These images can come from photos or videos in your camera roll, or from the live video camera Watch this short video to learn more about what Green Screen is all about. How to create digital homework that students love. US History teacher Jennifer Hesseltine combined TED-Ed Lessons with an interactive blackboard to create a digital homework space that students love. Let’s redesign homework. When’s the last time your students got excited to do homework? Or said things like, “Wow…just WOW. It is amazing how much is out there that we just don’t know about”?

For her TED-Ed Innovation Project, US History teacher Jennifer Hesseltine created a digital homework space that students love. 1. You can either create a lesson using any engaging video of your choice, or simply customize an existing TED-Ed Original or TED-Ed Select lesson. 2. Give this homework space a fun title and a quick description. 3. If you need help sharing a customized lesson link, read this.

“Wow…just WOW. 4. Students love TED-Ed lessons and the opportunity to learn. “TED-Ed videos are more fun than normal homework assignments.” 5. 6. 7. Tips: Some of The Best iPad Apps for Creating Educational Animations and Video Lessons. January 30, 2016 Below is a chart we have created specifically for teachers keen on using and integrating animations and video materials in their instruction. The apps work perfectly on iPad and cover five main categories: apps for creating tutorials and video lessons, apps for creating stop motion videos, apps for creating stop motion videos, apps for annotating videos, apps for creating documentary videos, and apps for creating green screen videos.

For similar EdTech charts, check out this page. Enjoy. 6 of The Best Web Tools for Creating Educational Video Tutorials. October 6, 2015 Over the years, we have reviewed several web tools and mobiles apps that you can use with your students in class to create educational screencasts and video tutorials. Today, we are bringing to the forefront a select few of the tools that have been the most popular among teachers and educators. You can utilize these applications to create instructional tutorials and explainer videos to incorporate in your teaching. Simplicity, ease of use and user friendliness are features in common among all of these titles. 1- ScreencastO--Matic ScreencastO--Matic is a wonderful web tool to use for recording your computer screen.

B- Camtasia Camtasia from TechSmith allows you to easily record your screen movements and actions and create step by step screencasts to share with others.Camtasia has all the editing tools to create the great video content you need to get the job done. C- Cam Studio D- Screencastify This is another great way to record your screen. 197 Educational YouTube Channels You Should Know About.

197 Educational YouTube Channels You Should Know About If you don’t have a YouTube channel as an education provider, there’s a good chance you’re behind the times. Nearly every major educational institution in the world now hosts its own collection of videos featuring news, lectures, tutorials, and open courseware. Just as many individuals have their own channel, curating their expertise in a series of broadcasted lessons. These channels allow instructors to share information and blend media in unprecedented and exciting new ways. From teaching Mandarin Chinese to busting myths about Astronomy, the educational possibilities are virtually endless pun intended! Because we can now sift through thousands of resources while navigating a single repository, the potential for inspiration and growth in the field of education has reached a new height.

Here are the top channels worth following based on views, subscriptions, and quality of content: General Physical Sciences Engineering & Technology Mr. 5 applicazioni per il Flipped Learning - 5 Free... ANNO N.5 – N.2 (GIUGNO) – In questo numero – BRICKS. Scarica la versione PDF del lavoro Spesso consultiamo, nel nostro gruppo Facebook, lettori ed autori sul tema da proporre: quello della Flipped classroom ce lo avevate suggerito appena quel nome ha iniziato a circolare.

Ma abbiamo preferito aspettare temendo che ci fossero allora poche esperienze da raccontare. Adesso ce ne sono tante, come gli articoli che vi presentiamo dimostrano. A dire il vero ci sono sempre state attività didattiche in cui l’acquisizione di contenuti e informazioni era affidata allo studio a casa mentre in aula avveniva la discussione, la rielaborazione, la produzione collaborativa.

Ma definirle con un nome preciso – flipped classroom o classe rovesciata – è servito a darne evidenza e a proporre a tutti gli insegnanti un modello diverso dal classico “spiegazione, studio a casa, interrogazione”. E’, quest’ultimo, un modello non compatibile con la richiesta di sviluppare competenze. Dodici sono gli articoli dedicati al tema.