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Some of The Best Tools for Creating Video Lessons. Below is a collection of some great web tools you can use to create video lessons. As we have stated elsewhere, ‘The nature of a video lesson differs according to the purpose for which it is created; it can be an explanatory video, a step by step tutorial, a review, a demo, a recorded video presentation and many more. Video lessons are ideal for flipped classroom and can be incorporated in almost any learning situation. The tools we have curated for you are simple and easy to use, no software installation is required. Check them out and share with us your feedback. 1- YouTube Video Editor YouTube Video Editor embeds all the hacks you need to create stunning video lessons. ‘Snagit gives you a simple way to create and edit screenshots or record videos to show a complex process, give detailed feedback, or share important information with the people who need it most…Capture an image or video of what you see on your computer screen. 6- EDpuzzle.

Lessons Worth Sharing. Tips on How to Ace Your Own Flipped Learning Classroom Activities. As the modern classroom continues to change and grow, the flipped classroom model continues to be redefined. When developing your own flipped learning classroom activities, there will be growing pains. You can be prepared for them if you are aware. Here are some sites and solutions to help you get over the hurdle and the fear of making your own videos/screencasts. 1. Writing the Script Keith Hughes does this well. 2. Check out this article from Andrew Douch on the best screencasting software for teachers. 3. Although making your own videos is optimal when designing flipped learning classroom activities, content curation can help get the job done. 4.

What do you do if a child has not viewed content? If students come to your class unprepared, don’t re-lecture. 5. Not everyone will have Internet technology at home to view the video. Create alternative methods for distributing your videos (e.g. 6. You will need a means of formative assessment for viewing videos. 7. 8. 9. 10. 7 Great Tools for Creating Flipped Lessons from Existing Videos. When they are used in the right context flipped lessons can be a good complement to classroom instruction. Not everyone has the time or skill to make effective instructional videos for their students. In those cases you can take advantage of the millions of hours of instructional videos found on YouTube and other video sharing sites. But don't just have your students watch the videos then come back to your classroom. Have them answer some specific questions that you build into the instructional videos that you find online then share with your students.

Seven great tools for creating flipped lessons from existing videos: TESTeach (formerly known as Blendspace) makes it easy for teachers to organize and share educational materials in a visually pleasing format. EDPuzzle is a popular tool for adding your voice and text questions to educational videos. Using VideoANT anyone can add annotations to any publicly accessible YouTube video. Use of the term Flipped Classroom – Turn to Your Neighbor: The Official Peer Instruction Blog. By Julie Schell We write a lot about the term “flipped classroom,” which is a term we did not invent, so it is worth a little explanation. High school chemistry teachers, Bergmann and Sams (2012), are the guys most people thank and credit for that!

Although, they don’t claim to have invented the flipped class either. In fact, they claim that there is no such thing as the flipped classroom. To dig into what a flipped classroom is and is not, see our interactive question series 7 myths about the flipped classroom. Bergmann and Sams seem to have began flipping their classes in 2006 and acknowledge Maureen Lage, Glenn Platt, and Michael Treglia (2000) for their research article “Inverting the Classroom” A Gateway to Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment.” With Bergmann and Sams, we agree there is a long history of voices calling for flipped models of learning. Peer Instruction facilitated by Just-in-Time Teaching is just one research-based example among many for flipping a classroom. Tech Tools of the Flipped Classroom – To flip your class, there are certain technology tools teachers need to master. These fit into the following four categories Video Creation Tools: There are a variety of Video Creation Tools and many are device specific.

Click HERE to learn about the different tools. Video Hosting: Once the video is created, the video has to be placed online for students to access. Click HERE to see a variety of options Video Interaction: Software now exists where formative assessments can be built into the flipped videos. Learning Management: Just hosting the video is often not enough: There exists Learning Management solutions which many teachers find useful to house all of a teachers digital content. Hardware Recomenations: Though you typically simply need some sort of device like a computer or tablet device, there are some other produts that can help enhance the creation of the videos.

Horehronie a Pohronie. Flipped Classroom- Symbaloo Gallery. Related keywords: FIZZ , Students , in , Flipped , classes , Flipping , TheClassroom , Khan , , TED , ED , khanacademy. Great features make mysimpleshow a truly unique video creator. VideoAnt. Meaningful discussions around video.

Bounce – A fun and easy way to share ideas on a webpage. Flipped Learning Resources. Vizia. Your Account. MPT Annotator Tool. Čo je to prevrátená výučba a prevrátená trieda? | V tomto článku si vysvetlíme myšlienku prevrátenej výučby – čo je to prevrátená výučba a prevrátená trieda. Zároveň sa pozrieme na alternatívne možnosti vzdelávania prostredníctvom vzdelávacích videí, keďže ide o čoraz populárnejšiu formu vzdelávania.

Klasický štýl výučby v škole Najskôr sa pozrime na klasický štýl výučby v typickej škole (triede): učiteľ vysvetľuje učivo rozprávaním, písaním na tabuľu, prípadne diktovaním poznámokžiaci učiteľa počúvajú a tvoria si poznámky, aby sa mali z čoho doma učiť a riešiť domáce úlohy Ide o štýl výučby, kde učiteľ poskytuje informácie v škole a žiaci sa učia doma. Najväčším problémom tohto prístupu je, že učiteľ musí stále (v každej triede) rozprávať to isté učivo a neostáva mu čas na diskusiu, čím nie je efektívne využitý jeho čas a žiaci zase chodia do školy len kvôli získaniu informácií, ktoré si dokážu nájsť aj sami.

Prevrátená výučba Pri prevrátenej výučbe sa činnosti otáčajú. Prevrátená trieda v praxi Vzdelávacie videá v slovenčine. Knowlounge. Let's Flip the ClassroomAn eTwinning Learning Event (Expert: Arjana Blazic) Finding The Right Remix In Modern Blended Learning - eLearning Industry. The words “blended learning” commonly conjures up images of children in a classroom dividing their time between listening to lectures and staring at computer consoles. For adults, blended learning has become relevant in terms of training; face-to-face interaction is interspersed with web-based learning.

With so many possibilities, how can one find the right remix in modern blended learning to keep training focused, coherent, and productive? Before we answer this question, let’s quickly review some examples of synchronous and asynchronous learning. Synchronous Learning Synchronous learning occurs in real-time. Teacher and student, trainer and trainee are communicating at the same time, if not in the same space. Technology has enabled synchronous learning to move beyond the conference room with online chat, video conferencing, instant messaging. Asynchronous Learning Retaining Focus And Coherence In The Remix With so many possible methods and modalities available, where do you begin?

1. 2. Learning Management System | LMS. TheLearnia - Free Online Whiteboard. This is our Time » This is our Time an intercultural project for and by youth from 99 countries around the globe. Connect With Students and Parents in Your Paperless Classroom. TheLearnia - Free Online Whiteboard. Flipping the Classroom Around the World. Focus on Real-World Problems with Flipped Learning. Einstein’s famous formula changed the world.

We believe the following equation will change education: FL + PBL = GL (Flipped Learning + Project Based Learning = Great Learning) In a nutshell, lectures are done at home and projects are done in the classroom, though there is much more to it. By definition, project-based learning involves the real-world problem that you are trying to solve. This is your hands-on learning piece that involves critical thinking and collaboration. The flipped learning portion is the method that you choose to disseminate information pertinent to your goal in the PBL. What we’ll need to do is imagine different forms that the flipped learning portion will take and how it can enhance PBL. Here are some points to remember from Andrew Miller: Keep videos short—Your most basic component of flipping is the content videos.

At Khan Academy, a main hub for curated flipped videos, its founder Sal Khan says this about “Liberating the Classroom for Creativity”: Viewer - Learning Designer. Who is an entrepreneur? 95 minutes) The teacher ask to the students ”Who is an entrepreneur?” Students consult the following resources Who is an entrepreneur? The students, divided in small group, prepare a worksheet where they define the entrepreneur and identify a common characteristic of people who become entrepreneurs. with the help of the following resorce online: 12 greatest entrepreneurs of our time Individually each student responds to online quiz What kind of entrepreneur are you? Notes: Resources attached: 0 How to start up a business? 60 minutes) How to Find Business Ideas 90 minutes) The Market 235 minutes) Types of business organization 215 minutes) The business plan.

MPT Annotator Tool. In recent years many educators have been experimenting with the pedagogical model called Flipped Classroom. Basically, to flip the classroom means to reverse the usual "order" in which knowledge is gained.[1] Instead of learning new content in the classroom, students learn at home by watching videos, previoulsy made by their (and[2] other) teachers. The classroom time is dedicated to discussions, hands-on activities and projects. Students have more time for inquiry, for applying their knowledge and for interaction[3] with other students as well as with the teacher. In a flipped classroom, every student can learn at their own pace.

Learning becomes personalized[4] for each students. When students come to class, there is no need to spend time on the lecture, so students can be more actively engaged in discussions, experiments and projects. Interactive Video Learning. Build with Chrome. The Differentiator. Try Respondo!

→ ← Back to The Differentiator The Differentiator is based on Bloom's Taxonomy, Kaplan and Gould's Depth and Complexity, and David Chung's product menu. Try It In: French Dutch • Tweet It • Like Byrdseed • Pin It Students will judge the ethics of the [click to edit] using a textbook and create an essay in groups of three. Revised Bloom's Taxonomy adapted from "A Taxonomy for Learning,Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives" by Anderson and Krathwohl Depth and Complexity adapted from The Flip Book by Sandra N. Depth Big Idea Unanswered Questions Ethics Patterns Rules Language of the Discipline Essential Details Trends Complexity Multiple Points Of View Change Over Time Across the Disciplines Imperatives Origin Convergence Parallels Paradox Contribution Key Words Consequences Motivations Implications Significance Adapted from David Chung and The Flip Book, Too by Sandra N.

Group Size One Two Three Four. EDpuzzle. Flipping the Classroom | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University. Multimedia Learning Resources - Educaplay. Bounce – A fun and easy way to share ideas on a webpage. How to Learn from a Flipping Educational Video - Flipping Physics. MPT Annotator Tool.