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Reality is subjective. 15 Ways to Get Someone out of Your Head. Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills. The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills.

Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills

Decisions Are Emotional, Not Logical: The Neuroscience behind Decision Making. Think of a situation where you had bulletproof facts, reason, and logic on your side, and believed there was absolutely no way the other person could say no to your perfectly constructed argument and proposal.

Decisions Are Emotional, Not Logical: The Neuroscience behind Decision Making

To do so would be impossible, you figured, because there was no other logical solution or answer. And then the other person dug in his heels and refused to budge. He wasn’t swayed by your logic. Self-Discipline. This week I’ll be blogging a series on self-discipline.


New posts on this topic will appear every day Mon-Fri. I’ve also added a new self-discipline category. In this series I’ll be focusing on what I call the five pillars of self-discipline. The Five Pillars of Self-Discipline The five pillars of self-discipline are: Acceptance, Willpower, Hard Work, Industry, and Persistence. How Your Mind Really Works. How is it that your mind is capable of handling new situations you’ve never previously encountered?

How Your Mind Really Works

How do you solve a problem you’ve never solved before? Is this just the magic of consciousness, or is there an underlying process — or algorithm — your mind uses behind the scenes to deal with the unique experiences you encounter each day? And if there is a process, how can you use it to improve your ability to think? Computers are still very inflexible at solving problems they’ve never seen, but your mind is not nearly so limited.

How to Make Smart Decisions in Less Than 60 Seconds. Sometimes we face tough decisions that involve one or more unknowns.

How to Make Smart Decisions in Less Than 60 Seconds

We can’t know in advance what the consequences of each alternative will be. This is especially true of big decisions like quitting a job, entering or exiting a relationship, or moving to a new city. Reality and Perception. Our shared physical reality is the most common state of reality we experience, but it certainly isn’t the only one.

Reality and Perception

Our nighttime dreams are another state, as are astral experiences, near-death experiences, and out-of-body experiences. I regard these different levels of reality as being at different frequencies or energy levels. It’s like tuning into different TV channels. Physical reality seems slower, denser, and less malleable than the other levels. Astral projection, out-of-body experiences, and near-death experiences could be said to occur at other frequencies than the physical universe. Humor Speech. Recently I competed in Toastmasters International’s annual humor speech contest.

Humor Speech

I wrote and delivered a speech titled “39-1/2 Winks,” which was based on my polyphasic sleep experiment. The Toastmasters humor speech contest has 4 levels: club, area, division, and district. I won at the club level but lost the area contest. Technically I came in last place because I was disqualified for running over the time limit. If you go even one second overtime in these contests, you lose automatically. Public failure, private victory Despite the official outcome, this speech was a private success for me because the humor worked really well — too well in fact. How to Take Action Consistently. With respect to goals, projects, and other to-do items, it’s easy to get stuck too long in the thinking and planning phase.

How to Take Action Consistently

You can sit around writing and rewriting your goals, delving into your subconscious mind, working through emotional blocks, summoning the power of Thor… whatever. But if you don’t eventually get into action, you’re wasting your time. How can you get into a sustainable mode of direct action without feeling like you have to torture yourself to get moving? What can you do to cross the barrier between merely thinking about what you want and actually making it happen with your own two hands?

Here’s a simple technique I use. How to Build a Successful Online Business. I love the lifestyle that comes from running an online business.

How to Build a Successful Online Business

I get to work from home each day, set my own hours, choose my own projects, and enjoy abundant income. It’s hard for me to imagine how I’d feed myself without the Internet. When I think about income generation, I immediately think of the web. I was talking to a successful entrepreneur recently who pointed out that building an online business is an exercise in personal development.

How to Beat the Competition. In a recent forum thread about starting a new business, someone asked about the best way to handle competition.

How to Beat the Competition

How do you ensure that your efforts will pay off instead of merely jumping into a giant pool with everyone else and being unable to stand out? My strategy for dealing with competition is the same no matter what field I work in. I’m sure you can apply it to your particular field as well, although there’s a good chance you won’t want to, since it isn’t easy. In fact, avoiding what’s easy is precisely the solution. The Most Direct Solution to Any Problem. When trying to solve various problems in life, an approach I find very useful is to first identify what I’d consider the most direct solution, regardless of how I feel about actually implementing it. What’s the clearest, most direct path to my goal or the most efficient way to get around an obstacle? Many problems will have multiple direct solutions, but often these solutions will be unsavory at first glance because they’ll require courage, self-discipline, creativity, or persistence to implement.

But if we can somehow get ourselves to follow through, we know the solutions will actually work. For example, suppose you want to lose weight. And suppose we can say that one (of many) direct solutions is to eat the same as you’re eating now, and boost your exercise output by 500 calories a day. Skill. What role does skill play in the path to success? Are good intentions enough? Or do you actually need some talent? Why So Many Bloggers Fail I’m often asked why so many people who jumped on the blogging bandwagon failed to get good results.

While the A-list bloggers enjoy soaring traffic and income, countless other blogs fall by the wayside. There are several ways to answer this, but perhaps the most obvious answer is that most new bloggers give up within the first six months. What If You Have Many Different Interests and Cannot Commit to Any of Them? If you’re attracted to many different pursuits and can’t commit to any single one of them for your career, college major, or income source, then good for you! Leonardo da Vinci was in the same boat. He’s considered by many to be the greatest genius of all time. The notion that you have to commit to a single trade for life (or even for a decade or two) makes sense if you want to live like an industrial worker drone. But then you’re just filling the role of a cog in a giant machine, perfectly disposable and easily replaced by similar cogs. Initiating Relationships with Openness, Honesty, and Directness.

I’ve never resonated with the usual dating and courtship process. Traditional dating is actually one of our society’s most ineffective inventions. The main reason it gets so much attention is the commercial engine that drives it. Restaurants, movie theatres, jewelers, etc. want you to believe that spending money on their products and services equals romance. If you’ve swallowed this belief system, I assure you that you’ve been duped. This belief system stems from marketing, not truth.

Erin and I were already boyfriend-girlfriend before we ever went on a typical date. Events, Perception, Truth, and Subjective Reality. What exactly is an event? An event is something that happens at a given place and time. An event is essentially a point or interval in space-time. Place and time are both relative concepts. Learning Fashion - Part 2. This week I assimilated a tremendous amount of fashion knowledge from my fashionisto friend, who hopped on a plane this morning to return to Philly.

He’s my best friend from high school and was also my best man at my wedding, and we always have a good time hanging out together. Learning About Fashion. An old friend of mine is visiting Vegas this week, and he’s been teaching me about fashion. Yesterday we went shopping together at the Forum Shops in Caesar’s Palace. I tried on different clothes while he explained some of the basic principles of fashion to me. Why You Must Be Patient With Self-Conditioning. Co-Creation, Mind Control, and Subjective Reality. Getting Back to Growth.

After shutting down the discussion forums a week ago, I took some time to think about my major focus for 2012, as I like to do at the beginning of each new year. Generating Ideas. As we go through this passive income series, you may start getting ideas for how you can create new streams of passive income. Passive Income Series. Passive Income Series. Synchronicity. "I Don't Know How" Is Not a Valid Excuse. Synchronicity. How to Be Free of Frustration.

Entreapreneaurs grow at rapid speed

Becoming Addiction-Free. Day 13: Faster Skill Building. Day 13: Faster Skill Building. Day 3: Life Purpose. Habits and Practices in Your 20s. How to Bypass Resistance. Is It Time for You to Stop Dabbling and Get Serious? Is It Time for You to Stop Dabbling and Get Serious? Is Reality Objective or Subjective?

Move a Skill to a Different Part of Your Brain. My Favorite Questions for Making Tough Decisions. Pearltrees Bookmarklet. Upgrading Your Mind. What to Do When You're Falling Behind. What to Do When You're Falling Behind.