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Mean world syndrome. "Mean world syndrome" is a term coined by George Gerbner to describe a phenomenon whereby violence-related content of mass media makes viewers believe that the world is more dangerous than it actually is.

Mean world syndrome

Mean world syndrome is one of the main conclusions of cultivation theory. Gerbner, a pioneer researcher on the effects of television on society, argued that people who watched a large amount of television tended to think of the world as an intimidating and unforgiving place. A direct correlation between the amount of television one watches and the amount of fear one harbors about the world has been proven. [1] The number of opinions, images, and attitudes that viewers tend to form when watching television will have a direct influence on how the viewer perceives the real world.

They will reflect and refer to the most common images or recurrent messages thought to have an impact on their own real lives. Voyage au cœur de la centrale de Fukushima. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Pierre Le Hir De l'intérieur, on mesure la démesure du chantier.

Voyage au cœur de la centrale de Fukushima

L'énormité d'une tâche dont on ne sait pas comment des hommes viendront à bout. Bien sûr, on avait vu, revu, les images des réacteurs éventrés, des parois de béton disloquées, des ferrailles tordues. Apprendre & savoir.

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