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Twitter Stats by Twitter Counter. Twitonomy: Twitter #analytics and much more... TwentyFeet - Social Media Monitoring & Ego tracking. WE twendz pro service: influence analytics for Twitter. Welcome to Twitalyzer. Twitalyzer's Data Use and Privacy Policy Twitalyzer makes use of publicly available data in all cases, regardless of source. We rely on public Twitter streams, publicly available data from Klout, PeerIndex, and Rapleaf, and reserve the right to add other data from the public domain from time to time. We do not use direct messages or any other type of private information in any of our processing or reporting. TwitSprout - Beautiful Social Media Analytics. Tweetalyser - Home. Google Insights. Review Your Marketing | Free Website Review Tool | HubSpot's Marketing Grader.

Welcome to Twitalyzer. Edelman Berland. Social Media Tools. Social Intelligence: Marketing KPIs and Customer Journey Mapping. Do you know the process your customers take to buy and connect with you? Their journey is often filled with many steps, stops and starts. What you do to help them along the way makes all the difference in gaining a competitive foothold. Taking action to improve the experiences your customers have within that journey can convert them from shoppers to customers, and then to advocates. Too often customers don’t ask for what they want, and rarely do they behave in the way you expect them to; however, they are telling others directly in social media. Taking a walk in your customer’s shoes isn’t necessarily a walk in the park, but it can provide a rich and contextual view into exactly where the customer is in their journey. Taking this view of your customer’s world lets you make better informed and faster decisions about value propositions, brand strategies, and, more importantly, how to engage customers.

Social Intelligence: Marketing KPIs and Customer Journey Mapping. PeerIndex — Think People. Social Intelligence: Marketing KPIs and Customer Journey Mapping.