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The Racist and Sexist History of Keeping Birth Control Side Effects Secret. The Twisted History of IUD Design - Atlas Obscura. In the United States today, when a doctor installs an intrauterine device, that contraceptive IUD is mostly likely to come in the simple shape of a “T.”

The Twisted History of IUD Design - Atlas Obscura

In the long history of inserting foreign objects into uteruses to prevent pregnancy, though, this is a recent development. “If you look at any collection of IUDs, you look at these forms and think, ‘Oh gosh,’” says Christian Fiala, the founder of Vienna’s Museum for Contraception and Abortion. 23 Birth Control Alarms That Will Make You Laugh Then Take Your Pill. 52 Percent Of Men Said They Don’t Benefit From Birth Control, Women Lost Their Chill. Dutch respond to Trump's 'gag rule' with international safe abortion fund. Up to 20 countries have indicated support for the Netherlands’ plan to set up an international safe abortion fund to plug a $600m funding gap caused by Donald Trump’s reinstatement of the “global gag rule”, the Dutch international development minister, Lilianne Ploumen, said on Wednesday.

Dutch respond to Trump's 'gag rule' with international safe abortion fund

Ploumen took soundings from a number of her colleagues around the world on Tuesday evening after the Netherlands said it would act to mitigate the impact on hundreds of charities around the world. The “global gag rule”, also known as the Mexico City policy, was reimposed by Trump on Monday, and bans US federal funding for NGOs in foreign countries that provide abortion services or abortion advocacy. ‘We’re in talks with 15 to 20 countries and we’ve also spoken to foundations,” Ploumen told the Guardian. “As well as contacting a number of European countries that we work with on these issues, we’re also in touch with countries in South America and Africa, as well as the foundations. 9 Brutally real reasons why millennials refuse to have kids. CultureSeptember 01, 2016 By Isabelle Kohn When faced with the question, "Do you want kids?

9 Brutally real reasons why millennials refuse to have kids

" many millennials are shrugging and lackadaisically saying "NOPE. " After all, long gone are the days when sex was reproductive; where the natural progression after marriage is 2.5 thankless spawn and a white picket fence in suburban hell. Today's copulating post-youths are much more interested in their careers and life goals than they are in raising from a larval stage a human money suck, and as a result, our nation's birth rates are declining. According to data from the Urban Institute, birth rates among women in their 20s have declined 15 percent between 2007 and 2012, and research from Pew uncovered a longer-term trend of people skirting parenthood — the number of blissfully child-less couples has doubled since 1970, with only about half of women ages 15-44 squeezing some out. 19 Times Tumblr Perfectly Explained Not Wanting To Have Kids. How Women Can Deal With Their Periods In Space.

Who was the first woman to have her period in space?

How Women Can Deal With Their Periods In Space

What is it like changing sanitary products while being weightless? And why doesn’t menstrual flow just float up into the body when gravity isn’t around? These were some of the questions I had when I started researching female astronaut health. The human body goes through a lot of changes when in space. Not having gravity to constantly work against, it loses bone density and muscle mass. Therefore, I was surprised to learn that one system that doesn’t change at all is the female menstrual cycle.

The fact that women can get periods in space was once used as an argument that women shouldn’t be astronauts. A personal choice Luckily, there are ways to stop women from having periods these days. The case for starting sex education in kindergarten. Teacher Janneke van den Heuvel leads her 8-year old students in a group discussion during Spring Fever week in the Netherlands.

The case for starting sex education in kindergarten

NewsHour photo by Saskia de Melker. I am pro-abortion, not just pro-choice: 10 reasons why we must support the procedure and the choice. My Personal Pledge for the "Until Abortion Ends" Movement. Sneaky Texas GOP Pushes Bill That Would Basically Ban Abortion. The Filibuster in Texas Is the Best Reality Show About Your Womb Ever. Texas Republican calls pro-choice crowd ‘terrorist’ By Stephen C.

Texas Republican calls pro-choice crowd ‘terrorist’

WebsterWednesday, June 26, 2013 10:49 EDT Observing the cantankerous scene in the Texas Senate on Tuesday night, a Republican state representative exclaimed on Twitter that opponents of anti-abortion legislation are simply “terrorist.” Texas Abortion Bill Is Dead. This Calls for a Celebratory Gif Party. Badass Texas Senator Launches Intense Filibuster Against Abortion Bill. The founding fathers were pretty uncomfortable with the idea of simple majority rule, and a lot of our most puzzling civic artifacts are reflections of that discomfort (electoral college, indirect election of senators, 2 senators per state regardless of size/population, filibusters).

Badass Texas Senator Launches Intense Filibuster Against Abortion Bill

In its purest form, it prevents a bare 50.5% majority from running roughshod over a 49.5% minority by giving the minority voice power to state its case and requiring that the majority drum up a supermajority to silence them. The point was to try to make people compromise and pass bills that wouldn't upset anyone enough that they would take the extreme step of filibustering. yvanehtnioj covered most of the response but I wanted to add some more to the theory discussion.