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Newspaper Navigator Search Results. The Real Housewives of Ancient Egypt Had 8-Foot-Long Prenups. Detail from the right side of an ancient Egyptian annuity contract. (Photo: Courtesy of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago) Eight feet long from edge to edge and brushed with beautiful calligraphy, the stretched-out scroll hanging on the walls of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago could easily be mistaken for a poem, or an ornate royal decree. It's neither. It's a prenup. The 2,480-year-old marital document, written in demotic script—demotic being derived from the hieratic writing system, a kind of shorthand for hieroglyphs—was made to ensure that if the union between the signers didn’t work out, the wife would be adequately provided for. Her compensation would include "1.2 pieces of silver and 36 bags of grain every year for the rest of her life," says Dr.

Emily Teeter, an Egyptologist at the Institute. "Most people have no idea that women in ancient Egypt had the same legal rights as men," says Teeter. Another annuity contract close-up. The scholar and his cat, Pangur Bán. Timeline and Inventions of the 20th Century. Timeline <1000 - 1300 <1400 <1500 <1600 <1700 <1800 <1900 <2000 Technology, science, and inventions have progressed at an accelerated rate during the hundred years of the 20th century, more so than any other century.

We began the 20th century with the infancy of airplanes, automobiles, and radio, when those inventions dazzled us with their novelty and wonder. We end the 20th century with spaceships, computers, cell phones, and the wireless Internet all being technologies we can take for granted. King Camp Gillette invents the double-edged safety razor. Willis Carrier invents the air conditioner. Edward Binney and Harold Smith co-invent crayons. Teabags invented by Thomas Suillivan. Albert Einstein published the Theory of Relativity and made famous the equation, E = mc2. William Kellogg invents Cornflakes.

Leo Baekeland invents the first synthetic plastic called Bakelite. The gyrocompass invented by Elmer A. Instant coffee invented by G. Beware of Artists: Revealed! | Julian Greigh Dark Passions blog. Have you seen this so called ? “…Actual poster from the mid-50’s issued by Senator Joseph McCarthy” Well it is a FAKE! Submitted for your perusal, is this portrait of a meme. An idea gone viral, standing as testament to that age old warning, “Caveat Emptor”; buyer beware. The buyer in this case is all of us, the pig in that poke, we just purchased, is the subject of this submission. The words were said—actually written—but NOT by that master of self-delusions with visions of grandeur, Senator Joseph McCarthy!

The Suspects: Senator Joseph McCarthy Queen Victoria Richard Milhous Nixon Alright, he’s not a suspect, but he looks guilty of something. So who Is the Guilty Person, who said it? No. Leopold II (French: Léopold Louis Philippe Marie Victor, Dutch: Leopold Lodewijk Filips Maria Victor) (9 April 1835 – 17 December 1909) was the King of the Belgians, and is chiefly remembered for the founding and exploitation of the Congo Free State. My Dearest Victoria, — . . . An now you know the facts. Digitized Medieval Manuscripts Maps (DMMmaps) Evolution of the Modern Military Pistol - Shotgun News. Historia Obscura. Retronaut - The past is a foreign country. This is your passport.