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Writing: Fantasy

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Pretty Pictures of Places

Maps and Places. Haveahiddles: Handmade crowns by Elemental Child. 50 of the Best Websites for Writers. There are tons of reference sites on the web that can help you find a job or write a poem, essay or story. Here is a list of the best 50 websites for writers. Reference Websites Merriam-Webster Online - Merriam Webster is the perfect place to look up words and find information.

The site offers a dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, podcasts, word games and a lot of other things that may be of interest to writers and word-lovers. General Writing Websites Writer's Digest - Probably one of the best all-around websites for writers, Writer's Digest offers information on writing better and getting published. Fiction Writing Websites - publishes a Guide to Fiction Writing with general information about fiction writing and a number of community forums for both current and aspiring writers. Nonfiction Writing Websites Bella Online - This site offers a large collection of resources for nonfiction writers. Websites for Freelance Writers and Authors.

KateMonk. This is a collection of names from around the world which was initially intended to help provide character names for live role-players. It includes short historical backgrounds, male and female first names or personal names, and surnames or family names, from many countries and periods. The author is not an expert in onomastics or history so would like to apologise if any mistakes have been made. All names included are from genuine sources to the best of her knowledge, but this is not an academic study and should not be relied upon by re-enactment societies which require specific dates and instances of occurrence for the names they use. New webmaster's note: This onomastikon was compiled by Kate Monk and hosted by Sal Robertson at Since as of early July 2005 that site is not available, I have retrieved the content from, amended the HTML slightly, and offer it here.

I have otherwise left Sal's and Ms. Serendipity. Random Name Generator. Tricks' eye color. Place Name Generator - Generate Fantasy City, Country and Town Names! Jump down to the Generator If you have come here looking for a fictional place name, you have probably tried to come up with one and you know just how hard it is.

To create a good interesting place name you will need time and a lot of investment, you probably do not want to spend hours just on a place name, you have a book to write or a game to make/play. This generator will hopefully help you on your way to finding the perfect place name for your book, game or what ever you are playing/working on. There have been millions of place names created throughout history for cities, countries and towns, some stand the test of time and others get changed or forgotten, by using this place name generator you should be able to find a suitable name which will be interesting and memorable.

Janport Place Names Generated: Favorite Names: Click on the names you like the best. Janport Copy your names before you leave. Fractal World Generator. Soulmate thing.