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Sacred Geometry

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History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places. Why There Are 360 Degrees In A Circle? Frequencies Sound + Vibration = Secret Geometry. The Fifth Dimension and the Hidden Key to the Flower of Life. Subscribe and get Galactic News Daily Updates:

The Fifth Dimension and the Hidden Key to the Flower of Life

J o y c e s u. This Stunning Fibonacci Sequence Animation Will Radically Change Your Perspective Of The World. The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc.

This Stunning Fibonacci Sequence Animation Will Radically Change Your Perspective Of The World

The next number in the sequence is found by adding up the two numbers before it. The sequence is named after the Italian mathematician who rediscovered it. In his book, written in 1202, he introduced the sequence to western European mathematics. It was first found in Indian mathematics. A geometria milimétrica das plantas e a sequência Fibonacci.

Pode não parecer, mas na natureza todos os pontos em que cada ramo, folha, caule, raiz ou pétala crescem foram estabelecidos de acordo com leis fixas e medidas precisas da geometria sagrada.

A geometria milimétrica das plantas e a sequência Fibonacci

Tanto nas plantas, como nos animais e seres vivos, existem padrões geométricos que são chamados de sequência de Fibonacci. Essa sequencia foi descrita pela primeira vez pelos antigos matemáticos indianos centenas de anos antes do nascimento de Cristo, mesmo assim ela recebeu o nome do matemático italiano Leonardo de Pisa, mais conhecido como “Fibonacci”.

25 Stunning Photographs Of Sacred Geometry And Fractals In... [Image] | 25 Stunning Photographs Of Sacred Geometry And Fractals In Nature These wonderfully symmetrical plants show the fractal nature of math, physics and the universe.

25 Stunning Photographs Of Sacred Geometry And Fractals In...

Could this be evidence of sacred geometry? "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. " -Albert Einstein Crassula Buddha's Temple Plant. Merkaba, Platonic Solids & Sacred Geometry. The MerKaBa The Merkaba is an extremely powerful symbol.

Merkaba, Platonic Solids & Sacred Geometry

Geometria Sagrada, a Flor da Vida e a Linguagem da Luz. Geometria Sagrada, A Flor da Vida e a Linguagem da Luz.

Geometria Sagrada, a Flor da Vida e a Linguagem da Luz.

Este símbolo geométrico ao lado é conhecido desde a mais remota antiguidade e chama-se “A Flor da Vida“. Na verdade, segundo foi revelado, o símbolo da Flor da Vida é bem conhecido em todo o universo, menos aqui na Terra! Cada molécula de vida, cada célula em nosso corpo humano conhece esse padrão geométrico e por ele é construído. Edição e imagens: 188 LEY-LINE MERKABA DISCOVERED INSIDE EARTH REVEALS POLESHIFT March 2013 (Pt 4 segment 1 of 2) Sacred Geometry and Kundalini-2. The Fibonnacci sequence in all its glory. Sacred and Fractal Geometry: The Fundamental Energy Patterns of Life and Reality (Video) Sacred geometry and fractal geometry are energy patterns that can show us how life and reality work at the supernatural level.

Sacred and Fractal Geometry: The Fundamental Energy Patterns of Life and Reality (Video)

If you comprehend how these geometries are used to create matter and life at the fundamental levels, you should know that the Universe wasn’t the result of an accident; rather it was created by the Prime Creator. The fact that sacred geometry and fractal geometry contain simple and complex mathematical formulas is strong evidence that reality and life are possible because of the Prime Creator.

These mathematical formulas weren’t created by scientists. Instead, they were rediscovered when scientists started playing with mathematical formulas. The Sacred Geometry of Sound and Vibration. The study of sacred geometry was passed down over thousands of years from the ancient mystery school...

The Sacred Geometry of Sound and Vibration

The study of sacred geometry was passed down over thousands of years from the ancient mystery schools. The most common geometries considered sacred are the Egyptian Flower of Life, the Hebrew Vesica Piscis and the Italian Borromean Rings (also known as the Holy Trinity). Of course, there are a great many more, such as the Kaballah, the Seed of Life, the Platonic Solids, the Fruit of Life, and so on. These geometries are sacred because they are the patterns by which creation manifests, from stars to trees, these patterns are found throughout all of reality. One of the ways that is easiest to see is simply by looking at nature. Such geometry was described as ‘emanations’ by Gnostics, indicating their awareness that they were patterns formed by the intersection or interference patterns of waves.

Sacred Geometry; The Flower of Life. Introduction Sacred geometry may be understood as a worldview of pattern recognition, a complex system of hallowed attribution and signification that may subsume religious and cultural values to the fundamental structures and relationships of such complexes as space, time and form.

Sacred Geometry; The Flower of Life

According to this discipline, the basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred: for by contemplating and communing with them one is thereby contemplating the Mysterium Magnum, the patterning relationships of the Great Design. By studying the nature of these patterns, forms and relationships and their manifold intra- and interconnectivity one may gain insight into the scientific, philosophical, psychological, aesthetic and mystical continuum. That is, the laws and lore of the Universe.

The term sacred geometry is also used for geometry which is employed in the design of sacred architecture and sacred art. Leonardo da Vinci has studied the Flower of Life's form and its mathematical properties. Amazing Resonance Experiment – The Sacred Geometry Of Sound. This experiment is the Chladni plate experiment.

Amazing Resonance Experiment – The Sacred Geometry Of Sound

It uses a tone generator, a wave driver (speaker) and a metal plate attached to the speaker. First add sand to the plate then begin playing a tone. Certain frequencies vibrate the metal plate in such a way that it creates areas where there is no vibration. The sand “falls” into those areas, creating beautiful geometric patterns. As the frequency increases in pitch the patterns become more complex. “Cymatics” reveals a strange & beautiful symmetry at work in nature.

Alegria: Sequencias de Fibonacci: Aplicacoes. A sequência de Fibonacci (lê-se: fibonati) Para detalhes matemáticos das Sequências de Fibonacci, veja o nosso link: Propriedades Matemáticas das Sequências de Fibonacci. The Fibonacci Numbers and Golden section in Nature - 1. This page has been split into TWO PARTS. This, the first, looks at the Fibonacci numbers and why they appear in various "family trees" and patterns of spirals of leaves and seeds. The second page then examines why the golden section is used by nature in some detail, including animations of growing plants. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 ..More.. 1 Rabbits, Cows and Bees Family Trees Let's look first at the Rabbit Puzzle that Fibonacci wrote about and then at two adaptations of it to make it more realistic. 1.1 Fibonacci's Rabbits The original problem that Fibonacci investigated (in the year 1202) was about how fast rabbits could breed in ideal circumstances.

Suppose a newly-born pair of rabbits, one male, one female, are put in a field. How many pairs will there be in one year? Math of the Mandelbrot Set. REVISTA CHC - Ciência Hoje das Crianças. Se alguém pergunta qual é o perímetro, isto é, qual é o resultado da soma dos lados do triângulo abaixo, a resposta é moleza. Basta somar: 1 centímetro + 2 centímetros + 3 centímetros e o resultado será 6 centímetros. (imagem: Nato Gomes) Mas se alguém pedisse para você dar conta de somar os lados de uma couve-flor? Você acharia que isso não é pergunta que se faça? Pois faz algum tempo que os biólogos vêm tentando medir árvores, arbustos, corais, algas, esponjas-do-mar e vários outros organismos vivos que servem de morada para os mais diferentes bichos. O objetivo desse estudo, que mistura biologia e geometria, é descobrir como as formas dos ambientes influenciam os animais na escolha do local para viver, oferecendo proteção contra predadores, abrigo contra as variações climáticas e alimento.

(foto: Rizki Ekananda / Flickr / (a href= BY 2.0(/a)) Mas o que isso tem a ver com a couve-flor, com a árvore ou com a esponja? Imagine um compasso. (Esta é uma reedição do texto publicado na CHC 110) O incrível padrão secreto da natureza. A natureza nunca deixa de nos surpreender. A maior parte destes 25 padrões são parte de um grupo chamado de "fractais.

" Você pode encontrá-los em todos os tipos de fenômenos naturais. Eles são feitos de uma forma única e repetem-se uma e outra vez. De um zoom em uma parte menor, e ele se parece muito ao ponto de vista mais amplo. Os resultados estão hipnotizantes, e estão por toda a natureza. 01. 03. 04. How everything works - GetPedia.


Arthur Benjamin: The magic of Fibonacci numbers. Understanding the Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio. The Fibonacci Sequence The Fibonacci sequence is possibly the most simple recurrence relation occurring in nature. The Platonic Solids and Sacred Geometry. Sacred geometry is a term which describes ... The geometrical laws which create everything in existence. This term has been used by mathematicians, geometricians, spiritual seekers, anthropologists, and archaeologists to encompass the religious, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs that have sprung up around geometry in all the major cultures during the course of human history.

Every thought or emotion we produce has a specific geometrical pattern. Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full video) Music and Sacred Geometry. In the Brahma Samhita story written in Sanskrit the first born son of the creator god is called Narada which means Music. I take this as an acknowledgement of the importance of Music as one of, if not the, primary language and metaphor that creates existence. Music spans the gulf between the impersonal patterns of number woven into frequencies of sound and the very personal emotional response to the archetypes of embodied experience. It strikes me as interesting that it is not just being suggested that vibration is the source of existence but that it is the beautiful patterns that can be perceived within the vibrations ! Since at least the days of Pythagorus we have understood that harmony is dependent on simple numerical ratios of vibration.

Spirit Into Matter — The Geometry of Life. When I was a teenager, my deep concern about the global threat of nuclear annihilation set me on a life-long quest to understand the nature of energy and how we can relate to it harmoniously instead of violently. Many find it beautiful, and that is a tribute to nature and to the computer skills of Goa Lobaugh and the liquid buddha studios team as well as Robert W. Gray. The revival of an ancient science. At the other end of the scientific spectrum of contemporary science an ancient science is being restored.

For ages it has been preserved carefully. It is more or less an art form and it is called ‘sacred geometry’. Why sacred, what is so sacred about geometry? In spiritual mystery-schools of the past it was taught that sacred geometry has been used by God to create the universe. We now know that sacred geometry contains many mysterious elements that elegantly describe many phenomena such as the growth of plants, the proportions of the human body, the orbit of the planets, light, the structure of crystals, music. Now why do we introduce sacred geometry in a book that is about contemporary and groundbreaking science? The archaic science of sacred geometry can be traced back to the Egyptian civilization but may well be a heritage from the civilisation of mythological Atlantis and we’ll provide sufficient clues in this book to sustain this claim.

It is called the genesis pattern. The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us. Geometria+Sagrada. What Ancient Secrets Lie Within the Flower of Life? The Flower of Life is a name for a geometrical figure composed of seven or more evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. This figure, used as a decorative motif since ancient times, forms a flower-like pattern with the symmetrical structure of a hexagon.

Flower of Life - A Thorough Explaination. The flower of life is a geometrical shape composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles arranged in a flower like pattern with six fold symmetry like a hexagon. Geometria Sagrada by juliana sousa.