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Secret Teachings of All Ages Index. For once, a book which really lives up to its title.

Secret Teachings of All Ages Index

Hall self-published this massive tome in 1928, consisting of about 200 legal-sized pages in 8 point type; it is literally his magnum opus. Each of the nearly 50 chapters is so dense with information that it is the equivalent of an entire short book. If you read this book in its entirety you will be in a good position to dive into subjects such as the Qabbala, Alchemy, Tarot, Ceremonial Magic, Neo-Platonic Philosophy, Mystery Religions, and the theory of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry.

Although there are some questionable and controversial parts of the book, such as the outdated material on Islam, the portion on the Bacon-Shakespeare hypothesis, and Hall's conspiracy theory of history as driven by an elite cabal of roving immortals, they are far out-weighed by the comprehensive information here on other subjects. For many years this book was only available in a large format edition which was hard to obtain and very expensive. Martines de Pasqually Tratado da Reintegração dos Seres pt br. A Lei do Uno - PDF version. Biblioteca Traduzido por: Daniel Andreazzi ( A Lei do Uno – Versão em PDF Você prefere uma versão além do PDF?

A Lei do Uno - PDF version

Nós agora oferecemos versões em ePub e Moby (Apenas em inglês)! Clique aqui para mais informações.. Para ler mais material da L/L Research em português, por favor clique aqui. Livro I: Direitos Reservados © 1984 James Allen McCarty, Don Elkins and Carla Rueckert; ISBN: 0-945007-01-9. Graham Hancock, FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS. 35 Must-Read Spiritual Books You’ve Never Heard Of.

Source: | Original Post Date: December 27, 2014 – You might have had an experience many of us share: We get an idea, a thought or even a dream with a theme that truly inspires us, stretches our minds or opens us up to a greater understanding ourselves and our lives.

35 Must-Read Spiritual Books You’ve Never Heard Of

And, like magic, within a day or so, we find a book which not only confirms our thoughts and feelings, but goes deeper into the very idea we had than we even did. How cool is it the Universe works with such magic & synchronciticy? Many of us have also experienced that moment where we find the perfect book at the right time, and it exactly addresses what we’ve been thinking about, wanting to learn more of or a story whose themes directly relates our current lives and experiences. I’ve decided to compile a list of 35-very special books which have fit this description for thousands if not millions of people. 1) The 5th Sacred Thing by Starhawk 2) Ask and It is Given: Esther and Jerry Hicks.

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