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National Geographic Magazine. CRAPPY TAXIDERMY. Clients From Hell. But does it float. Shut Your Fat Mouth. Metal Alloys Not that long ago, yellow or ‘gold’ gold had been the customary precious metal but in recent times, an assortment of rare materials are becoming popular selections for diamond engagement and wedding day rings.

Shut Your Fat Mouth

This list will go over a number of the valuable materials you could select on the ring. Platinum is often the most expensive alternative to employ for band. Platinum is regarded as a smooth and soft radiant metal having fashion and elegance which appears brighter than 'white' gold alloy. Platinum is close to the most valued metals on the planet, much more than gold, helping to make platinum engagement rings a luxury item. Deciding Upon the Style and Design for a Ring The gemstone in addition to the entire fashion for your band must definitely correspond with the personality of your girl.

Consider the following questions:will the lady prefer bulkier and/or luxurious products or else simpler or smaller styles? Dashboard? More Like Bookshelf: Your Guide to Literary Tumblrs. By Nick Moran posted at 6:00 am on February 3, 2012 96 [Ed Note: Don't miss Part Two and Part Three!]

Dashboard? More Like Bookshelf: Your Guide to Literary Tumblrs

About two months ago, The Millions joined the Tumblr community. So far, the going has been great. The platform is perfectly suited for dynamic storytelling, and as a direct result, it is home to some of the friendliest book lovers around. However, the site’s SEO (or lack thereof) is regrettably unkind to Tumblr outsiders, and this leads to two things. For convenience, I’ve broken this list up among several categories, but I haven’t put these in any preferential order. 1.

Awesome People Reading: Where to see what famous people read.Cover Spy: Where to see what MTA passengers read.Lisa Simpson Book Club: Where to see what Lisa Simpson reads.Bookshelf Porn: The SFW (despite its title) spot to ogle bookshelves.Slaughterhouse 90210: The middle of the television/literature Venn diagram.The Art of Google Books: Who’s scanning those books? 2. The Great Taxonomy of Literary Tumblrs: Round Two. By Nick Moran posted at 6:00 am on August 7, 2012 40 [Ed Note: Don't miss Part One and Part Three!]

The Great Taxonomy of Literary Tumblrs: Round Two

Six months ago, I rounded up a list of my favorite literary Tumblr accounts. Half a year later, I’m pleased to see those blogs still going strong. I’m also pleased to see that a pile of the names on my Wish List came around to the land of likes and reblogs. In that regard, some shout outs are in order: Picador Book Room (and its “Sunday Sontags”) has become a favorite of The Millions’ social media team; The Strand made its way onto the blogging platform and we’re all better because of it; Poetry Magazine continues to draw from its enviable archives to bring some really exciting content to our Dashboard; and — whether it’s due to my friendly dig or their own volition — The Paris Review’s presence has been especially awesome of late. Fuck yeah i'm a teacher.

Literally Unbelievable. Wendy macnaughton. Wendy MacNaughton, Meanwhile in San Francisco: The City In Its Own WordsI’m not jealous of many of my artist friends, but I’m jealous of Wendy.We both had books come out recently, and they’re both doing pretty well, but her book is an actual WORK OF ART, while mine is ABOUT the work of art.Why is Wendy so good?

wendy macnaughton

She draws her ass off.She WORKS.She’s out on the street with a pen and her watercolors, finding stories out in the world. Real stories. She’s doing the work I thought I’d be doing years ago, but somehow got away from.I’m proud to be her friend, I’m proud of her book, and I’m ready to follow her example and start drawing again.Time to make art and not just talk about it.Get this book.Filed under: my reading year 2014.