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Reading on screens

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Reading Literature on Screen: A Price for Convenience? Photo Do people read as well on screens as they do on paper?

Reading Literature on Screen: A Price for Convenience?

Scientists aren’t quite sure. While the type of E Ink used in the latest generation of Kindles and other tablets has been shown to be as or even more legible than printed text, other studies have indicated that — in terms of reading comprehension — the medium doesn’t much matter. Comparing Paper-Based Reading With Its Digital Successor: Three Differentiating Factors. Does the brain process language differently when text is on paper than when it’s read on an e-reader?

Comparing Paper-Based Reading With Its Digital Successor: Three Differentiating Factors

Is it a myth that when we read on computer screens we cannot be as focused on what we are reading, or does science prove otherwise? Digital reading has become very popular for many reasons. Some people prefer digital books for practical reasons of portability and cost-effectiveness, others for ecological ones. Millions of people have already integrated the two reading modes, or completely switched to digital reading.

Read more to Read faster. Tools for Teaching: Developing Active Readers. Adults forget all that they do while reading.

Tools for Teaching: Developing Active Readers

We are predicting, making connections, contextualizing, critiquing, and already plotting how we might use any new insights or information. Yep, we do all that when we read. As teachers, we need to train students in each of these skills, and begin to do so early on. I was recently in a second-grade classroom where 70 percent instruction was in English and 30 percent in Spanish.

Most of the children spoke Spanish as their first or home language. As the students sat on the carpet and the teacher read to them, she'd pause every few minutes so students could ask questions or make a comment. So the message is clear: Children, regardless if they are in the stage of reading to learn or learning to read, need structured opportunities to engage with text in deep and meaningful ways. Free online speed reading software. Memeorial. Main : afeeld. Mark Marino’s Albums. Pipedream Comics Top 10 Digital Comics of 2012. Upgrade Soul for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. A digital graphic novel that immerses you in the story like never before.

Upgrade Soul for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch

Upgrade Soul is an immersive science fiction graphic novel built using a new engine for digital comics that complements the reading experience with fluid navigation, interactive 3D, and dynamic music. Panels slide and reshape effortlessly as you swipe your way through the story—while the quirky, rich, and dynamic musical score follows every gesture you make. Written and illustrated by Ezra Claytan Daniels, with an original soundtrack by Alexis Gideon, developed by Erik Loyer. Public Secrets. Public Secrets takes us inside the massive prison-industrial complex in central California, not as tourists but as witnesses, following Sharon Daniel as she herself witnesses the testimonies of women incarcerated in the Central California Women's Facility.

Public Secrets

These women narrate their experiences inside the prison while also giving an account of the structural conditions that reduced them to bare life, life that is without political value, life that is exposed to death. Daniel's critical commentary and theoretical reflections frame these testimonies, granting each its singularity while also articulating the systemic (il)logic of incarceration. Brass Lantern Timeline of Interactive Fiction: List of Events. Atavist - Where Stories Begin. Fish: a tap essay. This is a short but heartfelt manifesto about the difference between liking something on the internet and loving something on the internet.

Fish: a tap essay

It’s available for free as part of the Tapestry app for iOS and Android, too. You can read about the app: Fish gratefully uses Vollkorn by Friedrich Althausen and slabText by Brian McAllister. The main thing to do here is sign up for my email newsletter. I try to make it feel like a note from a friend, and it’s very easy to unsubscribe.

Dangers of Fracking. Comics. This is a comic about the backfire effect.


The first big expansion pack of Exploding Kittens is now shipping. It contains 20 game-changing cards, along with a human-sized cone of shame. Scale of Universe - Interactive Scale of the Universe Tool. A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work.m4v. The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens. In a viral YouTube video from October 2011 a one-year-old girl sweeps her fingers across an iPad's touchscreen, shuffling groups of icons.

The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens

In the following scenes she appears to pinch, swipe and prod the pages of paper magazines as though they too were screens. When nothing happens, she pushes against her leg, confirming that her finger works just fine—or so a title card would have us believe. The girl's father, Jean-Louis Constanza, presents "A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work" as naturalistic observation—a Jane Goodall among the chimps moment—that reveals a generational transition. "Technology codes our minds," he writes in the video's description. "Magazines are now useless and impossible to understand, for digital natives"—that is, for people who have been interacting with digital technologies from a very early age. Perhaps his daughter really did expect the paper magazines to respond the same way an iPad would.

10 examples of bespoke article design and scrolling goodness. Have you been noticing all the pretty sliding/scrolling articles that are popping up around the Internetz?

10 examples of bespoke article design and scrolling goodness

My students think they’re wonderful, and so do I. So let’s look at a roundup of some great ones. Of course we’ll begin with Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek. This New York Times multimedia feature had the world journalism community talking and tweeting like crazy as soon as it appeared online. This blog post – More than 3.5 million page views for New York Times’ “Snow Fall” feature – reproduces an internal New York Times memo about how popular the multimedia feature turned out to be.