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TV Online. Reveurs equitables. Baie de somme. Froufrous d'ailes et gazouillis. Froufrou d'ailes et gazouillis. (L'Hirondelle pourprée) "Construisez-nous un condo, s.v.p. " Les hirondelles ont toujours été parmi les oiseaux favoris chez nos gens. Elles sont gracieuses et bien profilées pour un vol rapide, souple et aisé. Elles sont familières et la plupart des espèces se plaisent dans le voisinage des humains. Elles n'iront jamais piller nos récoltes. Au contraire, pour se nourrir elles nous débarrassent d'une grande quantité d'insectes nuisibles et désagréables. Les hirondelles capturent au vol des mouches, des guêpes, des maringouins, des libellules, des coléoptères, etc.

Les Hirondelles pourprées dépassent en envergure toutes nos autres hirondelles. C'est plein de vie une colonie d'Hirondelles pourprées: babillages ou petites chicanes entre voisines, accueil de celles qui arrivent d'excursion, etc. Chaque famille compte en moyenne 6 à 7 individus. Rien n'est parfait en ce monde: ni pour elles, ni pour nous. Article paru en juillet 2000 haut de la page (L'Hirondelle des sables) Allons-y, on creuse. Oiseaux, litterature, et poesie. C'est un chemin creux comme bien d'autres, néanmoins si vous l'empruntez il ne vous mènera nulle part. Il se fraye un passage parmi les ronces qui ont envahi ses bas-côtés, l'aubépine y côtoie l'églantine dont les fruits charnus éclataient de couleur sous le soleil généreux de cet après-midi d'automne. Les cardères s'y dressent, droites et fières...Et là, dans l'une des nombreuses ornières creusées à sa surface est restée l'eau des dernières pluies.

L'eau, source de vie, bonheur des oiseaux de ce jour. Je me suis arrêtée pour les regarder s'ébrouer, oh, des espèces bien communes mais qui se côtoyaient pour mon grand plaisir : il y eut ainsi moineaux friquets, chardonnerets, mésange charbonnière, verdier, pinsons des arbres et pinson du nord, tarins des aulnes, bruant jaune, rouge-gorge et geai des chênes... Rien que des espèces communes mais les plaisirs sont faits, aussi, de temps à autre, de choses simples. Editions ATLANTICA , qui ont racheté le stock à l'éditeur. "... ... ... Zone de jeux pour les petits - Télé-Québec. Conseils pour l'achat de jumelles - Club de miroise de l'Est ontarien (MiroisEont) Facebook. Tout doux sur les cendres de bois.

Cendres jardin. S Garden: Fireplace Ashes. We had visitors for a week & one of 'em felt the need to feel useful & trumped up chores for himself. When my back was turned he cleaned out the fireplace box & threw the ashes in one of the gardens, declaring it to be a healthy & good thing he had done for our soil. I said, "Golly, thanks," but I was thinking, gack, wadda mess, right there beside the back stoop too. When our visitors were gone I cleaned off & tossed what I could, & turned under what remained. It's becoming well known that fire can be a healthful part of the lifecycle of grasslands & forests, plants springing back healthier than before there was a burn-through leaving ashes. So too fireplace ashes contain potasium which can be a good natural fertilizer. Ashes contain so much calcium they have the same benefits as lime, though only if you really need the pH levels of the soil raised.

If you've burned any old pressure-treated wood the ashes will likely contain arsenic & so are hazardous. Ashes in the garden.... - Topic Powered by Social Strata. Guide to Composting. Guide to Composting Across the planet earth an amazing process is continuously taking place. Plant parts and animal leavings rot or decompose with the help of fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms. Earthworms and an assortment of insects do their part digesting and mixing the plant and animal matter together. The result is a marvelous, rich, and crumbly layer of organic matter we call compost, which is nature's gift to the gardener.

Benefits of Compost Compost encourages earthworms and other beneficial organisms whose activities help plants grow strong and healthy. How to Make Compost Start with a layer of chopped leaves, grass clippings and kitchen waste like banana peels, eggshells, old lettuce leaves, apple cores, coffee grounds, and whatever else is available. Alternate layers of organic matter and layers of soil or manure until the pile is about three feet tall. Your compost pile may benefit from a compost activator. Compost Care Using Compost Quick Compost Making a Compost Bin. Using wet newspaper to rid weeds. Have you tried wet newspapers to prevent weeds. I have done this with great success. I used whole newspapers and made sure they are overlapped. Don't worry about wetting them though unless it is extremely windy. A couple of sheets will break down pretty quickly so I think the extra thickness is what does the trick.

I used this around shrubs and then applied 5" of wood chip for shrub beds. I left an area of 8" x 8" around each shrub to allow for water penetration. My newsagent will give you the newspapers (yesterdays that no one bought, saves him paying to have them recycled), I collect them over a period and it gives me great quantities to use over big areas. I wouldn't use this method in flower beds or perennial borders it would take the paper to long to breakdown.

iGoogle. Xeno-canto :: bird sounds from around the world. Wolf spiders, Lycosidae. Spiders of North-West Europe, identify, information and pictures. Spider identification. Some Comments from visitors This site is fascinating!

We just finished watching the new David Attenborough series on "Life in the Undergrowth". These creatures you are identifying are very important to life on the planet and I am very happy to have discovered your site after watching the series! Spellbinding! Thank you.... Pest Identification photos I'd like to add my sincere thanks to everyone responsible for this very informative web site, especially Ed Saugstad. Congratulations for having received question #1000, and I'd also like to join the previous readers in thanking Ed Saugstad for his conscientious work of providing great answers to all questions; I also like this site a lot, I even added it to my browser's toolbar!

This is a wonderful web-site! Thanks to Ted Drouin and others for the kind words - this actually is fun, and teaches me how little I really know! The pest photos are super helpful.
