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Crap Taxidermy on Twitter: "Thank fuck its Friday!"... Andymack1966 : @LilacLounge He he xx ... Prejudice by Tim Minchin. 0point5twins : Nobody has ever risked suggesting ... Danger Mouse to get gritty origin story. His love of danger is really a suicidal impulse The CBBC series Danger Mouse: Origins will be more hard-edged than the 1980s children’s cartoon, focusing on how Dangermouse sacrificed a normal life for a career in espionage and his obsessive pursuit of the evil toad Baron Greenback.

Danger Mouse to get gritty origin story

Co-creator Brian Cosgrove said: “Beginning during the Cold War, the new series sees Danger Mouse go from being an idealistic young MI6 mouse to a compromised borderline alcoholic living in a pillar box in central London. “Danger Mouse begins to question everything he believes in when he is ordered to help the CIA overthrow a democratically elected government in South America, and witnesses an army death squad massacring civilians from his tiny flying car. “Children will also finally find out how Danger Mouse got his trademark eye patch. After being captured by Baron Greenback’s hench-toads, a merciless beating with lengths of steel cable caused him to lose an eye. Legal Cheek » The Something Must Be Done Act 2014. Lawyer and blogger David Allen Green has had enough of tiresome legislation and meddlesome courts… Government and parliament waste too much time passing legislation.

Legal Cheek » The Something Must Be Done Act 2014

Last year there were 31 public acts of parliament and nearly 3,000 statutory instruments. Whitehall and Westminster would be better employed doing other things. And all this statutory output is subject to the tiresome jurisdiction of the courts — the High Court will quash delegated legislation and use “human rights” jurisprudence to interpret the word of parliament out of recognition. Something must be done. So this Act is a modest proposal for our legislators and public officials.

Let’s start with Section 1: “The Crown shall have the power to do anything, and nothing a Minister of the Crown does will be ultra vires.” Berfrois : We don't need no psychoanalysis ... Desert Rain Frog: Dangerous Beast or Adorable Squeaky Toy? RobinFlavell : Bring me my Bow of burning... 1jaclynwatson : Modern day in a nutshell! LilacLounge : This is how I work most... JournalistsLike : The new face of evil. British Slang As Guessed By An American.

Daft Punk - Get Lucky ft. Nile Rodgers & Pharrell Williams. AlaskanNovelist : Procrastination for Writers... IDS Settings. Despicable Me - Mini-Movie 'Banana' Preview. Boob Pit. Wombling Free. Grapes of Wrath. Stubborness. Bob Mortimer. Wotsits Wig. Adolf Hipster. Day 33. Micky flanagan - out out tour 2011 - ''PEEPING'' Nugget. We Understand You're 40. Iams. Men to the Left. Couch. Bikini Body. Selfie. Tired. Breaking & Entering. Alvjn Stardust before he got his glove. Dogue. Ready for Bed. Snigger.

Animals in Clothes

Philcolbourne2 : BA junior. Micro Pig. 30 Naughtiest Dogs: You’ll Crack Up When You Find Out What They Did. Try An Ale. It's Friday! Don’t make fun of renowned Dan Brown. “Mr Unconvincingname, it’s renowned author Dan Brown,” told the voice at the other end of the line.

Don’t make fun of renowned Dan Brown

Instantly the voice at the other end of the line was replaced by a different voice at the other end of the line. “Hello, it’s literary agent John Unconvincingname,” informed the new voice at the other end of the line. “Hello agent John, it’s client Dan,” commented the pecunious scribbler. “I’m worried about new book Inferno. I think critics are going to say it’s badly written.” The voice at the other end of the line gave a sigh, like a mighty oak toppling into a great river, or something else that didn’t sound like a sigh if you gave it a moment’s thought. That’s true, mused the accomplished composer of thrillers that combined religion, high culture and conspiracy theories. “Think of all the money you’ve made,” recommended the literary agent. Renowned author Dan Brown smiled, the ends of his mouth curving upwards in a physical expression of pleasure.

“Thanks, John,” he thanked. Badass in Glasses. It's the law... Smiley Dog. Jenius.