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Catalogue of Organisms: Life on Mars: the Cambrian terrestrial environment. The 6 Most Likely Places to Find Alien Life | Search for Extraterrestrial Life in the Solar System. Let's be upfront about this: We still don't have hard-nosed evidence for any life that's not of this Earth. That fact hasn't changed since the time of Aristotle. But unlike that gifted Greek, a lot of folks today think proof of alien biology could grace the next news cycle. After all, astronomers have recently uncovered thousands of new planets; space agencies have relentlessly hurled hardware at dozens of solar system targets; and SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) scientists continue to build new equipment for tuning in ET's radio chatter. Research budgets may be low, but expectations are high. Listed below are my top six picks for your consideration and possible contention.

So here we go … 1) Enceladus: It's just a small moon of Saturn, but contrary to historical assumption it's not simply another pretty ice-covered rock. A major factor favoring this moon is that inhabitants could be easy to find. The Galileo spacecraft took this picture of Venus in 1990. SETI Institute. Two Promising Places to Live, 1,200 Light-Years From Earth. Searching for Other Life Forms in Extraterrestrial Environments | WeirdSciences. The ancient Greeks were among the first to explain astronomical phenomena in physical terms. It is known, for example, that Aristarco from Samos taught that the Earth was just one planet which, as others, moves around the sun and that stars were at great distances. Epicurus suggested that the universe is filled with other worlds where extraterrestrial life is possible. Since then, the idea of a universe consisting of many worlds, just like Earth and our solar system, has been raised many times in the course of human history.

To search for life on planets other than the Earth we must be prepared to recognize life as we do not know it. We cannot rule out other planets just because they are not like our world. Criterion of ‘Being Living ‘ For millennia, philosophers, scientists, and theologians, have attempted define life. Life on some planets may be like life on Earth. Again, however, this may trap us into an Earth-centered perspective. Characterizing Life Boron Based Life Like this: