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You're A Web Designer And You Need Icons? Check Out These Icon Packs. Icons are used everywhere on the web for providing information and guiding visitors.

You're A Web Designer And You Need Icons? Check Out These Icon Packs

As such, they are quite important and can be found all over websites. They can tell visitors how to cancel transactions, move to another page, or go to the checkout. They continually deliver better communication from the webpage to the user. Each and every web project needs icons, but creating custom icons could prove too time-consuming for most developers. On the other hand, nobody really has the time to dig through all of the free icons to find just the right ones.

But, there are plenty to be found, both commercial and personal, right here in this article. Ingenicons – 100 Icons Set 36 Flat Education Icon Set. 16 Places to Find the Best Free Stock Photos. Good images are a key part of putting together a great website.

16 Places to Find the Best Free Stock Photos

But finding images to use can sometimes be difficult. Your options are to take the photos yourself, buy images from a photographer or stock image site or to find images that are free and available for use. That’s what we are going to look at here today. There are a variety of places where you can find free photos that are available for public use.

Most of these images fall under a creative commons license (just make sure you attribute properly) or are old enough that the photos have returned to the public domain. So here’s a look at 16 places where you can find great stock images at no cost. Raumrot Raumrot specializes in free, hand-selected stock photos that can be used for personal or commercial projects. What’s nice about the site is how it is organized. Affinity Designer - Vector art & design. Estudantes criam máscaras que dão superpoderes a usuários. 07 de maio de 2013 • 14h36 • atualizado às 14h49 Eidos Vision possui um aspecto futurista.

Estudantes criam máscaras que dão superpoderes a usuários

25 Embalagens que seguem tendências. Quais são as tendências que seguem para o setor de embalagem neste ano?

25 Embalagens que seguem tendências

Top Gadgets of the Web. Embalagem ‘fast’ para ‘food’ Apesar de não ser nem um pouco adepta ao fast food, não posso deixar de reconhecer o excelente trabalho de embalagem proposto pelo designer Seulbi Kim.

Embalagem ‘fast’ para ‘food’

Balançando o banco. Banco-balanço criado por James McBennett em três versões que permitem balanços diferentes.

Balançando o banco

Mas o mais legal deste projeto é que o designer envia o projeto para ser feito o mais perto do consumidor para minimizar o transporte do mesmo :) além disso você também pode baixar o arquivo CAD gratuitamente. Curtiu? Jóias de plástico. Acessórios criados em diversas camadas de plástico pela húngara Rajnai Rebeka... cativam nosso olhar pela leveza e beleza, apesar da simplicidade da matéria-prima.

Jóias de plástico

Lindas peças que poderiam ser feitas também com material reaproveitado, com certeza! Via. Kit de sobrevivência para situações de emergência. Sempre que ocorrem catástrofes naturais, nós designers, sempre nos perguntamos o que podemos fazer para ajudar, surgem pequenas ações de divulgação de informação para donativos, mas raramente passa disso.

Kit de sobrevivência para situações de emergência

Pois o designer japonês Hikaru Imamura sentiu na própria pele esta motivação e percebeu como a evolução tecnológica e da informação não adiantava muito em meio a um terremoto e suas consequências, ocorrido no Japão em 11 de março de 2011. 3 Ways To Make Wearable Tech Actually Wearable. Wearable technology is the next new wave of technology, and it’s bound to drive a lot of the innovation in the consumer electronics industry.

3 Ways To Make Wearable Tech Actually Wearable

We can expect to see a lot more watches, glasses, fitness gadgets, and wristbands in the years to come. But bear in mind that we’re in the “brick phone” phase, or version 1.0, of wearable tech. In these early days, we’re approaching wearables with a traditional CE mentality--it’s all about making a powerful gadget that we can bolt onto our bodies without considering the new aspects of what it means to wear, rather than carry, something. Generate Design. Self-Stirring Pot Puts New Spin on Stove-top Cooking. “What a nabe!”

Self-Stirring Pot Puts New Spin on Stove-top Cooking

Indeed. Hideki Watanabe, a dentist from the city of Iyo in southwestern Japan, has created a new type of cooking pot that not only stirs itself, but also saves energy by reducing the time it takes a pot of water to boil. The so-called Kuru-Kuru Nabe, or “Round and Round Pot”, puts basic thermodynamics to work so you don't have to. The secret is the sculpted sides of the pot, something Watanabe came up with while experimenting with dental plaster at his office.

As water in the pot begins to warm up, it rises, but the spirally angled sides of the pot direct the flow into a circular direction. Check out this video to see the Kuru-Kuru Nabe in action... wow, those beads look tasty! As you can see, the inertia of the moving water results in more efficient heating of the pot's contents so the water's boiling point is reached in a shorter time, thus saving energy. Hideki Watanabe, dentist and self-styled "spin doctor" sees great potential in the Kuru-Kuru Nabe. Demeter Fragrance Library Colognes, Perfumes, Shower, Bath and Body, Lotions and Gels, and Oils. The Lab Store.