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Database Cleanup

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Data Cleansing and Verification Services. By logic, if you’ve been using same database in the last 2 years, it is likely that about two thirds of your marketing communications could be going to waste.

Data Cleansing and Verification Services

With a campaign as off-targeted as that, you get a snowball’s chance in Houston of getting a sale. Now more than ever, you need to put more emphasis on data quality. Lead Generation, Appointment Setting. Other Industries. Logistics.

Other Industries

Why Businesses Outsource their Marketing (aside from obvious reasons) Database Cleanup. Success in any marketing campaign largely depends on the right combination of many factors.

Database Cleanup

One of these is the quality of business data. A good business list often results in highly targeted and more efficient campaigns. In contrast, a bad list usually consumes so much time, energy, and money to work through. In order to get a good response for your marketing campaign without breaking your budget, you must check your database to ensure that the data it contains are accurate, targeted, and up-to-date. Regular database clean-up is important in ensuring the productivity of your organization. Database cleansing includes: Data Scrubbing - removing old, damaged, or irrelevant filesData Consolidation - organizing or grouping list entries according to certain parameters (e.g. by business type, by industry, etc.)Data Deduplication or Deduping - removing duplicate entriesData Integration - combining data from different databases to provide separate organizations a unified view of these.

10 Social Media Blunders Your Small Business Must Avoid. The power of social media should not be underestimated, but with so many people free to say and share whatever they want, it is important that social media is used effectively and with caution.

10 Social Media Blunders Your Small Business Must Avoid.

Worried? Here are 10 Social Media Blunders Your Small Business Must Avoid. The power of social media should not be underestimated. Appointment Setting, Telemarketing. Generating leads for software products requires a profound understanding of the software buying process.

Appointment Setting, Telemarketing

When the goal is to generate software leads, sales professionals know to choose Callbox to speed up lead generation. We set appointments with top corporate decision makers including Chief Executive Officers, IT Managers, Chief Financial Officers, and Controllers. We generate software sales leads and set appointments for companies providing mid-level and enterprise level software solutions including: Accounting and Financial SoftwareERP SoftwareBusiness Intelligence SoftwareCRM SoftwareWorkforce Management SoftwareHR and Payroll SoftwareContent and Document Management SoftwareIndustry-specific Applications Dial 888.810.7464 to speak with a Callbox representative or fill out that form on the left.

Callbox-Pipeline.pdf. Lead Generation Services. Handle B2B Software Telemarketing Rejections In Six Ways. Study: Which Content Marketing tasks are typica... - Sales and Marketing Strategies - Quora. A team of online marketers usually have a lot on their plate, especially when campaigns are using multi-channel strategies that involve social media, blog content production, email and pure SEO.

Study: Which Content Marketing tasks are typica... - Sales and Marketing Strategies - Quora

These tactics thrive on content, and because the demand for quality has been escalating in the past few years, there has also been a call for expert writers, graphic designers, and content distribution marketers that are competent enough to compete against thousands of other online marketers. However, you can’t rely on outsourcing for the entire content marketing operation, because would deprive you of managerial control and supervision.

You need to do some of the things in-house to keep you in touch with the activities of the campaign. So which of the usual tasks are better off delegated to an outside firm? For reference, let’s take a look at a study conducted by MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute. Here are some of the findings: Shaken, Not Stirred: The World of Telemarketing According to James Bond. Laser beams, high-tech cars, bad guys with accents, and strange women.

Shaken, Not Stirred: The World of Telemarketing According to James Bond

These are the things that James Bond lives for. What else has he not done? Online & Social Media Marketing. Tips for improving customer service. It is not the end of the world if your current customer service is not excellent, because there are various ways to improve it...

Tips for improving customer service

Never forget the old saying which states that the customer is always right, it is one hundred percent true, and if your customers are unhappy with your service, you should definitely listen to their complaints. Nobody is perfect and we are all prone to making mistakes, however, we should try to keep those mistakes to a minimum whenever possible and also learn from them. Learn about consumer’s desires It is truly amazing what you can accomplish by simply listening to your customers. Allow your customers to present their problems to you, so that you can come up with an efficient way to help them. The Building Machine for Author Rank (Infographic) What is Author rank?

The Building Machine for Author Rank (Infographic)

How does it works? When Google released hummingbird, all these questions were like pop up ads sprouting in every content marketer’s nutshell. Last year, gaining authorship was like a marathon but it was never like the old times that you just make thousands of content, make spins, stuffed some keywords and voila! Your content is ready to post. Ready to smack down competitor’s outdated blog post. For hummingbird, that’s unacceptable.

Should Small Businesses Focus On Customer Care Services? 7 Elements of B2B Marketing Success in the IT I... Simple Ways to Generate Leads. Popular Today in Business: All Popular Articles B2B Marketing By Belinda Summers, Published June 16, 2013 Generating leads is not as easy as ABC, nor complicated as advanced calculus and trigonometry, it just requires an exceptional skill in finding various ways and strategies to generate one, and this doesn’t necessarily mean paying through the nose.

Simple Ways to Generate Leads

Just advertising your business in a local newspaper may not be the best idea so far to generate a large number of leads—perhaps, you need to be innovative in integrating diverse tools in the hope of targeting your goal which is to generate leads as many as possible and turn them into customers. Sticking to one strategy doesn’t really work, but converging a variety of them will most likely to give you the result you ever wanted. For instance, the webbing strategy, this is by means of setting up a networking event. Joining trade shows is also a strategic way in generating leads. This post originally appeared at my Leads Generation Marketing Blog. How to Find Your Social Business Stage. Social Business Inspiration “The good thing about social media is that it gives everyone a voice. The bad thing is… it gives everyone a voice.” – Katie Couric Katie Couric wrote this in her foreword for Brian Solis’ new book, ‘The End of Business As Usual’ where he dissects what it means to be a social consumer (and marketer) in our revolutionary, digital age.

What Couric says couldn’t be more relevant for the analysis of how social media has manifested within our global society. SEM Guide: How to Do SEO The Right Way. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has come a loooong way. When blogging started to catch on, around 2006, many people scrambled to learn the dark arts of SEO: meta tags, keyword stuffing, backlink building, and plugging into networks of virtual friends who would share your posts through Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious. Those days are gone. Forever. Google’s Panda and Penguin updates have changed the game for the blackhat SEO artists. As Joe Pulizzi says in this Content Marketing Institute article: Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: Native Advertising - What Is It & Why Content Marketers Should Care “Search engine optimization (SEO) is an incredibly important top-of-the-funnel tactic.

In a digital world, the difference between PR and advertising is risk. Plagiarism: What it Is, What it Isn't, and How to Avoid It in Content Marketing. Journalism students take entire courses on ethics, and a big portion of it has to do with plagiarism. Still, there are cases every year in which it’s discovered that trained, professional, and reputable reporters are guilty of plagiarizing. Content marketers on the other hand, haven’t necessarily been trained in all of the intricacies of plagiarism, and trust us – it goes way beyond just cutting and pasting entire articles.

There are quite a few gray areas to be aware of, especially in our world of daily blog deadlines in which everything online seems like it’s fair game to use. Here’s a journalist’s crash course on plagiarism, and how to avoid getting busted for stealing the words and ideas of others. The most interesting man in the world never plagiarizes, via MediaBistro. The stuff your Dad taught you – and how they became pure Marketing wisdom.

Pin by Lorie Lewis on B2B Marketing. Pin by Lorie Lewis on B2B Client Strategy. Pin by Lorie Lewis on B2B Appointment Setting. Why Smart Marketing Matters and How To Be Socially Wired.