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Records. Exit Slips. Our lesson plans are written and reviewed by educators using current research and the best instructional practices and are aligned to state and national standards.

Exit Slips

Choose from hundreds of topics and strategies. More. Exit-Slip-19306 Teaching Resources. 10 Exit Slip Prompts that Will Work for Any Class - Teach 4 the Heart. If you’re not using exit slips, you really should try them.

10 Exit Slip Prompts that Will Work for Any Class - Teach 4 the Heart

Basically, you give students a quick prompt at the end of class (or for elementary, at the end of the day or the end of a subject). Then the students have just a couple minutes to write an answer and turn it in. Why You Should Use Exit Slips: Writing increases students’ participation. Do You Pose Questions That Invite Metacognition? - Learning Personalized. Bena Kallick is a private consultant providing services to school districts, state departments of education, professional organizations, and public agencies throughout the United States and internationally.

Do You Pose Questions That Invite Metacognition? - Learning Personalized

Arthur L. Costa is professor emeritus of education at California State University, Sacramento, and co-founder of the Institute for Intelligent Behavior in El Dorado Hills, California. Our ‘inner voice’ is what we use to reflect on what we do, how and why we behave in the way we do, how we critique ourselves and how we connect the knowledge, ideas, concepts and concept frameworks developed using each of our four learning systems.