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Paleo/Primal Gluten-Free Baked Goods Recipes. Macaroni & Cheese. There’s nothing that can be said.

Macaroni & Cheese

But there is much to be eaten. Come, my child…come. I shall take you by the hand and take you where you need to go. I shall show you the food that is solely responsible for my bones and tissues multiplying and growing at a young age. It’s macaroni and cheese. Come…come, my child. I shall show you the way. Elbow macaroni. You’ll need butter. And just note that I pretty much never use unsalted butter except for a few select baking recipes. All-purpose flour. WHOLE MILK. Dry mustard. 1 egg. And cheese. But today, it’s all cheddar, all the time. Cook 4 cups dried macaroni until it’s very “al dente”.

Nutshell: Undercook the macaroni! Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, whisk the egg. Add a good teaspoon or so of salt to the water. Now, in a large saucepan or dutch oven, melt 1/4 cup (1/2 stick OR 4 tablespoons) butter. Sprinkle in an equal amount (4 tablespoons) flour. Whisk the mixture together over medium-low heat (careful not to burn!) Whisk it together…


Desserts. Paleo. Homemade Junk Food. Homemade Twix bars.

Homemade Junk Food

Two for you, enough for everyone else. 19 Reclips 14 Likes Healthier goldfish (did you know Goldfish normally contain MSG?) 27 Reclips 18 Likes Make your own thin mints any season of the year. 48 Reclips 12 Likes Samoas, another Girl Scout favorite. 24 Reclips 5 Likes Make your own "Snickles" bar. 38 Reclips 4 Likes Healthier Hostess cupcakes. 15 Reclips 2 Likes Pop tarts from your own oven. 4 Reclips 4 Likes When you make your own peanut butter cups, you can add all the peanut butter filling you want. 5 Reclips 5 Likes Homemade Almond Joy. 17 Reclips 4 Likes Smitten Kitchen fills DIY pop tarts with Nutella. 2 Reclips 6 Likes Fig Newtons all grown up. Tater tots. 9 Reclips 3 Likes Break yourself off a piece of that homemade Kit Kat bar. Your homemade Twinkies won't have a longer lifespan than you do. 14 Reclips 2 Likes Passable "Doritos" made from quinoa. 2 Reclips 1 Likes These knockoff Fritos don't have the signature curl, but still have the distinctive salty corn flavor.

Mini Lasagna Cups. This post is in partnership with French’s Sweet Yellow Mustard and Spicy Yellow Mustard.

Mini Lasagna Cups

I received compensation to write this post through the Sweet and Spicy Influencer Program. All content, photos, and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting sponsors that allow me to create new content for Kevin & Amanda! Today I’m partnering with French’s Mustard to bring you this fabulous Honey Garlic Shrimp. This quick and easy dinner is SO fresh and light for summer! How fabulous do these veggie noodles look?? Here’s all you need: Shrimp, garlic, honey, red bell pepper, zucchini, squash, parsley, red pepper flakes, chicken broth, and French’s Sweet or Spicy Yellow Mustard. You can use either one of these new mustard flavors from French’s today! First we’ll make a decadent sauce for this Honey Garlic Shrimp. Next, cut the zucchini and yellow squash into noodles (long, thin strips). Delicious yellow squash noodles! Next, dice up a couple red bell peppers and saute over medium high heat. MNN - Mother Nature Network - StumbleUpon.

Parmesan roasted potatoes. I can’t help it.

parmesan roasted potatoes

I’ve been loving roasted potatoes. First, those delicious smoked paprika potatoes, now these yummy, crispy parmesan ones. Why, yes, the temperatures are still in the triple digits? Why do you ask? Oh…right. Friends, dairy is back in my life. My first taste of Parmigiano Reggiano in three months was a close-your-eyes-it’s-so-good experience. I digress. I used regular paprika for these, but if you’d like, you could certainly use smoked paprika if you prefer. Parmesan Roasted Potatoes Ingredients 4 medium potatoes, skins on, scrubbed and diced* 2-3 Tbsp olive oil ½c grated parmesan 1 tsp garlic salt ½ tsp paprika salt and pepper to taste Instructions In a large bowl, toss potatoes with olive oil, parmesan, garlic salt, and paprika. Notes *The most important thing is to keep the potato pieces about the same size so they cook evenly.