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Sneakey Captures Your Keys! - Fabbaloo Blog - Fabbaloo. We're always interested in ways to develop 3D models for printing, and this method is quite startling: Teleduplicating physical keys via optical decoding!

Sneakey Captures Your Keys! - Fabbaloo Blog - Fabbaloo

Yes, they take a picture of your keys and then using sophisticated image analysis techniques can prepare a 3D model that duplicates the key shape. It's, called, obviously, "Sneakey". Japanese Doctors Use 3D Printers to Make Organs. We can all a agree that 3D printers are awesome, the fact that technology is now available for the average person to "print" actual real world objects is mind blowing.

Japanese Doctors Use 3D Printers to Make Organs

Advances in the field and a decrease in the cost of production has resulted in more wide spread use of these machines. The Kobe University Hospital has displayed some groundbreaking medical applications. Models of 3D printed human organs are being used to in the preparation for surgery. World's first chocolate printer‬‏ Print To 3D Home.