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Curso - Teoria dos Jogos e Estratégia. Curso - Líderes Empreendedores. Impressionist - v Welcome to the Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking. Welcome to the’s Virtual Crash Course resource page! We know not everyone can make a trip to the to experience how we teach design thinking. So, we created this online version of one of our most frequently sought after learning tools. Using the video, handouts, and facilitation tips below, we will take you step by step through the process of hosting or participating in a 90 minute design challenge.

If you choose to participate, in 90 minutes you will be taken through a full design cycle by participating in The Gift-Giving Project. This is a fast-paced project where participants pair up to interview each other, identify real needs, and develop a solution to “redesign the gift-giving experience” for their partner. NO PREVIOUS DESIGN EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. We’ll provide all the information you need to be successful, whether you are just pairing up with one other person or you are gathering a large group (great for organizations, schools, or companies). Gear Up! Understand Innovation in 5 Minutes. DaVinci-Case_Isvor_Fiat. Cultura de Inovação Tecnisa.

Design Thinking e Educação Corporativa. Inovação na Prática. Inovação quebrando paradigmas para vencer -slides. Pesquisa - Classe C Urbana do Brasil. Seguros 2.0. Insurance 2020 - Innovating beyond old models. Porto Seguro - Redes Sociais. 10 Tendências de Consumo para 2013 – Trendwatching. No ano passado, a gente falou aqui, um pouco sobre tendências e o trabalho de pesquisa dos coolhunters. Mostramos como as cores são escolhidas pelas empresas para inspirar a moda, design, decoração e produtos durante um ano todo.

Fato que cada vez mais, essas informações previstas traduzem futuros comportamentos para marcas e consumidores. Uma das empresas que nos traz com clareza essas ideias é a TrendWatching - rede com escritórios em Londres, São Paulo e Cingapura, que examina o mundo todo em busca das tendências de consumo mais promissoras e insights para empresas. Conversamos com a equipe do escritório Brasil, para saber um pouco mais sobre o funcionamento e descobertas das próximas tendências atuais: “Tudo começa com um trabalho de pesquisa baseado em dados bem concretos. PRESUMERS/CUSTOWNERS são os caras que se envolvem com o lançamento de produtos antes mesmo de eles serem lançados, financiando-os ou até mesmo co-criando-os.

Nota como o mundo muda em um ano? Aula 3 Posicionamento EstratéGico. Palestra Gestao Portfolio PMIRS 2007-07-12. Design Thinking, Service Design and Innovation Videos. Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 15. The Next Generation of Business Innovation. Why Jeff Bezos Is Our Greatest Living CEO. The Harvard Business Review recently published its list of the 100 Best Performing CEOs. This list is better than most because it looks at long-term performance of the CEO during his or her time in the job – with many on the list in service more than a decade. #1 was Steve Jobs. #2 is Jeff Bezos – making him the greatest living CEO. It is startling just how well these two CEOs performed. During Jobs’ tenure Apple investors achieved a return of 66.8 times their money. During Mr. Bezos’ tenure shareholders achieved a remarkable 124.3 times return on their money.

Both of these CEOs achieved greatness by transforming an industry. The Amazon story is all the more remarkable because it has been written in the far more mundane world of retail – not known for being nearly as fast-changing at tech. Lest we forget, Amazon started as an on-line seller of books frequently unavailable at your local bookstore. But Amazon’s industry transformation has gone far beyond bookselling. Wait! Idea Challenges – you get what you give.