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The Untold Story Of What Happened At An Overcrowded West Virginia Jail After The Chemical Spill. By Christie Thompson "The Untold Story Of What Happened At An Overcrowded West Virginia Jail After The Chemical Spill" When roughly 10,000 gallons of chemicals leaked into a West Virginia watershed this January, Governor Earl Ray Tomblin declared a state of emergency.

The Untold Story Of What Happened At An Overcrowded West Virginia Jail After The Chemical Spill

Officials shut down schools, deployed the National Guard, and rallied volunteers to bring water and support to the 300,000 people without potable water. But in the state’s emergency response, there was one group that many forgot: the 429 prisoners locked in Charleston’s overcrowded jail, who were entirely dependent on the state to provide them clean water.

The only article that looked at the spill’s impact on inmates was a small, glowing report published two months later in the Charleston Daily Mail. Joe DeLong, executive director of the West Virginia Regional Jail Authority, told the paper inmates were given eight bottles of water a day and that they had “essentially no access to the contaminated water.” Las pérdidas por la desaparición de abejas en EU llegan a los 2 mmd, dice el gobierno; nadie sabe qué pasa con ellas. Ever Heard Of Benzene Poisoning? Me Neither. But Samsung And Apple Have. America's Dangerous Pipelines. Carbon emissions explained (with lego) Las 'hormigas locas' neutralizan el veneno de otros insectos y se propagan por EE.UU. Los investigadores de la Universidad de Austin (Texas) descubrieron que en su desarrollo invasivo las 'hormigas locas' segregan un ácido que permite neutralizar las toxinas contenidas en el veneno de otras especies, incluidas las así llamadas hormigas de fuego de gran tamaño, Informa la revista especializada 'Science'.

Las 'hormigas locas' neutralizan el veneno de otros insectos y se propagan por EE.UU.

Las 'hormigas locas' segregan un ácido fórmico por medio de una glándula de su abdome, que después esparcen por todo su cuerpo, lo que las blinda frente a la acción de un veneno que es más tóxico que los insecticidas letales artificiales como DDT, lo que les convierte en los potenciales dominantes del territorio. Los expertos sugieren que a medida que se desarrolle esta especie de hormiga podría desplazar a sus semejantes, como las hormigas de fuego que dominan gran parte del sureste de EE.UU., provocando serios daños en el ecosistema de la región.

Peces mutantes se adaptan a las aguas contaminadas en EE.UU. El ciprinodóntido atlántico, un pez de estuario de pocos centímetros de longitud, ha logrado adaptarse a las aguas del puerto de New Bedford, en Massachusetts, que durante décadas han sido contaminadas por metales pesados y otras sustancias tóxicas, informa la revista especializada 'BMC Evolutionary Biology'.

Peces mutantes se adaptan a las aguas contaminadas en EE.UU.

West Virginia Declares State Of Emergency After Coal Chemical Contaminates Drinking Water. By Kiley Kroh on January 10, 2014 at 9:31 am.

West Virginia Declares State Of Emergency After Coal Chemical Contaminates Drinking Water

Chemical Leak Into West Virginia River Far Larger Than Previously Estimated. By Joanna M.

Chemical Leak Into West Virginia River Far Larger Than Previously Estimated

Foster on January 12, 2014 at 1:28 pm. Water Contamination In West Virginia May Have Started Weeks Ago, Residents Believe. By Emily Atkin and Katie Valentine on January 14, 2014 at 2:53 pm "Water Contamination In West Virginia May Have Started Weeks Ago, Residents Believe" The Kanawha river is seen from Trojan Landing Marine, a boat storage and maintenance facility where workers say they have smelled the chemical since December.

Water Contamination In West Virginia May Have Started Weeks Ago, Residents Believe

New Jersey Nightmare: A Mind-Boggling New Proposal Could Make The Next Superstorm Even More Deadly And Destructive. By Joanna M.

New Jersey Nightmare: A Mind-Boggling New Proposal Could Make The Next Superstorm Even More Deadly And Destructive

Foster "New Jersey Nightmare: A Mind-Boggling New Proposal Could Make The Next Superstorm Even More Deadly And Destructive" The Hudson Tea condominium development, left, a Toll Brothers Inc. development in Hoboken, N.J. (Credit: AP) Riva Pointe is a beautiful place to live. “Surrounded by water on three sides, it joins the ranks of luxury homes found in world-class, waterfront cities such as Hong Kong, Sydney, and Venice,” gushes a local realtor on her website. Three Republicans Who Opposed Sandy Relief Now Demand Disaster Aid For Arizona. By Josh Israel "Three Republicans Who Opposed Sandy Relief Now Demand Disaster Aid For Arizona" Sens.

Three Republicans Who Opposed Sandy Relief Now Demand Disaster Aid For Arizona

Jeff Flake and John McCain (R-AZ) Video: Un gigantesco sumidero en un pantano engulle un pueblo entero en EE.UU. En agosto de 2012, tras meses de inexplicable actividad sísmica y de una extraña efervescencia en las aguas, en el acuífero de la localidad de Bayou Corne, al sur del estado de Luisiana, se descubrió un socavón de unos 5.000 metros cuadrados de superficie y varios cientos de metros de profundidad, forzando la evacuación inmediata de 350 residentes del pueblo.

Video: Un gigantesco sumidero en un pantano engulle un pueblo entero en EE.UU.

Videoclub - Un gigantesco sumidero en un pantano absorbe bosques enteros. TransCanada Has Already Had To Fix 125 Dents And Sags In Southern Keystone Pipeline. By Emily Atkin "TransCanada Has Already Had To Fix 125 Dents And Sags In Southern Keystone Pipeline" Patches on a portion of the Keystone XL pipeline.

TransCanada Has Already Had To Fix 125 Dents And Sags In Southern Keystone Pipeline

CREDIT: Public Citizen Synthetic crude oil hasn’t yet entered the southern segment of the Keystone XL pipeline, but a report released Tuesday by non-profit consumer rights group Public Citizen says the pipes are already bending, sagging and peeling to the point of a possible spill or leakage of toxic tar sands. Drawing on the accounts of landowners, citizens and former workers of TransCanada, the report documents alleged construction problems and engineering code violations along the Texas portion of the pipeline, proved by what the group says is a staggering amount of excavations to correct dents and patch holes. “The government should investigate, and shouldn’t let crude flow until that is done,” Public Citizen’s Texas office director Tom Smith said in a statement. “The consequences of a failure would be grave,” Smith said.

Rape Culture At Work: Five Examples Of How Employers Turn Women Into Sex Objects. By Tara Culp-Ressler and Bryce Covert "Rape Culture At Work: Five Examples Of How Employers Turn Women Into Sex Objects" CREDIT: Shutterstock It’s no secret that women face a disproportionate amount of discrimination in the workplace. One-third of women say they have been subject to some type of workplace discrimination at some point in their careers — which can range from being paid less for the same type of work, to being denied a promotion, to being scrutinized more carefully than their male colleagues.

But the issues that women encounter on the job can run deeper than being unfairly assumed to be less competent or less valuable than their male counterparts. How Two Reservoirs Have Become Billboards For What Climate Change Is Doing To The American West. By Tom Kenworthy "How Two Reservoirs Have Become Billboards For What Climate Change Is Doing To The American West" Lake Mead’s “bathtub ring” at the top of the white band shows how high the water used to be. In West Texas, a parched football field spells crisis. Eddie Ray Roberts, superintendent of the water and waste department in… (Tony Gutierrez / Associated…) ROBERT LEE, TEXAS — It is the day before homecoming, and there is trouble at the Robert Lee High School football field.

The field is dying. The field that was once so lush, so emerald green, that the maintenance staff took calls from other schools begging to know its secret. Deepwater Horizon: Gulf of Mexico 'deep-cleaned' itself. 8 April 2013Last updated at 21:41 ET By Jason Palmer BBC News, New Orleans The explosion at the Deepwater Horizon rig led to one of the worst oil disasters in history New details have emerged about "self-cleaning" effects in the Gulf of Mexico witnessed in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Researchers reporting at the American Chemical Society conference revealed details of a cascade of micro-organisms that spring into action to degrade oil. Research has also outlined how chemical "dispersants" used in clean-up efforts actually frustrate these processes. However, the long-term effects of the weeks of oil exposure remain unknown. And concern was expressed about the ultimate resilience of the Gulf. Terry Hazen of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has been studying oil-degrading microbes in greater and greater detail since the disaster, even discovering some that had never been seen before.

"They're really oil-seeking missiles," he told the meeting. In Case You Missed It, A Seriously Scary Thing Is Scheduled To Happen To New York City In November. Exxon Pipeline Breaks in Arkansas. Could the GMO Salmon Reproduce? It doesn’t happen often in nature, but now and then, a wild Atlantic salmon (yes, there are still a few left) mates with a brown trout and has hybrid offspring. This ability to reproduce between species had some Canadian scientists curious: If a genetically modified Atlantic salmon were to come in contact with a brown trout, would it too be able to have little transgenes babies? The answer is yes, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B . And it turns out that those offspring carry the genetically inserted trait that allows them to grow faster than their Mother-Nature-made cousins.

Much faster. In fact, the hybrid offspring outgrew their genetically tweaked parents as well. “When the fish were placed in a mocked-up stream inside the laboratory, the researchers found that the hybrids were out-competing both the genetically modified salmon and wild salmon, significantly stunting their growth,” writes Rebecca Morelle, science reporter for BBC News .