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Les Intelligences Multiples

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Mieux-apprendre - Bienvenue dans l'Univers du mieux-apprendre. +++ OCCE 67. LA_THEORIE_DES_INTELLIGENCES_MULTIPLES_Howard_Gardner.pdf. Descr_8intell_ill270105.pdf. Zoom sur... - Zoom sur... les intelligences multiples. La théorie des Intelligences multiples d'Howard Gardner La notion d' « Intelligences multiples » a été proposée par un professeur de l'Université de Harvard, Howard Gardner, en 1983 dans son livre Frames of Minds : the Theory of Multiple Intelligence.

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Il suggère que chaque individu dispose de plusieurs types d'intelligences, pour lesquelles il a naturellement une plus ou moins grande compétence. Sa théorie a été reprise par de nombreux chercheurs et on distingue aujourd'hui huit principales formes d'intelligences : Howard_gardner_theory_multiple_intelligences.pdf. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test (DMIT): a fundamental review! What is the 'Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test' (DMIT)?

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test (DMIT): a fundamental review!

DMIT is an appealing commercial product which suggests that 'multiple intelligences' (read: talents) can be assessed from dermatoglyphics & fingerprints. During the past years DMIT became a popular niche in some Asian countries with the use of smart marketing techniques focused on especially young parents, who are often insecure about their child's future. Is DMIT really the reliable & scientifically validated test that it claims to represent? At some locations (e.g. in Chinese cities) DMIT became banned after parents started complaining about e.g. the reliability of the DMIT results + doubts regarding the validity of various DMIT-claims. Also, incidental reports have been noticed from various sources where DMIT became described as a franchise scheme fraud/scam.