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Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects. Bits from Bytes official blog | RapMan 3.1 | BFB-3000. I.materialise 3D printing service blog. Are you looking for a specific model; but can’t find the right size?

Dave Cowden, a mechanical engineer with a passion for 3D printing, came up with the solution: Parametric Parts . An interview! What’s your background? David : «I was educated as a Mechanical Engineer, but I’ve always enjoyed ‘making things’. I moved into the IT industry about 15 years ago, and managed an e-commerce team for 10 years during the dot-com boom. Why did you start Parametric Parts? Can you tell us a little bit more about it? «Designers can create models that yield an unlimited number of possibilities, and users can finally get what they want without endless searching.»

How will it help designers? How easy is it to use? Right now there are 14 models; how many models do you want to put online in time? Do you make these models? Can you give an example how and why designers would want to customize these models? Who can use your web based app? Blog. Why is wall thickness such a difficult challenge to solve? The goal was to create tools to help designers identify and fix potential problem areas prior to 3D printing. The solution had to provide accurate and relevant data, in order to help 3D designers speed up the design and iteration cycle.

Man vs Machine Take, for instance, a triangle: at the very tip, the wall thickness gradually becomes zero. The same concept applies to the edges of a blade of grass. The wall thickness will eventually get below the minimum wall thickness requirement for 3D printing. Yet these objects are printable and a 3D Printing Engineer would know that. Measurement Complexity Another challenge is measurement complexity. Furthermore, we see a lot of complex 3D models, designed by our community, that push the boundaries of design.

Our Discovery Process How it Works We shifted the question from “What is the wall thickness and is it too thin?” Sculpteo Blog. 3D Printer. Community Blog | Fab@Home. I've just finished a set of improvements to the pather. Our default pather (source "shared/pather/simplecrosshatchpather.cpp") first traces the outer and inner contours twice, so that the object looks smooth on the outside. Then it fills in the shape with straight lines, and connects the ends of these lines together as well as it can: one level of an 11-sided psuedo-sphere On each successive level, it switches between vertical and horizontal lines, to make the structure stronger: the next level of the same psuedo-sphere We also have an experimental pather (source "shared/pather/concentricloopspather.cpp") that traces concentric loops from the edge of the object inwards.

I've gotten this to work quite well on convex polygons... the same psuedo-sphere, concentric loops pather ...but it still has trouble on shapes with part of the interior excluded: failed attempt at the crenelated top of a rook (chess piece) My main focus has been improving our default pather. -- Ben. Untitled.