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Espritblog, le laboratoire multimedia. David MacDougall. 16:57:21 Didn't begin filming until University and then only in a minor way; had my great aunt's camera, an early 16mm Bell and Howell and did begin to make little films about my friends; majored in English at Harvard and did begin to take anthropology; in anthropology, Barbara Whiting was teaching; first ethnography I read was 'The Nuer'; before this, at fourteen, had been to Africa where father was working on a survey of a river system in northern Angola; allowed to take a term off from school to join parents there; very valuable experience; able to go with engineers up rivers in dugout canoes, crocodiles on the banks; got a job doing their photographic processing in their dark room in the main office in Luanda; from that time on always had an interest in Africa but more accidental that I ended up making films there as that was part of a postgraduate film making project; no particularly memorable teachers either in anthropology or English.

Latest news, comment and reviews from the Guardian. Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. The Global Journal. OWNI, Digital Journalism. La Social Newsroom. Le journal d'info locale américain The Bangor Daily News vient de faire une migration technique intéressante : Toute la production (web et print) tourne maintenant autour de la plateforme de blogs Wordpress.

Le pourquoi du comment est relayé ici (Mediabistro) et expliqué sur le blog du journal là. "Un article ne peut pas être mis dans l'édition papier du journal sans passer par Wordpress", indique William P. Davis, "online editor" du Bangor Daily News. Comment ça marche ? L'information transite par une armée de plug-ins (petits programmes web) connectant Google Docs, Wordpress et inDesign. 1. Le journaliste écrit son article dans Google Docs. 2. 3. Pour le journal, c'est un gain de temps et d'argent (Wordpress et Google Docs sont gratuits). Satellite Voices. Paris / Fashion Jean-Charles de Castelbajac We close with an epic interview with the French fashion visionary.

Et Bonne nuit. November 30, 2012 Moscow / Photography Transfiguration by Gosha Rubchinskiy Published by Junsuke Yamasaki we present a series of spreads from the Russian youth vanguard's acclaimed book November 29, 2012 Munich / Art + Design Detlef Schneider From film to fashion, sport and photography, the German talent reveals the inspiration behind his spreads November 28, 2012 BWGH for Le Bon Marché The exquisite Parisian label presents its latest collaboration with the cult fashion store Munich / Fashion Munich Folk Exploring the city with the new Munich anchors of the inimitable British label Folk Paris / Music The new wave Parisian electro duo introduce their military-driven, conceptual debut record November 27, 2012 Paris / Art + Design Spheres 2012 The opening of one of the best exhibitions of the year set in the Parisian countryside November 19, 2012 Tokyo / Art + Design.

Slate. Moteur de recherche de l'actu et classement TOP 100 sur RedTram. Yahoo! Actualités - Toute l'actualité en France et dans le monde. News search engine, all-in-one news headlines (vanilla version) - Newsmap. 10x10 · 100 Words and Pictures that Define the Time · by Jonathan Harris. Google Actualités. Les groupes de presse français. Echonimo (R4b) - Moteur de recherche d'actualités - Actualité en ligne. Topix: Your town. Your news. Your take.