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Cleaning Hacks

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50 Car Cleaning Hacks Local Car Cleaners Don’t Want People To Know. 10+ Homemade Drain Cleaners: How To Unclog A Drain Without Calling A Plumber. A clogged drain can be rather pesky and annoying. It disrupt and delay your routine and even generate nasty drain smell in bathroom or kitchen. This bad sewer smell in house is unhealthy for people. If you call in drain cleaning service, it may cost you money more than what you expected. What then do you do in such a situation? Recycled Drain De-clogger Made From A Plastic Bottle This homemade drain cleaner was made from a plastic bottle. Unclog Your Drain with Baking Soda and Vinegar Baking soda and vinegar are the top and the most commonly used DIY drain cleaner. Baking Soda with Lemon Juice Drain Cleaner Clean the garbage disposal with Baking soda AND vinegar AND ice AND lemons AND a toothbrush.

Pipe Cleaner + Chopstick = Drain Cleaner Wrap a pipe cleaner around a chopstick and create a simple homemade drain cleaning tool. Homemade Drain Cleaner to Banish Clogs for Good This is a natural cleaning solution for clogged garbage disposal. Unclog a Drain with Salt, Vinegar and Boiling Water. You might be starting to a notice a trend around here lately. I have a tendency to overlook the everyday items that I just believe should naturally be clean. Take for instance, my front loading washer. It’s a washing machine for heaven’s sake.

It’s supposed to clean clothes so why would I ever need to clean it. We’ve lived in our house for eight years now and I have never cleaned the shower head before. Since my Young Living Essential Oils had come to my rescue when I cleaned my front loading washer, I decided to start there again. The supplies you’ll need are: Distilled White Vinegar Young Living Lemon Essential Oil Ziploc Sandwich Bag Thick Elastic Hair Ties Norwex EnviroCloth To start out you want to fill your sandwich bag with distilled white vinegar. In the morning, take the bag off of the shower head and simply wipe with EnviroCloth. Run the shower for a minute or two before hopping in so that you make sure that the vinegar and lemon oil is off of the shower head. You may also like… How To Remove Permanent Marker Never lose track of this project! PIN IT and ‘Like’ it on facebook so you’ll always find it.

Ever drop your Sharpie? Ugh, I’ve ruined a blouse or two that way. Removing Permanent Marker From Hard Non-Porous Surfaces 1 – Rubbing alcohol. 2 – Toothpaste mixed with baking soda. 3 – Use a wet magic eraser (BTW, I love these). 4 – Apply WD-40 and rub with a clean cloth. 5 – Write over stain with dry erase marker, then wipe off. 6 – Apply sunscreen and rub clean. 7 – Use nail polish remover. Remove Permanent Marker From Fabric 1 – For Whites: Use diluted bleach on whites. 2 – For Satins: Mix vinegar, milk, borax, & lemon juice. 3 – Heavy Fabrics: Using cotton ball, dab stain with acetone or rubbing alcohol until stain is gone. 4 – Regular Cottons & Polys: Use cotton ball to dab with lemon juice until stain is gone. 5 – Fragile Fabrics: Diluted lemon juice. 6 – Carpets: Alcohol or hairspray works. How To Remove Permanent Marker From Furniture Rub with alcohol.

Cheers! Over the last few years, we’ve ditched a lot of chemicals in our home in exchange for more natural, healthy alternatives. Vinegar is now one of our favorite products that we always have on hand. For cleaning, there are several different types of vinegar you can use depending on the task you’re completing, but for the following tasks, I like to use distilled white vinegar. Distilled White Vinegar is seriously like a miracle worker in our home. We use it for everything, and today, I thought it would be fun to share my favorite ways to use it to spring clean your home! Clean Your Coffee Maker or Keurig Everyone has a coffee maker, or like us, a Keurig, in their homes these days. I took to the web and found out how easy it is to clean using just vinegar. 1- Add vinegar to the water reservoir’s maximum fill line2- Run coffee maker or Keurig on “clean” cycle (this makes it extra hot and takes forever, but ensures a good clean!)

Vinegar in the Dishwasher Vinegar in the Washing Machine. Spring is here! Hurrah! That means warmer weather, blooming flowers, and a mysterious, uncontrollable urge to clean house. What is it about spring that gets cleaning on our brains? Whatever the cause, you can save a bundle of cash by skipping toxic, store-bought cleaners and making your own instead. 1. All Purpose Cleaner – This two-ingredient all purpose cleaner is great on most countertops and doubles as a glass cleaner! Warning: do not use vinegar-based cleaners on granite or any other countertop that you wouldn’t clean with acids. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

8 Tips On How and What to Clean With Vinegar. Vinegar is a great all-natural (not to mention cheap) cleaner that you can use throughout your apartment. The best part is: you probably already have some at home. If you’re not sure where to start with the clear liquid, here are easy tips you can follow to make your home shine. Happy cleaning! Dishwasher If you’re looking for a way to clean and sanitize your dishwasher, pour out one cup of vinegar and put that in a glass. Refrigerator If you’d rather not clean your fridge with harsh chemicals, try making a mixture of half vinegar, half water and using that to clean the surfaces of your fridge. “It works great on surfaces and for spills,” says Jones. She advises keeping a bottle filled with the solution in your refrigerator for easy access. Washing Machine Yes, the machine that washes your clothes needs to be sanitized too.

Gum “Vinegar can help you remove sticky gum from carpets or upholstery,” says Harriet Jones, a former housekeeper and a U.K. Here is her recipe for gum remover: Pet Stains. How To Clean A Dishwasher Using Ingredients From Your Pantry. If you haven’t cleaned your dishwasher in a while or ever and have no idea of the best way to go about it then this information if fairly handy to have. The dishwasher in our house is not new. Not sure how old it is but it was in a bad way when we moved in and it got to the point that it was actually leaving my dishes dirtier after a cycle than before the cycle started… Gross right!?! I thought it was old and broken and needed replacing. Turns out that this dinosaur hasn’t been cleaned in probably as long as it’s existed. I was actually disgusting to see how gross it all was.

What You Will Need1 Cup White Vinegar 1 Cup Baking Soda Dishwasher Safe Mug Gloves Dishwasher Salts How To Clean A Dishwasher 1. I was amazed at the difference. Enjoy your nice clean dishwasher! Do you have any other tips of hacks to keep your dishwasher clean? If you like this post you may also like. The Smartest Laundry Hacks Around - Princess Pinky Girl. Do you love doing laundry? I have to admit, I can think of many more fun things to do with my time and energy, but the task must get done. One thing is for sure in any family, there is always another load of laundry to be done. Today I am sharing some really great laundry hacks. These ideas will help save you time, money and energy. I can’t wait to put a few of these into practice. How genius is this? If you have already done the deed and your clothes have been shrunk, no worries. Henry Hoover shared the best infographic on how often you should wash things. How Does She has made their very own homemade laundry detergent – some things are just better when they are homemade.

Make your own lint bin to catch all of the pesky clumps of lint that come out of your dryer. Hoosier Homemade has created the coolest laundry center on wheels ever. I really can’t stand the smell of mildew on towels. A Cultivated Nest shows us how to wash pillows in the washing machine. Want MORE HACKS? How to Clean Your Car Headlights (with Pictures) How to Clean Foggy or Yellowed Headlights. The oxidation of your headlight lenses makes your car look a bit unsightly from the front -- and it poses a safety hazard. There are multiple ways you can improve the look and clarity of your headlights. You can use a store-purchased headlight restore kit, make your own kit or use some common household products for an quick restore.

Using common household products isn't as effective as sanding the lens, but it is effective in restoring some clarity quickly and efficiently. If your headlights have a cloudy appearance originating from the inside of the lens, it is caused by moisture leaking past the seal of the headlight lens. On some models, a leaking lens seal can be repaired, while on others you have to replace the entire headlight assembly. Headlight assemblies break easily, so consult a professional mechanic if the lens is fogged on the inside. Use Toothpaste Things You'll Need Spray bottle filled with water Towels Toothpaste Step 1: Clean the Lens Step 2: Rub Toothpaste Onto the Lens. Cleaning Your Coffee Makers - COZY LITTLE HOUSE. Last weekend I took the time to clean both my coffee makers. The Keurig and the Cuisinart. I'll explain how I did this. Here's what you will need: Materials Water White vinegar Hot soapy water SpongeDry dish towel Cleaning The Keurig: I took the pieces that come off the machine, the bottom reservoir pieces, and cleaned them with soapy water.

I took off the water dispenser, as I was going to use it for cleaning. I filled the water dispenser with half white vinegar and half water. I then ran all of the fluid through by making one coffee cup after another, and emptying it down the sink drain. Once that was done, I filled it with just water and repeated the first step, using up all the water and pouring it down the drain. When I had coffee the next morning, there was no leftover taste or odor of vinegar. Cleaning The CuisinartI filled the carafe with half white vinegar and half water. I turned the coffee maker off, and let the remainder of coffee in the carafe sit for one hour. How To Clean Your Dishwasher In 3 Easy Steps. How To Clean An Oven Door In Between The Glass - Mom 4 Real. How to clean a dishwasher. 10 Remarkable DIY Cleaning Solutions - Picklee. I don’t know about you, but I was feeling ready to start some serious spring cleaning.

This year, I decided to try some new (more effective) cleaning solutions using materials I already had (in true Picklee fashion of course!). I couldn’t be happier with the outcome of my cleaning experiments. From simple shower cleaners, to carpet stain removers, to wrinkle release spray, I found that not only were these DIY solutions much cheaper, but they worked SO MUCH BETTER too!

I couldn’t be more excited to share the next 10 Remarkable DIY Cleaning Solutions with you! Here they are, 10 Remarkable DIY Cleaning Solutions: (cleaning solution sources include onegoodthingbyjille, bhg, livingsimple) Rating: 4.8/5 (537 votes cast) 10 Remarkable DIY Cleaning Solutions, 4.8 out of 5 based on 537 ratings. Baking Soda is Awesome for Cleaning! 10 Uses for Baking Soda No One Ever Told You About!

Baking soda can do a lot more that just sit in the kitchen cabinet or in the fridge. It is an essential for the amazing chocolate chip cookies, but it is also used for basic household cleaning. Yes, baking soda is awesome for cleaning, so for today I rounded up 10 uses that no one ever told you about. It is great natural deodorizer and a super effective abrasive, which means that it is helpful in all sorts of trouble spots. Baking soda is cheap! The price is lower than any other cleaning agent, especially when purchased in several pound large boxes.

It is multi-purpose. Baking soda can help you: scrub away scuff marks on your wallsclean and unclogclean the groutclean the oven If you really get into using baking soda while cleaning your home, consider buying it in bulk. Watch the video to see all 10 cleaning uses for baking soda and learn how to save money and time! So, what do you think about these baking soda cleaning tips my dear top dreamers? Similar Posts. Easy And Simple Cleaning Hacks That Will Make Your Cleaning Routine Easier. Cleaning up our living place,makes us have a piece of mind and helps us to live a healthy life.We all want our homes clean without dust or Germes in order to prevent ourselves from allergies, breathing difficulties or skin irritations. A lot of people are spending lots of money buying expensive domestic cleaners believing that they will solve the problem, but they are also not satisfied by the result.The solution and the secret of having a clean house is all around us.

In order to have a clean house and spend money at the same time you can use some simple appliances and things that never came to mind to you. Did you know, that except for ironing your clothes you can use your iron for cleaning? Thanks to it’s steam you can refresh your carpets and mattresses,you can also put some specific aroma in the water, such as lavender , vanilla, violets etc.And surely the marvelous effects of the Baking Soda and the DIY Epsom Salt Scrub. Source 2.The Easiest Way to Clean Oven Racks source source. How To Clean a Washing Machine Apartment Therapy Tutorials. When using appliances like washing machines and dishwashers — putting soap in and taking clean things out — one can sometimes forget that the appliance itself needs a good cleaning now and then.

And boy, did my top-loading workhorse need it. To tell you how much, I'll just say two words: Cloth. Diapers. It had been two years since my washing machine was cleaned well, so it was the perfect opportunity to share some nasty before pics as I illustrate the cleaning step by step. (I honestly cannot believe I am publicly sharing photos of the inside of my dirty washing machine, but here goes). What You Need Materials Tools Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. MORE CLEANING ON APARTMENT THERAPY: • How to Clean & Organize a Refrigerator • How to Clean & Deodorize a Wooden Cutting Board • How to Clean Your House in 20 Minutes a Day for 30 Days. Easy Cleaning Slime | Cleaning Slime | Homemade Cleaning Recipes.

Make your own awesome cleaning slime! It's hard to believe that Slime can be useful to get things clean, but this handy little recipe will clean out the nastiest of hard to reach areas including keyboards (between the keys), car vents, and more! Clean those hard to reach places with this fabulous homemade cleaning slime recipe!

This simple do it yourself recipe catches dirt and grime from hard to reach places such as keyboards, mobile phones, printers and vents. It dries out quickly so be sure to store it in a sealed container. A quick note about the ingredients- Borax is a laundry booster and can be found in the detergent aisle of most major grocery stores. You'll Need: 2 tablespoons of white School glue (such as Elmers) 1 Tbs water 4 Tbs Borax 4 Tbs Water In a small dish combine the school glue and 1 Tbs of water, mixing well. Combine the ingredients from both bowls and immediately stir well, creating awesome cleaning slime.

To use, apply it to your keyboard or vents, then gently pull off. 17 Easy Do It Yourself Cleaning Tricks And Hacks Without The Use Of Harsh Chemicals - Homesthetics - Inspiring ideas for your home. How to Clean a Dishwasher - Bob Vila. How to Descale a Keurig - Bob Vila. Bathroom Cleaning Tips and Tricks. 20 Awesome Cleaning Hacks That Will Change Your Life. Jewelry Cleaner Recipe. 50 Brilliant Cleaning Hacks For Every Room In Your Home. 12 Easy Ways to Clean Appliances - The Shabby Creek Cottage. Stain Removal Chart & Simple Laundry Organizing Ideas. Keep Your K-Cups Clean. Best Cleaning Hacks. How to Clean a Dishwasher. How to Clean a Dishwasher: A Fast and Effective Monthly Practice. 3 Super Simple Steps To Get Your Dishwasher Clean - Simplemost. Here's The Most Efficient Way To Clean Your Keurig - Simplemost.

Remove Any Laundry Stain With This Awesome Chart - Simplemost. Here's How To Properly Clean Your Washing Machine - Simplemost. How to Freshen Your Workhorse of a Dishwasher - Naturally! How to Remove Spray Paint from Skin. 10 Must Know Cleaning Hacks. Use Baking Soda to Clean : 20 different cleaning Ideas! How To Clean An Oven Door In Between The Glass - Mom 4 Real.

How To Clean Stainless Steel and Keep It Smudge and Fingerprint Free Naturally - Mom 4 Real. Dust Your Electronics The Easy Way...Tips & Tricks Tuesday - Mom 4 Real. Tons Of Ways To Use Cleaning Vinegar In Your Home - Mom 4 Real. How To Remove Spray Paint From Your Skin - No Chemicals! - Mom 4 Real. How to clean with vinegar. How to Clean a Dishwasher | House Cleaning | Spring Cleaning. Clorox Icktionary. Cleaning Your Coffee Makers - COZY LITTLE HOUSE. Tons of Tips For Cleaning With Vinegar - Mom 4 Real.