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Student Engagement

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Active Participation: Ensuring Student Engagement — Polar Oceans. We often hear both novice and veteran teachers complain that their students are not “involved” in lessons or classroom behavior problems are impeding learning.

Active Participation: Ensuring Student Engagement — Polar Oceans

When we discuss these topics with teachers, we can’t help but wonder what type of rapport the teachers have established with each and every student and more importantly, what active participation strategies they are implementing in the classroom to ensure student engagement. Teachers can use both covert and overt active engagement strategies to develop personal connections with their students and to help students develop an intrinsic desire to succeed. When all students are engaged in their own learning, behavior problems dissipate. Covert active engagement strategies are as their name implies: unable to be seen by the teacher, yet hold students accountable for their learning. Overt active engagement strategies are both observable and measurable by the classroom teacher. Want Online Professional Development Credit?? Watch WBT TV Below!