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Crime and Deviance

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Power Crime -- State/Corporate Crime

Street Crime. Corrections. FBI Unclassified White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement. Svpjri1112.pdf. The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia by A. McCoy. Education vs prison costs - CNNMoney. ASSESSMENT OF SOCIETAL SECURITY IN RECENT PAST AND TODAY. POLICING IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE: Comparing Firsthand Knowledge with Experience from the West, © 1996 College of Police and Security Studies, Slovenia Miran Mitar At first the article sketches some "domestic" approaches (before the short war for the independence of Slovenia in 1991) to assessment of societal security from the viewpoint of internal security.


Then some theoretical dilemmas of conceptual approaches from the view of different theoretical traditions (paradigms), especially from the viewpoint of the latest development of systems theory, are discussed . Bailey's social entropy theory (in simplicated version) as a starting point for assessment of (societal) security was presented, and at last but not at least, the attention is paid to some problems with the use of systems approach. Keywords: Assessment, societal security, security, systems theory, sociological paradigms, social entropy theory. "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences" (W.I. Chapter 08 - Deviance and Crime. What’s the Big Deal About Deviance? As was mentioned in the culture chapter a Norm is a set of expected behaviors for a given role and social status . In most societies, the majority of people conform to the most important norms most of the time. For example, wearing casual clothes to class is normal on many campuses.

Attending class in your European Bikini might not be normal for some. Yet, I witnessed this back in 1982 as a student in the newly accredited West Georgia University. Figure 1. . © 2009 Ron J. A typical dictionary definition of deviance sounds something like this: “one that does not conform to the norm;” “one who behaves in sharply different ways from customs;” or “one who ignores the common and behaves in unique ways.” Introduction to critical criminology. The Criminology Mega-Site. Introduction to Criminology syllabus. The Penalisation of Poverty and the Rise of Neoliberalism. Crafting the Neoliberal State - Workforce, Prisonfare, and Social Insecurity. Criminology. Deviance. Welcome to the United States Department of Justice. A Portrait of California. Eugenics: Compulsory Sterilization in 50 American States. Lutz Kaelber, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Vermont Presentation about "eugenic sterilizations" in comparative perspective at the 2012 Social Science History Association: 1, 2.

Eugenics: Compulsory Sterilization in 50 American States

American eugenics refers inter alia to compulsory sterilization laws adopted by over 30 states that led to more than 60,000 sterilizations of disabled individuals. Many of these individuals were sterilized because of a disability: they were mentally disabled or ill, or belonged to socially disadvantaged groups living on the margins of society. American eugenic laws and practices implemented in the first decades of the twentieth century influenced the much larger National Socialist compulsory sterilization program, which between 1934 and 1945 led to approximately 350,000 compulsory sterilizations and was a stepping stone to the Holocaust. This site provides such an overview. Link to "Eugenics" and Nazi "Euthanasia" Crimes gateway page. California was sterilizing its female prisoners as late as 2010. On a lazy Sunday in March 2012, I was headed out to run errands when CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 turned to a broadcast called "Eugenics in America".

California was sterilizing its female prisoners as late as 2010

The report recounted the sad history of minorities, prisoners, the poor and the disabled being forcibly sterilized during the early 20th century. No news there, right? Yet, I was taken aback when the piece focused on California's role. I never knew the Golden State led the nation with nearly 20,000 sterilizations. Nor did I know that Nazi Germany consulted with California's eugenics leaders in the 1930s. I set out to learn more. Coincidentally, soon afterward, I received a tip that sterilizations may have occurred in California's women's prisons as recently as 2010.

Sterilization Racism and Pan-Ethnic Disparities of the Past Decade The Continued Encroachment on Reproductive Rights. Excerpt Forced Sterilization in Multnomah County, OR. The failure to protect indigenous women from violence. Coming to Grips With Feminicide. Since the completion of our edited book, violence against women who defend human rights is growing at an alarming rate.

Coming to Grips With Feminicide

Flor Alicia's is one of many cases of relatives threatened or murdered for the human rights activities of their family members. Several of Flor Alicia's relatives, including her mother, are well-known human rights defenders in Chihuahua. Her aunt is Alma Gómez, a long-time women's rights advocate, former state senator and co-founder of Centro de Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres and Justicia Para Nuestras Hijas (Justice for Our Daughters) in Chihuahua.[2] Alma Gómez co-authored one of the chapters for "Terrorizing Women. " Read more work by Rosa-Linda Fregoso and other writers in the Public Intellectual Project.

The violence in Mexico is benumbing. "Mexican armed forces," as journalist Jeremy Kuzmarov notes, "are notoriously corrupt and have an abhorrent human rights record. " Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's The Eugenics Archive utilizes Flash for enhanced search features, cross referencing, and interactive images created with Zoomifyer.

Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement

Get the Flash plugin at The Eugenics Archive will open in a new window. I prefer the original, HTML-only Eugenics Archive site, take me there. Eugenics Archive Blog Sterilization Laws Based on a task force recommendation, the North Carolina legislature is considering paying $50,000 to living individuals sterilized by the state against their will or without their knowledge. The Militerization of the Police. Criminology. DRUGS.