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Online journal & private diary. Hemingway Editor. How I get things done. “Jamie returned to the priest, handed him two more coins, and asked him why he was smiling.”

How I get things done

“I was thinking of all the changes you’re going to have to make, lass,” the priest admitted. “I know it won’t be easy on you, but in time you’ll come to love this clan as much as I do.” “Have you considered, Father, that it just might be the clan making all these changes?” Jamie asked, her eyes alight with mischief.The priest thought she was jesting with him. “I fear you’ve set yourself an impossible goal,” he told her with a snort of enjoyment.

I broached the idea of writing a post about my organizational skill set on Twitter and received an overwhelmingly positive response. Romance, Historical, Contemporary, Paranormal, Young Adult, Book reviews, industry news, and commentary from a reader's point of view. What’s The Best Software For Writing Ebooks? - A Brief Introduction. Once you’ve made the decision to write your first ebook and self-publish it or just finally release that epic fantasy tome catching dust in your drawer, the inevitable question arises: what’s the best software for this?

What’s The Best Software For Writing Ebooks? - A Brief Introduction

The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations. The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations is a descriptive list which was created by Georges Polti to categorize every dramatic situation that might occur in a story or performance.

The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations

To do this Polti analyzed classical Greek texts, plus classical and contemporaneous French works. He also analyzed a handful of non-French authors. In his introduction, Polti claims to be continuing the work of Carlo Gozzi, who also identified 36 situations. Publication history[edit] “Gozzi maintained that there can be but thirty-six tragic situations.

This list was published in a book of the same name, which contains extended explanations and examples. The list is popularized as an aid for writers, but it is also used by dramatists, storytellers and many others. The 36 situations[edit] Each situation is stated, then followed by the necessary elements for each situation and a brief description. See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Book reviews: Find the best new books. {*style:<ul>*} {*style:<li>*} {*style:<br>*}{*style:<b>*}Harry's Trees{*style:</b>*}{*style:<br>*} by Jon Cohen{*style:<br>*}What a dazzlingly yet wonderful cast of characters we meet in Harry’s Trees by Jon Cohen. The one thing united them is grief and loss.

SoYouWantTo/Write A Story. Adam Maxwell's Fiction Lounge. Writing Flash Fiction Gems – Small, Precious, and Slower Than You’d Think. Beginner Novel Writer's Tips. Create A Plot Outline In 8 Easy Steps. By Glen C.

Create A Plot Outline In 8 Easy Steps

Strathy How would you like to create a plot outline for your novel in less than an hour that is emotionally compelling and dramatically sound? It's easier than you think. The secret is to incorporate the 8 Basic Plot Elements. Starting with your story idea, you only need to make eight choices to ensure the plot of your future novel hangs together in a meaningful way. Sound intriguing? I'll describe each of the eight elements in turn. On the other hand, if you already have a draft for a novel, that you're looking to revise, then ask yourself, as we go through these elements, whether you have included them in your story. 1. 15K+Save The first element to include in your plot outline is the Story Goal, which we covered in detail in the previous article, The Key to a Solid Plot: Choosing a Story Goal. How To Write A Novel Using The Snowflake Method. Just Write the Damned Book Already. A Deep Look at New Collaborative Writing Tools Editorially, Draft and Penflip.

Update Feb. 13: Editorially announced it'll be shutting down its service May 30.

A Deep Look at New Collaborative Writing Tools Editorially, Draft and Penflip

For two alternatives besides those mentioned in this post, see Typewrite and StackEdit. Writing is a major part of our operations at Zapier. Though you might not make that assumption for a startup whose product is an app integration platform, there’s plenty of writing on a daily basis. And not the kind that gets published privately. Quite the opposite, actually. Worksheets for Writers.

The writing community is fortunate to have many great resources.

Worksheets for Writers

Based on things I learned from phenomenal teachers like Larry Brooks, Michael Hauge, and Martha Alderson, I developed these worksheets* to help all writers, from plotters to pantsers (those who write by the seat of their pants). Let me know at my Contact page if there are other worksheets you’d like me to create. Sign up for my newsletter to receive my blog posts and hear about all additions I make to this page. * With the exception of the Save the Cat Beat Sheet, which was developed by Elizabeth Davis. New to Beat Sheets? Note: I love sharing these worksheets, but if you give others the direct links to the files, the links won’t work. (Click each image to view larger version.) Save the Cat Beat Sheet: