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100 Up: Barefoot Running. The recent New York Times article [1] by Christopher McDougall, author of the best selling book on running Born to Run, is currently making its way around the Internet. Entitled "The Once and Future Way to Run", McDougall takes a roundabout path of catching everybody up on the last few years of barefoot running news until finally unveiling a newly rediscovered running technique that he thinks will revolutionize running. He is certainly right to suggest that despite the prevalence of minimalist footwear, many barefoot or minimalist running enthusiasts are still running with terrible form.

By terrible, I mean landing hard on their heels. This isn't the faint heel touch you see with some elites, where its hard to tell if it's actually a midfoot landing. We're talking about the kind of bone jarring heel plodding that makes you cringe. Despite how clever we humans think we are, nevertheless old habits die hard, and this fact remains true with regard to running form. (link to video) Fitness Advice, Workout Videos, etc. Hi BodyRockers, Today Freddy and I are starting to pack for our move and we are crazy busy. With everything that we have to do today, I didn’t have time for a full workout, but don’t worry because I put together this savage little 6 minute full body routine that will rock you out. I think that it is always better to do something than to skip your training completely, and this workout may come in a small package, but as you can see in the video, if you are pushing it at your max effort – full throttle – you won’t have anything left after 6 minutes.

This is a perfect solution if you find yourself really busy and pressed for time – and you can also extend the torture by doing this 2 times back to back. As I said tho, the real test of your effort is that by the end of the 6 minutes you should be tapped out. Push yourself like crazy and reap all of the benefits for the rest of the day Enjoy your training! Zuzana & Freddy Get your gear for this workout here: Interval TimerGet your equipment here. Podcasts for Running. Make Running Fun.