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Apps for Education – vanliga frågor - Google Apps Hjälp. Organisationer måste uppfylla något av de följande kriterierna för att kunna använda Google Apps for Education kostnadsfritt: Grund- och gymnasieskolor eller institutioner för högre utbildning, ideella organisationer som är ackrediterade av ett allmänt godtaget ackrediteringsinstitut Amerikanska ideella organisationer med aktuell 501(c)(3)-status och färre än 3 000 användare. Obs! Ideella organisationer i USA med fler än 3 000 användare är kvalificerade för Google Apps for Business med 40 % rabatt – registrera dig här .

Grupper för elever/före detta elever/föräldrar, religiösa organisationer, hemskolor eller myndigheter som inte är registrerade som 501(c)(3) är inte kvalificerade för Google Apps for Education. Om du representerar en förening för före detta elever, en skola som anordnas av en kyrka eller ett forskningslaboratorium med en ackrediterad skola är ni kvalificerade för Google Apps for Education. Kontorsstöd som molntjänst - Tillhör ramavtalsområde Programvaror och licenser Avtalsperiod: 2013-02-04 - 2014-10-31 Förlängningsoption max t.o.m: 2017-02-28 Detta ramavtalsområde omfattar webbaserad e-post, kalender, ordbehandling, kalkylark och presentation som levereras över internet så kallad molntjänst.

Inför avrop kontakta Ramavtalsansvarig avseende frågor kring personuppgiftslagen (1998:204) och det Personuppgiftsbiträdesavtal som ingår i Ramavtalet. Upphandling Avtalsdokument Avropsstöd Myndigheter under regeringen Avropsberättigade statliga myndigheter under regeringen får avropa från de statliga ramavtalen.Förordning (1998:796) om statlig inköpssamordning gäller för myndigheter under regeringen. Dessa myndigheter deltar med automatik och har rätt att avropa på samtliga statliga ramavtal i enlighet med regleringen i förordningen. Register över statliga myndigheter under regeringen finns på SCB:s myndighetsregister: Organisationer som deltar via fullmakt.


Google apps for education. Malmö Google apps for education. X Evernote X Explain Everything X iPads. is a new blogging platform that allows an Evernote Notebook to be turned into a blog. After a account and blog (1 per user at this point) is setup, users can pick from an existing Evernote Notebook or can use the notebook created by Within each notebook, notes are by default kept private unless certain tags are added to each note. To post an Evernote note to the blog, simply tag the note with "published". To create a new page on the blog, tag an Evernote note with "page". The note that is published as a page can be edited in the future to update the page.

I think could become a viable blogging option for schools in 1:1 settings (iPad or laptop) where students are already using Evernote as a digital notebook platform. When & Evernote are used in conjunction with Explain Everything, students now have the ability to publish blog posts through their existing Evernote account that can include customized images, graphics or posters. A Must-Have Guide To Google In Education. Inside Search. Google is the most popular search engine on the web. Most of us rely on Google search for finding information. Sometimes it can be difficult to find just the right information we are actually looking for out of the hundreds or thousands of results returned in Google’s search. Despite using Google every day, we still use it in its simplest form. But Google has a plenty of tricks up its sleeves that can help us perform more quick, efficient and effective searches on Google.

Towards this end, in July 2012 Google created an online course called Power Searching with Google. The Google Power Searching course is available online on edX as an Xseries program. Go to Power Searching with Google Course The course is structured as a series of 6 modules, each of which comprises of 5-6 short video lessons. The instructor of the course is Daniel M. Power Searching with GoogleAdvanced Power Searching with Google XSeries Program in Power Searching with Google. Bringing it all together for Google Apps customers: 30GB shared between Drive and Gmail. Posted by Clay Bavor, Director of Product Management, Google Apps Life gets a bit easier when your Google Apps products work well together -- whether that’s inserting a Drive file into an email or sharing Docs and photos from Drive on Google+. As that experience becomes seamless, having separate storage doesn’t make as much sense anymore. So over the coming weeks, you’ll get 30 GB of unified storage to use as you like between Drive and Gmail.

Just as before, files created in Docs, Sheets and Slides don't count against your storage quota. Storage will also be shared with photos you upload to Google+ larger than 2048px. With this new combined storage, you can use your storage how you need to. If your business or school is like most, you know how many important emails and attachments you receive every day. We'll also be making updates to the Google Drive storage page, so you can better understand how you're using your storage.

How to Quickly Transfer Ownership of Documents in Google Drive.