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Pourquoi votre enfant vous "cherche" ?  Isabelle Filliozat est une auteure incontournable pour tous les parents.

Pourquoi votre enfant vous "cherche" ? 

Je pense d’ailleurs que ces deux ouvrages « J’ai tout essayé » et « Il me cherche » contiennent l’essentiel des conseils pour pratiquer une parentalité bienveillante et donc épanouissante pour les enfants. Ils mériteraient d’être distribués à la maternité ! Je souhaitais évoquer aujourd’hui une croyance répandue chez les parents. Elle est illustrée par cette phrase : « mon enfant me cherche ». Et le problème, c’est que cette phrase a tendance à se répéter. Lorsque notre enfant fait quelque chose que nous réprouvons, si nous lui crions dessus et l’accusons de nous « chercher » volontairement, il va ressentir de la peur, de la culpabilité et un sentiment d’injustice. Lorsque nous perdons notre contrôle face aux comportement de notre enfant, c’est comme si nous lui confiions la télécommande de nos réactions. Explique Isabelle Filliozat. Pour conclure : L’éducation n’est pas un combat, c’est un travail d’équipe. Faut-il envoyer son menu avant toute relation sexuelle ? L’idée est tellement brillante que j’enrage de ne l’avoir jamais eue.

Faut-il envoyer son menu avant toute relation sexuelle ?

Clues that it's time to Let the one you Love Go. *Dear elephant reader: if you’re single & looking for mindful dating or conscious love, try out our lovely partner, MeetMindful.

Clues that it's time to Let the one you Love Go.

“One form of loving is when you just want the best for someone, whether that includes you or not.” ~ Unknown When we love someone, our attachment to them is huge. Being in love and feeling someone’s love in return is as intoxicating as a warm summer day on a secluded exotic beach. I have been incredibly fortunate to have loved and been loved many times in my lifetime. Each love was different, filled with different degrees of affection, different levels of intimacy, different kinds and depths of love. Some of those loves were easy to let go of. Intuition or Paranoia? How to Spot Relationship Red Flags. I was sitting at a table in a busy little restaurant when I felt that feeling settle in once again.

Intuition or Paranoia? How to Spot Relationship Red Flags.

My partner at that time and I were preparing to order and I was toggling between studying my menu and watching the couples who were drinking their blue drinks at the tiki bar on the side of the room. As I noticed our server approaching, I saw that the man I was with was texting on his phone, practically under the table. The server greeted us happily and introduced herself as I placed my order before both she and I watched my partner continue to text.

I smiled somewhat nervously and asked the man that I was with if he was ready to order yet. After taking a few seconds to finish his message, he hurriedly put his phone down, grabbed the menu and ordered the first entrée that he saw. From a Recovering Narcissist. Editor’s note: Dear friends, remember that this is just one person’s experience and one point of view.

From a Recovering Narcissist.

We may disagree with this author, even violently or vehemently, as some of you have expressed, and that’s great. Is the Mother-Wound Ruining Your Romantic Relationships? I’ve been on the trail of a mystery for the last 10 years trying to figure out why I believed myself to be a strong, independent woman, but would devolve into a needy, insecure, co-dependent, mushy mess when I got into a relationship.

Is the Mother-Wound Ruining Your Romantic Relationships?

Bit by bit, I’ve tugged away at the threads of this story, growing and liberating myself along the way. Now, I feel like I stand at the gates of the heart of it and I can see what this mystery has always been. It’s the Mother-Wound. Or, from a yogic perspective, the karmic knots I carry through the maternal line of my family. All Healthy Relationships Have Hiccups. Relephant reads: The Feel Good Relationship.

All Healthy Relationships Have Hiccups.

Three Keys to a Healthy Relationship. 6 Ways to Have Radically Intimate Sex. ~ Zoë Kors. How to Lose the Woman You Love For Good. “Love is the greatest refreshment in life.” ~ Pablo Picasso Picasso’s artistic style changed over periods of time that could be marked by the phases of his heart.

How to Lose the Woman You Love For Good.

His blue/green period arrived after the suicidal death of his friend Carlos Casagemas, while his rose period gave birth along with his love for bohemian artist Fernande Olivier. We’re all artists when it comes to creating our own life, and while we know that love is the greatest gift we can give, and the greatest gift to receive, keeping love alive in the midst of time’s inevitable wear and tear is the real art we need to master.

The number one sign you're in a serious relationship. When you think of indicators that flag a “serious” relationship, what comes to mind?

The number one sign you're in a serious relationship

Personally, I’d look at the length of time a couple’s been together, whether they are co-habitating, maybe if they have a pet together, if they are married or have children, if they share financial responsibilities, or my personal favorite: whether they’re OK streaming their favorite joint TV shows without the other. The couple that Netflixes together stays together, I always say. As it turns out, it’s a lot simpler than checking off items on the aforementioned list to determine whether someone is in a serious relationship. According to a survey by 11 Things That Instantly Make A Man Hot  Recently someone who follows my Instagram posted this question on one of my photos: "What is the first thing you notice in a man?

11 Things That Instantly Make A Man Hot 

" I thought about it for a moment. Did I notice eyes? 5 Illusions About Love That Stop us From Loving Fully. Fear remains to be one of the greatest modern obstacles. But what are human beings frightened of? They are frightened of illusions, things that are not real. They are terrified of things that are illusory, for instance, success, failure, criticism, good opinion about others. RELATIONSH!T. 10 Commandments for a Happy Marriage. Look beyond your wedding plans...what do you see? Hopefully, a blissfully happy future with your best friend in the world, including plenty of love, romance, hot nights (or mornings) and sweet nothings.

But a successful marriage doesn’t just happen—it takes commitment, communication, and staying true to all of those promises you made in your wedding vows. 20 Secrets Of Happily Married Couples  By Susan Pevaroff Berschler for Bridal Guide Planning a wedding is stressful, challenging, and exhausting, but also joyous, exciting, and unforgettable.

Who knew it would perfectly prepare you for the adventure that is marriage? The road to happily ever after is fraught with some treacherous terrain, and successfully navigating those peaks and valleys as a couple is, well, all of the above. For insight on how to build a happy marriage, we sought out veteran married couples with a wide variety of field experience, from a decade of enthusiastically saying "I do" to over 60 years of successfully dodging marital mortar fire. Their perceptions may or may not surprise you, but one thing is certain: The real secret to a long and happy marriage is whatever works for you. Never Go to Bed Angry"When we were first married, somebody gave us this advice: Never go to bed angry.

The #1 Thing To Do In The Bedroom That Could Save Your Marriage. I remember the first time it happened. My adventurous lover started talking dirty and somehow this spilled into a “scene.” He was my teacher. I was his student — his failing student, desperately in need of a passing grade and willing to do almost anything to get that A.

I became wildly turned on. 7 Things You Need To Stop Expecting From Others. 1. Don't expect them to always do the right thing. This is the greatest way we set ourselves up for failure. People won't always do the right thing. They won't always make the right call. Sometimes they don't have your interests at heart. 2. Overly Sensitive, Highly Emotional, and Other Feminine Flaws. That’s my (admittedly random) approximation of the number of times I’ve been called highly emotional or otherwise plastered with the overly sensitive label. Though I disagree with the qualifiers, I’m in unabashed agreement with the adjectives.

For sure, I am both emotional and sensitive – traits that render me highly qualified to live, love, express, and explore as my authentic self. Huffingtonpost. The 6 Types of Love. If I had a dollar for every time I heard the phrase, “When you’re in love, you’ll just know…” I’d be pretty close to buying a new yoga mat (or at least putting down a small deposit on one). But if it was that simple, we wouldn’t be reading (or writing) so many articles on the complexities of love. Love may sometimes be complicated but, like most things, there is a science to it. According to Sternberg’s Triangular Theory, there are six distinct types of love (plus friendship). Each type of love is characterised by a combination of three variables: Intimacy, passion and commitment. The infographic below gives you a rough idea of how it all works. Couple Threesome Love Affair. Huffingtonpost. How to Get An Unavailable Guy To Want You. Women: How to Get an Unavailable Man to Want You.

This is part two in a series. Read part one here. Some women are drawn to emotionally unavailable men. Passive-Aggressive: Explanation & Cure. What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Relationship. Picture yourself in bed, about to drift off to sleep. What Sleeping In On The Weekends Could Be Doing To Your Body. The weekend is now within reach. You can almost hear the silence of your alarm. 3 Rules for Getting Back Together. I love him for the exceedingly neat way he saran-wraps the cheese. No waste, neat and tidy in a corner of the fridge. Businessinsider. Gottman wanted to know more about how the masters created that culture of love and intimacy, and how the disasters squashed it. Why Treating Every Lover like they're "The One" Changes Everything.

Why We Date People Who Make Us Feel Like Sh*t. 10 Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship  How to Leave When We Have to Stay. A Game Plan for Effective Communication. Livres. Jeter la première pierre : Qui peut, et qui ne peut pas condamner les terroristes ? 3 Things to do when our Relationship is Struggling. How to Tell if We are With the Right Partner. The 5 Characteristics Of Couples That Last. Want To Fall In Love? Do These 3 Things. After 16 Years With My Wife, It Still Feels Like The Honeymoon Phase. Here's Why.

This Comic About Life After A Breakup Totally Nails The Experience. To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This. Reading This Beautiful Story Might Just Save Your Relationship. Choose Him or Her Everyday. Pourquoi le Polyamour est-il une imposture médiatique ? Huffingtonpost. Définition Personne Toxique - Beaux-parents. Intro Bouchoux. 2015 AP 08 09. CES HYPER NARCISSIQUES QUI NOUS ENTOURENT - broché -, Livre tous les livres à la Fnac. Ces hypernarcissiques qui nous entourent - Joseph Burgo. 5 Harmful Myths the Ethically Non-Monogamous Community Needs to Address. Why Women Leave Men they Love. La Communication Non Violente ou CNV - Manipulateurs Pervers Narcissiques.

L'assertivité pour communiquer avec un pervers narcissique - Manipulateurs Pervers Narcissiques. PN or not PN, là est la question ? - Manipulateurs Pervers Narcissiques. How to Spot A Narcissist and Walk Away. Huffingtonpost. Reinforcement. The Art of Receiving Pleasure. You Cannot Win an Argument on Social Media (But You Can Have the Last Word). What Happens in Fight Club: Arguing Fairly & Mindfully. Maybe We Need to Ease Up on Our Men. How Texting Totaled My Relationship. "Yes, And": Eliminate Argument Forever with These 2 Simple Words. ~ Melissa Lynn Lowenstein. 'Women are just better at this stuff': is emotional labor feminism's next frontier? Men think they do equal work at home, when facts show otherwise. Why Women Leave Men They Love: What Every Man Needs to Know  I Promise That I Don’t Need You. Emotional Abandonment: Shut out by your spouse. Sans titre. Huffingtonpost. Huffingtonpost. 16 Signs You’re The Youngest Child.

Plus on devient intelligent et indépendant, plus il devient difficile de trouver l'amour. Et voici pourquoi. Huffingtonpost. ♥ ♥ surviving a narcissist support - leaving a histrionic man with narcissism. Signs of Domestic Abuse - EndAbuse4Good. 7 Surefire Clues to Tell if Your Spouse is A Narcissist...before it's too late. Characteristics of the Narcissist. Identifying Emotional Abuse before it Happens. Pourquoi couple libre et sexe riment avec féminisme ? Monogamie de fait contre monogamie de principe. Make Him Roar: 10 things that Turn Men On. How to Choose a Lover. I Had A Totally Private Wedding, And It Pissed Off Everyone I Know. 8 Great Things About On-Again/Off-Again Relationships  Why Do You Love Me? A Real Man's Reply. A Soul Mate is a Mirror: We Accept the Love we Believe we Deserve.

30 Red Flags of Manipulative People. Test Results: You Definitely Know a Psychopath. Do You Know a Psychopath? - Psychopath Free. 5 Things Psychopaths Say To Make You Feel Crazy. Alice Miller, la psy qui dénonçait la "pédagogie noire"... vue par son fils - 21 avril 2014. 21 Inspiring Things That Authentic People Do Differently. 5 Things Done Differently in Healthy Relationships. ~ Laura Brown. Loving & Understanding an Empath. Quelques raisons pour lesquelles les couples qui se sont connus au lycée sont les plus solides ! On Boundaries & Abuse: When is Enough Really Enough? Finding and Keeping the "Perfect" Partner in a Disposable Society.