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Dy Cruz: How architectural innovations migrate across borders. Eben Bayer: Are mushrooms the new plastic? | Talk Video. David Brooks: The social animal | Talk Video. Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity | Talk Video. Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation | Talk Video. Alex Wissner-Gross: A new equation for intelligence. When science meets sartorial: the skirt and shoe made from kombucha. This might look like a pint of moldy beer, but in fact it’s the raw substance of Biocouture’s biomaterial. It’s grown in a vat filled with a sugary green tea solution using a kombucha culture. Once the layer of microbial cellulose is sufficiently thick, it is harvested, washed and allowed to dry.

After the water evaporates it resembles a vegetable leather. © Biocouture. What might our clothes look like in 50 years? When textile designer Suzanne Lee was researching her book, Fashioning the Future, she found the most interesting answers to that question when she looked beyond the traditional borders of fashion design. Beyond cut, color and cloth, our style in 50 years will be driven by new materials from the corners of science. In 2003, Lee met materials scientist David Hepworth, founder of the Scotland-based firm Cellucomp, which develops materials made from non-hydrocarbon-based feedstock.

So that’s what they have done. What’s wrong with the materials traditionally used in fashion? Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks | Talk Video. Neil Harbisson: I listen to color | Talk Video. Everything Is Connected : TED Radio Hour.