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How to Use Evernote with Google Calendar for Maximum Benefits. Having a digital calendar is practically a necessity when dealing with modern life. Whether you use it as a makeshift to-do list, or whether you collaborate on large projects with multiple people via a shared calendar, Google Calendar can fulfill most of your timekeeping needs on its own. Reminders Make Google Calendar an Incredible To-Do List Reminders Make Google Calendar an Incredible To-Do List Do you maintain a to-do list and a separate calendar? It introduces friction because tasks and scheduling are interdependent. Google now solved this by introducing Reminders to Google Calendar on Android. Read More Similarly, having a note-saving app like Evernote can be a major time saver. So what happens when you want to combine the two? Say, that you want to literally save the date whenever you add something to your Google calendar?

Here are a few things you can use to get the most out of both your Evernote account and your Google calendar! Save the Date with 4 Powerful Tools Event noted. Control Alt Achieve: 21 Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students and Special Needs. Technology can be a powerful tool to assist students with special needs or any sort of learning challenge. In particular the Chrome web browser allows users to install a wide variety of web extensions that provide tools that can help all learners, regardless of ability level. In this blog post we will take a look at over 30 Chrome web extensions that can assist students in five main categories:Text to SpeechReadabilityReading ComprehensionFocusNavigation Some of the tools fit into more than one topic, but each is only listed once. Certainly this list does not cover all of the useful web extensions available for struggling learners, but it is a great place to begin. In addition to the list of extension, I have also linked in the video and help guide from a webinar I did a while back on "Google Tools for Special Needs".

Text to Speech extensions 2) Read AloudChrome web extension link This text-to-speech extension will read either the entire page or just the text that you have selected. Google Classroom updated w/ individualized assignments, more notifications, & improved API | 9to5Google. Cloud-backed and featuring smart tools, Google Classroom is the company’s take on modern educational technology. Used by 20 million students and teachers, Classroom is getting a number of updates today that add support for personalized learning, more notifications, and an improved API for developers. Speaking to the trend towards more personalized education, Classroom now allows teachers to more easily assign individualized work to students and groups. By default, the dropdown when creating an assignment, post, or question selects the entire class. Unselecting it now allows teachers to pick specific students to assign work to.

In addition to existing ones, new notifications for teachers can now specify when late work is submitted and when assignments are re-submitted. Other changes are aimed at providing more data and statistics to school administrators. Specifically, metrics on overall Classroom usage and post creation will be included in the Admin Console Reports.

20 Best Google Classroom Tips From Google Pros. By Learn2Earn Blog Team Google Classroom is almost as common in today’s classroom as a chalkboard—or white board, or smart board. As of its one-year anniversary, May 6, 2015, 70 million assignments have been created and 2.3 million users have downloaded the Chrome extension. If you’re a Google Classroom user, these tips will help you discover more awesome features to use. If you’re not, they’ll give you an idea of how Google Classroom can help you improve collaboration, communicate with students, and engage every learner. 1. “Share with Multiple Classes: If you teach multiple sections of the same course, Google Classroom will create the assignment in each section.”

(Alice Keeler) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. More: 3 Reasons to Bring Digital Note Taking to Your Classroom 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. More: 7 Tools to Improve Reading Comprehension 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 6 Tips for Getting Started with Google Classroom [infographic] | Shake Up Learning. Pinterest Google Classroom is a free application designed by Google to help students and teachers communicate, collaborate, organize and manage assignments, go paperless, and much more! This is the ONLY application that Google has developed specifically for students and teachers, and they want it to be your go-to assignment manager for Google Drive and beyond. Google Classroom is a very clean, easy-to-use application, but there are a lot of best practices you will learn along the way. I’ve put together some of the tips I have learned while using Google Classroom, and tips I’ve learned from other teachers.

Set your classroom up for success and get ready to be amazed at the ease and simplicity Google Classroom brings to your workflow. Want More Google Classroom Tips? The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom is chocked full of step-by-step instructions for using Google Classroom, setting up classes, creating announcements, discussions, assignments, management and tips!

Summary Article Name. Tips for Using Google Classroom - dummies. By James T. Cains Using Google Classroom is fairly straightforward for teachers and students. However, there are some tips and tricks you can use to make your life, and the lives of your students, much easier. Use Google apps to create documents Because Google Classroom is based on Google Drive, all of the Google Drive apps (such as Docs, Sheets, Slides, and so on) are fully integrated into Classroom. Invite students to your class using the class code You can save a lot of time inviting students to your class if you simply give them the class access code and, therefore, the responsibility of inviting themselves. Choose to make a copy of a document for each student Most of the time, when you’re creating a homework assignment, you want to choose Make a Copy for Each Student, which allows each student to work on his or her own copy of the document.

Join other classes as a student Clearly explain change of ownership for assignment documents to your students. 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom | TeachThought. 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom by Terry Heick Google Classroom is quietly becoming the most powerful tool in education technology. It may lack the visual appeal of iPads, or the student credibility of a BYOD program. It may not be as forward-thinking as we’d like here at TeachThought, but Google Classroom excels in providing solutions for a broad swath of teachers who have a variety of expertise and comfort level with education technology.

It also uses Google’s familiar template that many teachers have used for years. So below are (at least) 60 thing you can do with Google Classroom. 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom. Advice and Tips on How To Use Google Classroom. Note from Bri: This is a guest post from Frank DiMaria, a middle school computer teacher in Fort Mill, SC. Frank has written a number of articles about educational technology and tips for other computer teachers.At AES when talking to teachers about digital curriculum and blended learning, we are often asked about other tools and resources middle school teachers use.

In hopes of providing help to these teachers, we asked Frank to share how he uses Google Classroom to save time and make his life easier. Many middle school elective teachers are looking for tools and resources to save time and make their lives easier. Often times a large portion of your class period is taken up by the process of collecting student work and making sure your students are aware of upcoming assignments. As a solution, many teachers have started using Google Classroom to help with classroom management. I started using Google Classroom as a way to collect work and files that students turn in for grading. 10 Projects Every Google Apps Classroom Should Try. It was my first year teaching when a parent asked me what projects the kids would be doing that year.

I was embarrassed because I did not have an answer. Actually, in the back of my mind I was thinking that we don't have time for projects. After teaching for a while, I know that we don't have time to not do projects. Here are some of the ideas that I've been developing over the last few years working with Google Apps. 1. Use Google Docs – or other apps – to make a space that everyone can use to make great learning resources. Tip: It's all about doing something with the notes. As Alan November puts it, "the world has enough PowerPoints. " Sometimes we need to make one that doesn't already exist, of course, but it doesn't have to be completely from scratch.

Alan November suggests having students find PPTs on the Web and piecing together the best slides. Tip: Turn PPTs downloaded from the Web into Google Slides. 3. But learners need to make them from scratch. 4. 5. Make playlists. 6. 7. 8. Resource Guide: 8 Google Tools for the Classroom - Simplek12. Update fixes 'Pokemon Go' Google account permissions issue. By Mike Wuerthele Tuesday, July 12, 2016, 11:22 am PT (02:22 pm ET) An update for the popular iPhone game Pokémon Go was released on Tuesday, restricting Google account permissions to the bare minimum needed for the app to function. The Pokémon Go version 1.0.1 not only resolves the complaints about unrestricted Google account access directed at developer Niantic, but also fixes some other issues with the game.

Changes include the removal of repeated user and password credentials after a force logout, stability to the Pokémon Trainer Club account login process, and fixes for unspecified issues causing crashes. Users had been complaining that using a Google account to play the popular game granted full access to linked Google accounts on both Android and iOS, without informing the user. Niantic denied harvesting any information from players, and promised both server-side fixes, as well as a client update to rectify the problem — the latter of which has now arrived. One Googler’s Insider Guide To Using Google Docs At Work. When Google Docs launched back in 2007, it was a scrappy, lightweight document editor.

Today, it’s a full-blown workplace powerhouse, with all the features you need to create, collaborate, and share your ideas quickly. As a product manager at Google, I've not only helped the team build and develop these tools, but I’ve used them every single day, often to write product requirements docs for our next feature. So here’s an insider look at five ways to incorporate Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides into your own work that you might not know about. 1. You probably just use Arial out of habit, but there are actually over 600 fonts available in Google Docs, not to mention lots of professionally designed templates that do much of the work for you. Our goal in adding these features has been to make creating beautiful, polished documents and presentations a breeze. 2.

Sheets is way more than just a way to throw a quick table or list together. 3. 4. 5. 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom. 10 Things Every Teacher Should Be Able to Do on Google Classroom. For the past few years Google has provided educators with a killer blended learning platform that allows them to create, distribute, grade assignments and share feedback all in one place. Essentially, it is a teacher’s mission control! Instant. Paperless. Awesome! If you have not yet experienced this simplistic yet extremely powerful tool known as Google Classroom, you have no idea what you’ve been missing! To help you become a Google Classroom rock star, the folks at Educational Technology & Mobile Learning have generated a checklist of skills all teachers should master in the form of the infographic shown below.

Classroom Connection: Use the tips listed on the infographic to effectively integrate this fantastic blending learning platform in your educational space! Google Classroom in one minute – EDUWELLS. Here’s a one minute post with a one minute tutorial. I’m busy at the moment encouraging colleagues to start using Google Classroom. The reason I’m pushing it is that for the majority of teachers and especially the less technically inclined, it removes so many of the regular problems with choosing and setting up various apps and platforms for communicating and sharing files in a BYOD school. So here’s my summary poster that explains the key elements of each of a classroom page. Make BYOD easy with Google Classroom: A class is up and running in 5 minutes – no technician / admin requiredClassroom automatically organised Drive folders for youNo more emailing requiredStudents can submit any file type for an assignmentMessaging can happen as a class or privately to one studentMultiple teachers can run a classMainly use assignments as they have the most optionsTry to get most student work created from within an assignment Alice Keeler has load more advice on Google Classroom Here’s my poster:

Scratch + Google = Next Generation of Programming Blocks for Kids — MIT MEDIA LAB. Scratch + Google = Next Generation of Programming Blocks for Kids By the MIT Scratch Team On the Scratch Team, we joke about the number of hours that we put into every detail of the design of our programming blocks and interface. We believe that our careful (sometimes obsessive) attention to design is one of the keys to the success of the Scratch community — which now has more than 11 million registered members, with 15,000 new members joining every day, from all around the world.

We work hard to make sure our designs align with the ways kids think and learn, aiming to make Scratch the most intuitive, friendly, and motivating way for kids to learn to code and to express themselves creatively with new technologies. Our broader goal is not just to support Scratch itself, but to spread the Scratch approach to coding and learning. And that’s why we’re announcing today a new collaboration with Google, focused on helping other developers create high-quality coding experiences for kids. 20 Best Google Classroom Tips From Google Pros. A Step by Step Guide on How to Create Interactive Presentations Using The New Google Slides Features. May 6, 2016 After posting about the new Slides’ Q&A feature, we received a couple of questions regarding its usage. So we created this visual guide to walk you through the process of integrating questions in your presentation.

But let us firs start with a refresher about what Slides Q&A is all about.This is a new functionality that allows members of your audience to engage with your presentation by asking realtime questions while you are presenting. They can also vote on the questions they want answered the most. To activate this interactive feature in your presentation you need to generate and share a link with your audience so they can access the page where they can write down their questions. Once a member asks a question, it will show up in the ‘Audience Tools’ section accessible through Presentation view. Clicking on the ‘Present’ button under any question will display the question to the whole audience. Source: Docs Help Center. Free Technology for Teachers: JoeZoo Express Ma... 100 Ways To Use Google Drive In The Classroom |... 6 Simple Ways to Use Google Classroom Questions Feature.

A Very Good Google Calendar Guide for Teachers. Google Apps Tools : Copy Folder. 10 Google Docs Hacks Every Teacher Should Know. 20 Best Google Classroom Tips From Google Pros. Google Apps update alerts: What's New in Google Apps newsletter - December 2015. Primer | Marketing Lessons from Google. FREE Chrome Extensions for Teachers - 16 for 2016 - More Than A Tech. FREE Chrome Extensions for Teachers - 16 for 2016 - More Than A Tech. 3 New Google Classroom Updates Teachers should Know about. 4 Important Google Drive Skills for Teachers. Google Is Making a Porn-Proof Search and Other Kid-Friendly Products. Long Awaited Features Added to Google Forms. 80+ Google Forms for the Classroom. Google Keep - Rid yourself of scrawled notes and reminders! - Everything Google.

Google Docs now lets you type with your voice. Google classroom intro. Google Tips and Tricks - "I didn't know I could do that in Google!". Creating Interactive Math Tasks With Google Sites. Head back to school with new features in Google Classroom. How Has Google Classroom Improved In The Past Year? | Guildway. 14 Essential Google Search Tips for Students.

How To Create A Google Drive Classroom. How To Create A Google Drive Classroom. How To Create A Google Drive Classroom. 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom. 3 Important Google Drive Updates Teachers Should Know About. Creating a Discussion Board. Feedback through Google Forms | Teaching in the Primary Years. Google Classroom Gets a Share Button and More New Features. Two Handy Google Docs Rubrics for Evaluating Educational Apps. Two Handy Google Docs Rubrics for Evaluating Educational Apps. Google Offers A Free Online Computational Thinking Course for Educators. 10 Free Productivity and Organization Tools for Teachers. 10 Things Every Teacher Should be able to do on Google Docs.

5 Google Apps that Help Teachers Differentiate Instruction. 15 Ways to Maximize Google Drive Productivity. Creating Collaboration Groups. Understanding the Classroom Folder. Teacher Zen with Google: 50+ Tips, Tools, & Apps. Using Google Tools in Project-Based Learning Infographic. 10 characteristics of authentic learning. Google Forms: Streamline your Data with FilterRoster Script. 11 Helpful Hints for Combining Google Drive With Symbaloo. Using a Writing Journal. Google Removes Reading Level Filter. 3 New Google Sheets Features You Should Know about. The 7 Popular Google Docs Tools for Teachers. If you can Google it, why teach it? Google Chrome Extensions for School Administrators, Leaders, or Anyone!

4 New Google Classroom Features Teachers Must Know about ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. 20 Google Chrome Apps and Extensions for School Leaders - Shake Up Learning - Blog. 24 Google Docs Templates that Will Make Your Life Easier. 11 Things You Need to Know About the Redesigned Google Drive. 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom. 50 Reasons to Embrace Google Classroom. A Handy Google Drive Tool for Annotating PDFs. Google and the Future of Learning. How to Create, Edit, and Share Notes on Google Keep. Google founder Larry Page: 'We should be optimists' Google and the amazing touch-sensitive dreampants. The Best Ways to Use Google In the Classroom. Google Inc Brings Unified Look To Gmail, Calendar, And Google Drive. 3 Handy Google Drive Tools for Math Teachers. Getting started with Google Photos - CNET.

17 Things You Didn't Know Google Chrome Could Do. 5 Useful Gmail Tips for Teachers. A Comprehensive Guide of Everything Teachers Need to Know about Google Classroom. You're Doing it Wrong! Managing/Toggling Between Multiple Google Accounts. Teachers' Guide to The Use of Google Voice in Education. 30 Google Drive Tips You Can't Afford to Miss. Chromebook Inventory Tool - must have for GAFE Admins. Do Not Go Digital. A Good Google Drive App for Creating Photo Collages. Five Great Google Education Tools. 20 Google tools teachers should try (and how to use them in classrooms) Posting a Daily Warm-Up. 50 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom. This is How to Use Google Drive App for Android to Scan Docs into Searchable PDFs.