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I fanie goes to canada. Every Country in the World (Part 1) Friendships Don't Just Happen!: The Guide to Creating a Meaningful Circle of GirlFriends: Shasta Nelson: 9781618580146: Books. Fabulous Friendship Festival: Loving Wildly, Learning Deeply, Living Fully with Our Friends Paperback. What is Scripture Engagement? 22 writing prompts that jog childhood memories - WriteShop. My childhood memories are rich and varied.

22 writing prompts that jog childhood memories - WriteShop

I loved visiting my grandma’s apartment, with its fringed window shades and faint smell of eucalyptus. Her desk drawers, lined in green felt, spilled over with card decks, cocktail napkins, and golf tees. Every door in the house was fitted with wobbly crystal doorknobs. The bathroom smelled of Listerine. My brother and I would sleep in the small bedroom off the kitchen—the very room our mom shared with her own brother growing up in the north side of Chicago. I can picture myself reaching way down into Grandma’s frost-filled chest freezer for the ever-present box of Eskimo Pies. This was the 1960s, long before big-box stores came on the scene.

Those childhood memories of my grandma are largely synonymous with food. 115 prompts to get you writing your life story: What To Do When You Don’t Know What to Do. “He who deliberates fully before taking a step will spend his entire life on one leg.”

What To Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

~Chinese Proverb Here’s the thing: I don’t know what to do. About this thing, about that thing. About big things and small things. About anything. Actually, to be honest, even the smallest thing seems big when I don’t know what to do about it. Ways Writers Can Collaborate - and Kick-Start the Creative Process! - Cheryl Reif Writes. Earlier this week, I shared some of the joys of collaborating with other creative types…but I think I missed something.

Ways Writers Can Collaborate - and Kick-Start the Creative Process! - Cheryl Reif Writes

It’s all well and good to talk about why collaboration is great for the creative process, but if you’re a writer–probably working solo from your home office–what does collaboration actually look like? Hans Splinter, Flickr The Many Faces of Collaboration I’m not expert on the collaboration front. I haven’t co-authored a book with anyone, for instance–the stereotypical form of writerly collaboration. 10 Life Lessons to Excel In Your 30s. A couple weeks ago I turned 30. Leading up to my birthday I wrote a post on what I learned in my 20s. But I did something else. I sent an email out to my subscribers (subscribe here) and asked readers age 37 and older what advice they would give their 30-year-old selves.

The idea was that I would crowdsource the life experience from my older readership and create another article based on their collective wisdom. The result was spectacular. Maybe You Don't Know What Love Is. The Vulnerability Primer. I’ve talked a lot about the benefits of vulnerability and how we can implement it in our lives to make deeper connections and ultimately have more satisfying relationships.

The Vulnerability Primer

Interestingly, I get a lot of questions surrounding the same issues about vulnerability, so I figured I’d try to clarify myself here, once and for all. As a quick refresher, vulnerability is consciously choosing to NOT hide your emotions or desires from others. This can be as simple as complimenting someone on how good they look, approaching an attractive stranger you don’t know, establishing clear and strong boundaries, or expressing your undying love to someone. Vulnerability is the cornerstone concept of my book Models: Attract Women Through Honesty. The benefits to vulnerability are massive, although not always pleasantly achieved. And no, you don’t have to be unbelievably good-looking, or rich, or whatever. People don’t realize this, but honesty is sexy. The logic is simple: The Theory of Meta-Awesomeness. Meta-awesomeness is a term I invented for when someone recognizes that something about themselves is uncool, which then ironically makes them cool.

The Theory of Meta-Awesomeness

For example, the guy who can be a condescending prick who also makes fun of himself for being a condescending prick. Or the boyfriend who knows he can be insensitive at times and asks his girlfriend to help him be better about it. Or the girl who genuinely apologizes for being late and admits she’s a forgetful person and needs reminders. Or the football player who embarrassingly admits he enjoys ballet. Why Some Dreams Should Not Be Pursued. Shut Up and Be Patient. Managing wounds doc. Healing Your Mother (or Father) Wound. If you choose to follow the path of meditation, you are likely to encounter what are sometimes referred to as your "karmic knots"-those physical and emotional traumas you have accumulated throughout your lifetime.

Healing Your Mother (or Father) Wound

For instance, when you sit in meditation for a lengthy period, physical tensions in your body caused by stress or old injuries may manifest as a stabbing pain between the shoulder blades, an aching neck, or throbbing legs. Similarly, all your unfinished psychological issues will appear either as physical pain or other body sensations, intense emotions, voices, or as disturbing images that arise seemingly from nowhere. There is no way to avoid these experiences, nor should you. By allowing these sensations and emotions full expression while mindfully paying attention to them, you become free of them. The release of these knots can be described as an unwinding that allows the difficult experience to complete itself. Yoga of the Mother Wound The Four Functions of Mothering. Acknowledging & Healing Our Generational Pain with Self Love. 10 Feb The MOTHER/PARENTAL Wound :: Acknowledging & Healing Our Generational Pain with Self Love “During the creation process we borrow tissue from our mothers body.

Acknowledging & Healing Our Generational Pain with Self Love

That means that your matter or material is all maternal. This is why in Latin mother means “mater” and father means “pater”, he sparked the pattern.